Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 255 - Mon 24th Sep - Can i be a writer?

Three things amused me today;

1 - Heard a 40 year old man say that he went to his sisters place to babysit his nephews. They challenged him to a game of Fifa soccer on Ps3. He lost. So, instead of graciously taking it like a man. He went home, bought a PS3, practiced Fifa soccer so the next time he went round, he beat his nephews. They are 8 and 9 years old. Genius

2 - Heard another man say he doesnt give advice anymore, as back in the 70's he told his pal he shouldn't manage this band they went to see and had the opportunity to manage. 'They won't  amount to anything', he said. That band? Dire Straits. He retired from giving advice soon after.

3 - I heard a guy state that he was resentful of his partner on his 40th birthday. why? Becuase he had to do what his partner wanted to do all day. God i so identify with that chronic selfishness.

Day for me was spent doing a brutal outdoor workout in the park. 30 minute cross train in the rain. Harsh. Driving rain and gloomy on a Monday morning. Good job i'm not suicidal. Winter is here.

Buggered around doing stuff for my Comedy Club. I'm feeling the love for it but am a little daunted by how much needs to be done to make it a success. I want to make a go of it so lets see how it goes.

Wrote a report for my new company. Yes!!! Only took me 3 hours. Concentration is not my strong point, Procrastination is.

Then in the evening i went to my meeting in Trinity Road, which i dearly love. It's like my medicine. I'm a Lucky boy.

I had some news about my debut article for a friends new helth and happiness website. Apparently it's been read by 300 people and earnt me a few quid. He is possibly going to link it to the Huffington Post. Can i really make money from writing? Could i really be a writer? Only if i get a decent spell check.

Lots of people say 'have confidence in yourself', trust your instincts, your writing is good. I don't see it myself, that lack of self belief and inner steel has always been somewhat elusive to me. But why not go for it?

To get paid it has to be read by lots of people, hence why i am forwarding it to everyone saying 'Read It. Please!!!'. That caused me to be a little down on myself over the weekend, thinking it's too loud, desperate and uncool or humble, but you have to start somewhere. My dream would be to have a regular article that people are actually interested in, entertained by, identify with and in some cases help.

My strength as a writer is in accesability. Identification. I'm not clever enough for long quotes, long construction of sentences, stories and narrative. My strength i guess is that when i write it's as if i'm speaking to you. Why? becuase thats what i think about when writing. It's self expression with a twist of humour and if i'm honest i've read many aritcles, pieces and my wiritng has it's own style and is pretty cool stacked up next to those. I'm not trying to be something i'm not. I'm me in my writing. There are tons of proper clever, talented writers out there, and i wouldn't want to compete. So why not hey?

I'd love a regular article for a health magazine or something similar. I feel i have a book or two in me, but writing is like anything else, dedication, discipline, hard work. It's not that easy to write books. It's editing. it's hard. it's tough and thats before you even begin to try to get it published. So i'm not fooling myself, but who knows i may give it a crack.

It gave me a spring in my step. Made me think i could earn a bit on the side from my main job (when i get one) and at least write. It's not for the money. I enjoy it and of course the ego is fed a little when people read my pieces. But it's not even for that though really. I always have alot going on in my head and it's great to actually have an outlet to voice my voices! It's a release and when you write a great line, or a decent gag or even a whole piece you like, you get the buzz and adrenaline and you feel chuffed inside. I like that feeling.

It may come to nothing but sod it, why not keep a little hope in your heart to make the day a little lighter?

So my lovely readers, if you havent read it so far - here's the link. I know it's shameless promotion. i know it smacks of desperation. I know it's deeply uncool. But have a read, leave a comment, see what you think. It's not going to change the world, but it makes me feel good. I hope you do too.

Off to Wales tomorrow to help clear out my Nan's house. God bless her. It's going to be weird going back to Brymoor Road without her there. I miss her. But it will be a chance for me and my Mum to have some quality time together, though i'm dreading sharing a room with her in a local B&B and i'm wondering how many times she's going to tell me to stop smoking and 'settle down'.

5-1 it's at least 8 times in 2 days but we shall see. I may put a fiver on at Ladbrokes.

I love my family. I love Wales. I love Rissoles, so i'm heading to the right place. I may even try to pick up a second hand mobility scooter. As readers of this blog will know Llanelli is the home of them. I can't wait. Report to follow over next 2 days


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