Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 243 - Weds 12th September - Clare Balding Rules

Sugar hangover

Woke up with that feeling that you can't wait to go to bed. Even though you are actually in bed. It's Not a great start to the day. Why? It's that bastard sugar binge last night. 1st since pre holiday and guaranteed to make me tired, lethargic and yuky today. Bugger it. I was feeling so good aswell. it's like I'm inbuilt to fuck myself up. Will i ever learn? I should have gone for a sugar minge instead. Much more fun.

Me little business

Our little business ( ) is showing signs of potential growth. Hooray. Baby steps but Today was hopefully going to be the day we clinched investment and cracked on. We left empty handed with an instruction to do more planning, but with the door still ajar. There is still hope.

Disappointed, though clearly more work to do. Oh god i just used that dirty horrible word. Work. It appears that success in anything is essentially down to hard work. I've got a long way to go i think. Terrifying to lazy sods like me. i reckon it could be the test for new beginnings and attitudes ion my 40's. Apparently nothing just comes to you, you have to go out, work hard and get it.

Interval Training

Short for time? Slap in a quick 25 min interval session in the park. Alternate strength exercises with sprints. It's a Killer and brutal but i did a good one today before wanting to sleep on the park bench. Only in the old days Evans, move on. Watch out for the dog shit though, i nearly had a nasty experience during a burpee.

Clare Balding Rocks

I love her. It's Official. I declare it to the world. The Balding just rules. Went to a book reading in Shoreditch House (top venue) with a lovely friend. On the bill was Shirley Conran, an author who wrote bestsellers like 'Lace' and other books in the 70's and 80's. The original sexual literary. She read an extract which started with 'Griffin shoved his hard cock in her mouth..." Not bad from an 80 year old. She read an S&M scene from her book and the 300 strong audience were transfixed and laughing. it was brilliant. She destroyed 50 Shades of Grey, describing it as a book written by a woman who wanted it not experienced it. She decried it as dull, non interesting bland sexual writing. I agree. I much prefer the Shirley. What an old bird. I hadn't anticipated getting a hard on from an 80 year old reading an S&M scene. That goes down in surprising hard on categories.

Then next up was the Balding, reading an extract from her new autobiography. What a hoot. A real scream. A totally delightful human being who was real, great fun, humble, non egotistical and genuinely warm and funny. I was a fan before. Predominately because of her hair and manner on TV. It has grown on me throughout the summer, but she entered a different league tonight.

She read an extract about when she dropped a sausage on the Queen, and then was interviewed about her life. She was hilarious and you genuinely warmed to her. Wanting the best for her. There was no hint of ego, pride, self obsession. She was straight down the line and there is just something about her that appeals. She had the 300+ trendies eating out of her hand. Great stuff.

It was at Shoreditch House which I've never really been too. It is private members place and you have to be 'doing something' to be there. Media types, literary, showbiz, creative. I do not usually go for these places. pretty much through fear and contempt prior to investigation. My domain is usually to feel superior in the Wheatsheaf or similar places. I usually feel uncomfortable and either hostile or less than 'trendies'. thinking either everyone is more successful than me or I'm superior. It is a perfect opportunity to feed my superiority complex with low self esteem.

What i liked about the Balding is that she displayed none of that, she talks alot about 'finding your own voice' in the world. About low self esteem and becoming who you are and being comfortable with it. I should imagine that doesn't include comparing and despairing with others. I reckon that's something to shoot for, as it doesn't matter where you are in the world then, you just be yourself and let the rest take care of itself.

It made me think. It made me think about what i want. It made me think about how i spend too much time, energy and thinking space worrying about nonsense, instead of just getting on with things. I reckon that will be pretty freeing to do. Reckon I'll give it a go readers.

I went up to her at the end, neglected to tell her I've been almost stalking her on Twitter, asked for a photo, said she was great and thanked her for being a good egg and that i enjoyed her hair during the 'lympics, so much so that i actually had it styled like her. That's not weird or creepy is it?

Thank god she bats for the other side, that way it's definately not a weird creepy sexual stalker thing. It's quite simply that i think the Balding rocks. She was of course lovely and said thank you and then tweeted 'thank you it as great to meet you' on Twitter. My life is now complete. A Tweet from the Balding. Does it actually get any better than that?

Get in there!!! Power Couple!

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