Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 87 - Weds 28th March

Mileage 0 - Weekly Mileage 0

Middle of week. Wednesday. Right slap bang in the centre. The blues of Monday have worn off, the weekend still seems to be an age away. It's the cricket equivalent of 25 not out. You've played yourself in and now you are looking to cut loose. Well, at least i would be if i didn't feel so frigging crap.

Foggy, achey, chronic fatigue, headache, bloated and grim. It;s like Man flu without the flu. Stomach bug without the squirts. Hangover without the booze. I hate it.

Managed to drag myself into work and soldiered on like a right little Trojan. Can't say i pulled up any trees in the office. To say i wasn't on form is an understatement. Shuffling around, choosing to wear a bright tie to divert any attention away from my grim looking boat race (rhyming slang for face)

I left a little early, the only thing on my mind was a craving to lay down and sleep. Training and running unfortunately is off limits this evening. My mind is willing my body is not. Instead i had to go and deliver a talk in AA. The last place i wanted to be. Prizing myself off the sofa was like trying to wipe shit off a shoe, or tell Cameron to tell the truth. Almost impossible.

Always strange that the thing that makes me well, my medicine, daily contact with AA, listening and identifying with other alcoholics, creating a sense of perspective i simply lack on my own. All of these things which are so good for me, why then am i so reluctant to go? Why does the call of Junior Masterchef call louder than spiritual and emotional stability? Odd.

Anyway i went, did what i was asked to do and then hot footed it back to the sofa for a night of power kipping and sweating.

The thing that pleased me most today was spotting a girl at Barnes station decked in leopard skin leggings. A large girl, i thought finally Barnes had gone up in my estimations and reminded me of Llanelli. It gets so bland seeing yards of corduroy and chinos. Finally someone with bad which equates to good taste in my mind.

You can take the boy out of LLanelli, but it follows me everywhere. Christ i better get myself down to Greggs for a Corn Beef Pastie. Sadly in Barnes the only thing close to that I'll find is a Spinach and Ricotta slice. Still, as long as i empty a load of Fray Bentos onto it, I'll feel close to home.

Fingers crossed I'm better tomorrow. It's under 3 weeks to go now until the marathon, and the thought of running 26 yards makes me vomit, let alone 26 miles. I need to get better please god, and quick if you don't mind.


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