Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 71 - Buckingham Palace

There are certain days in your life that stand out. Memorable occasions that stay with you forever. For some it's the birth of your child. Or your wedding day (or divorce day - oops) For others it's your football team winning the league or cup. It could even be your first love or the day you popped your cherry.

Whatever the occasion, it means so much more when stored in the memory bank than a digital camera. Those are the best memories. The ones where you can think back, smile to yourself and feel good thoughts.

I had one of those days today. Not so much because of what I did or what I felt, more because what it meant to others. Let me explain why.

As part of the organisation I work for I was invited as part of a group to Buckingham Palace for a private lunch with a member of the Royal Family, Patron for the organisation.

Now I'm going to be careful here because I made the mistake 2 years ago on my blog of discussing work and I don't want to do it this time. Work is work. I'm paid to do a job and I actually like doing it and am glad to do it. But there is no need for me to discuss it or the details. Suffice to say it is a grown up corporate job so I need to be respectful of that. I do hope you understand.

Plus of course it's not cool to talk about The Palace experience or details, so for once I'm going to have to shut it.

The only thing I can really say about is the arrival -  Invites to the Palace were for 12pm sharp with Passports, ID and invitation. When we arrived there was around 5,000 tourists watching the changing of the guard at the gates. It was packed. We squeezed past and walked right in the front gates, with the crowd trying to figure out if we were important or not. (not)

I had 'Beckham' shouted at me a few times.  Pretty standard fayre. I'm not sure the real Beckham would have arrived on foot carrying a laptop bag with 3 packs of gum and 20 silk cut concealed in his pocket. Still, who knows.

We had a private lunch with HRH. it was really rather splendid and one of those occasions when you think, 'is this really happening?' - it was quite surreal.

All I can say is the small amount we saw of the Palace, was both inspiring and like a really posh Nan's house. Except larger. Old fashioned, grand, enormous, formal yet completely relaxed (if that makes any sense)

It was a totally unique day and if I'm honest I did have a touch of, 'I cant believe I'm here', tinged with a smidgen of guilt that I should be a more intellectual social commentator and I'm not sure where I sit on the whole royal debate.

But if I'm honest I work in a corporate environment so I cant have it both ways. Part of me would love to be a Bill Hicks style commentator but in reality I'm not. I'll leave that to the ones who do it properly. I would just be pretending and I'm not in the habit of doing that anymore. I'm really trying not to be a hypocrite any more.

Part of me was trying to be cool, professional and laid back. Which I usually am. People are just people. Houses are just houses. I tend not to go too overboard on these things.

But also there was a part of me that I have learnt from sobriety which is 'sod being cool or behaving as your supposed to. Enjoy the moment and feel your emotion. So part of me thought, 'Holy fuck this is pretty fucking amazing!!!! 6 weeks in the job and I'm having lunch with Royalty at Buckingham Palace!!! FFFUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!"

Unfortunately I couldn't take a selfie in there so I have no pics to share with you. But I do have my memories and it will stay with me forever.

Not because I was so impressed. But because my Nan, who has been gone nearly 2 years and whose birthday would have been next month was a huge royalist. She absolutely loved them. She had the plates, the mugs and the tea towels. My last happy memory was watching the jubilee with her in the hospice before she died. She loved them.,

My Mum is also a big supporter (I never have been), so the special significance of today was for them really. My Mum was very proud. saying I was the first member of the family to meet royalty or be in the Palace (other than on a public tour) My nan would have been absolutely made up and I had a little prayer for her today.

So that's why it's a special day. Not so much for me but for my Mum and memory of my Nan. Sometimes they say parents live their life through their kids. I don't have any so I have no idea if it's true. But I know that parents are so happy and full of love when their kids do something noteworthy.

To me I didn't, I was invited as part of the organisation, not because I did anything special. But that's immaterial, I'm going to give this day to them, which I know sounds a bit wanky but it's true. That's why today was so special really.

I'm just gutted I couldn't get a pic of us for my blog. Now one would have boosted one's readership then wouldn't one.

Just on a final note. Far be it for me to criticise anything about how the Palace run their events. Obviously everything is all top class. All white gloves and solid silver. But I did note my place name was uneven. One would have expected the name to be dead set in the centre. I'm pretty sure the 'table name printer' aide had an off day. I mean don't get me wrong it didn't affect my whole day. It's just that it was 2mm off. All that I can think is that they expected an OBE or MBE or 'Sir' to fill up the space. Good job I scribbled 'The' in - front of Nick Evans. Filled it up nicely then.

Together we are right royally stronger

Nicholas Evans

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