Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 144 - Thursday 24th May - Scorcher

Fuck me what a scorcher! Blue skies and belting sunshine could mean only one thing......a nonce in the park. No, only kidding. Awaited news of the Matriach this morning. I'm on standby to rush down to Wales. However she went into a hospice on the grounds of The Prince Phillip Hospital, Llanelli. Primarily to try and feed her, get fluids in her and help her get a little more strength to come back out for the Jubilee Party. Seems like that would be a happy memory to leave with her.

She didn't want to leave her house. It took great persuasion and coaxing and no little tears from my Mother and brother to 'sell' her the concept that it will mean coming back out for Jubilee. It will give her something to aim for. A goal. Besides she would have died within days with no food or water. Turns out she has been put in the Llanelli suite at the hospice that faces a garden, has its own TV & is peaceful/comfortable. Within seconds she had been offered a nice cup of tea and Loose Women was out on. Classic Llanelli. A home from home.

So an emotional time meant that i wasn't called into Wales action. It was 12pm, too late to go into the City now. So i carved the day up between bouts of work, emails in my kitchen, sitting outside the front in the sun, running, work, tea, sun, work, sun, work, sun, sun, run, sun, work. It was totally scorching. An absolute belter. So not a day for skin tight suit and packed commute.

I celebrated by running an hour in the heat, sweating and then going to my local park for a circuit and 400m sprints. The people sunbathing looked at me like i was insane but i love it. Especially when it;s roasting, just makes me want to ultra hard train and sweat. Weirdo!

After bouts of work i decided to finally do something i had been putting off for ages. I borrowed the neighbours power strimmer to do the overgrown front. The house has looked like a king of ASBO for ages. Overgrown bushes and lawn. Just like porn stars from the 70's.

No-one likes to see overgrown bushes. It was once a fashion but now it's seen as just lazy. Some like really hairy bushes but i think it makes the garden look untidy. It makes it hard to get in and massively hairy bushes seem to attract small insects and end up smelling if not scrupulously cleaned a few times a day. It's still very popular in Eastern Europe. Sometimes they lead all the way up the garden path. But then again they still think 'The Final Countdown' is edgy so what do they know.

Hairy bushes are very unpopular in Asia and south America. But then again it must be the climate. When i was a kid it seemed hairy bushes were all the rage. always poking out, but now i don't think i could enter into a garden unless it was lovingly trimmed. Just a personal preference i suppose.

Anyway, where was i? Oh yes i did some real mans work and strimmed the pikey front back to something resembling a house. it looked like the house where 34 kids should be running outside with several cars half demolished. I'm surprised the neighbours didn't post Sports Direct flyer's through my postbox and leave me Londsdale leisurewear on the doorstep to wear.

Took me fucking ages. Result? Freshly trimmed front and oh so tidy. Beats the shit out of letterheads anyway. I actually worked up a sweat. Mans work sweat.

Again i spotted some more media coverage of the weather. Fuck me are we that dull that the great national obsession turns into a 24 hour rolling news item. MMM/ Oh of course. Yes is the answer. Only another 3 months of it to go.... i hope


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