Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 51 - Tuesday 21st February

Mileage 6; Time - 50 minutes; Conditions - Outside - Yay! ; Weekly Mileage - 6.

Pancake Day, cue lots of Tosser banter. Well a little anyway. When did pancake day lose any excitement? I remember when i was a kid i would literally shit maple syrup in excitement. Couldnt' wait to get some of that batter mix in bowl and flip it in a saucepan. My god it was totally excellent.

I think at around the age of 10 it became somewhat of a bore, but then again i think that's the case with most things after being a kid. Maybe the answer is to try and retain some of that excitement in life. Shame that the only time i tend to get that buzz now is in the prospect of a 3 sum or getting a real bargain from a charity shop. Plenty to work on campers.

After 4 days on the diet coke, caffeine, sugar, ice cream and hot cross buns i was feeling the burn today. The wagon had overturned long ago. My confidence and self belief and desire punctured after Falling flat on my arse on comedy night. In essence i gave up doing what i had been doing. Self doubt, self negativity had taken over. The demons had moved in.

The result? Well basically as i put yesterday. Shit. It's a poor place to be. Sat in your own misery. I may as well have turned Tory. I was so low i couldn't even raise myself to abuse the TV whenever William Hague was interviewed. It;s a sad state of affairs when even that closet annoying knob head doesn't rile me.

Still, felt better as day wore on and wonderfully went for a 6 mile run this evening by the Thames. No reaction to injury, felt strong and comfortable, the night was mild and the new Brooks Bad boys are now worn in and very comfortable. Nice. I like this news very much.

Trainers are so crucial. The fact my old ones were more clapped out than The Greek economy contributed to my injury. I won't be making that mistake again. Trainers really are hugely important to Marathon or indeed any runner. I haven't yet been introduced myself to barefoot running. I think I'll leave that to the summer. But whilst the new ones are a brand about as fashionable as Nick Clegg, they will do the job and keep me supported.

Followed the run with bit of gym, strength, stretch and cycling, so felt much better than at the start of the day. Punishing 5AM  start tomorrow to train someone and it's the start of lent.

Whilst it is a Christian festival and i am not Christened, nor a Christian or indeed a member of nay religious denomination. I certainly believe in a Higher Power, In a god. Just not of the religious variety.

Lent is about letting go of luxuries for 40 days. Of self denial. Discipline as a way of penance. I get that. I don't think it's a bad concept. We do away with things we have been comfortable with. Familiar with to 'level' ourselves. To become more grateful and self aware. i like that.

So, on reflection i am going to engage with lent and observe self restraint and self denial on a number of areas. masturbation, chocolate, sweets, caffeine, diet coke, sweetener, adult related literature, casual relationships, flirting, anger, criticising others, time wasting, dishonesty and avoiding 'life'.

Jesus what a list. On reflection i think if i do all that i'll have to emulate Jesus and nail myself to a cross. It's too much. Mind you it kind of shows what i fill my life up with instead of other 'wholesome' real things. Yes on hindsight i would like a simpler more spiritual life, but I'd like to play it on the X Box please, so i don't have to change. Are Nintendo bring out 'lent' soon?

No, i will go for the sugar, diet coke and caffeine again me thinks. Get some focus back and immerse myself with training and being healthy. I think if i can manage 40 days of that it may well have a good effect on my head.

So lets get stuck in people. Tell me if you're going to do anything for 40 days? I'd like to know.

Thanks for reading and following. Big wet kisses to all of you (well all 4 of you anyway!)

Big Man love

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