Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 8 - Monday 9th Jan - Bonus Feature

In my earlier blog post i forgot to add a couple of things and was less than truthful about my day, so i thought i would set the record straight.

At the very beginning of this process i was advised and asked if the discipline, focus and planning i put into the training would be Incorporated into my work/career. Would it help with goals, achievements, ambitions? Would it 'spill over' into my professional life?

My answer was, 'I don't know, we shall find out during the process'.

Well today i had to write a marketing plan. Something that needs to be done for Weds. In truth i have been putting this off for days. Doing almost anything not to write it. However today was the day i was going to use my new found focus, determination and discipline. You just have to sit down for several hours, concentrate and write the sodding thing.

So did i do it? Well all i can say is it's 11.30pm and i did the following today ;

Emailed people, looked on faceboook, did some PR for marathon, fundraising and my comedy club, ran 7 miles, surfed some specialist sites, watched Homes Under The Hammer and Flog it, went to the gym, went to sainsburys, talked to some friends and Mother on phone, read the paper, wrote this blog, went to a meeting and then watched FA Cup highlights & LIve darts. Not a marketing fucking plan in site!!

The King Of sloth and procrastination ruled. So, the focus and drive clearly doesn't extend so far to marketing plans for financial services companies. Still, at least there is tomorrow I;m in the office tomorrow all day so i will have to do it, besides it doesn't pick up BBC1 in reception where the TV's are, so i can't watch Homes Under The Hammer or indeed Flog it.

Best crack on then i suppose

#The truth
