Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 28 - Sunday 29th January

Long One 0 - 3 Injury

Yep you've guest it troops. I should be out staggering around South West London chalking up the mileage on the 'long one' , instead i have succumbed to the 2 week rest order. I'm Secretly delighted of course, it's like a freedom pass to laziness. But deep down I'd rather be out there pounding the streets. Especially as it is crystal clear sunny today, my favourite time to run.

Never mind, it allowed me to have a pretty chilled and normal day. Started at the Circle Of pain meeting at Flood Street this morning, and try as i might not to, i actually enjoyed it. Then i had great little 3 hours In Starbucks with various people on the kings Road.

I found the secret of eternal happiness in that coffee shop. "What is this?" i hear everyone ask. Please tell me. People have spent and earned millions searching for or extolling this secret. I'll give it you for free.

It's a small dog, a cute little hound. a gay looking mutt. One of the women who came in with her family sat down and handed this little white ball of fluff to me to hold for an hour or so. I was mortified. What about my image? My street cred? This is a gay looking dog. i was embarrassed.

Yet an hour later i was in love. Not only was this a cute looking thing. Most importantly i got 8 looks and 5 'ahhhhhhhhs' and 3 actual girls coming up to me to speak to me about the dog in an hour. Wow that is amazing stats. If i sat in Starbucks for 1 hour with a paper and my best, 'I'm single, I'm available and i fuck like a jackhammer look' you get nothing. Not one look, Not a peep. I could sit their naked with a rolled up £50 note around my chappy and no-one would hardly pass a glance in that snooty place.

But Add a cute little dog in the mix and it's 'hello baby'. A total magnet. I can't believe I've never been down this route before. I mean i dabbled a little when i took my niece out to the park when she was a baby and got the odd admiring glance from a lady. But i was younger then, it was 20 years ago, i was inexperienced. i didn't know what i was doing. I hadn't even got near to my undiscovered addiction to women

However Now that i am a fully formed shallow man, I've struck gold. I immediately negotiated a rental agreement for the dog on a 3 hour basis. I think the best time is Saturday afternoon, 12pm - 3pm,  all the women are out shopping, the men are at football, so not only will they see me with a cute little dog, they will subliminally be saying to themselves, 'he's not into football as it's 3pm on a Saturday, he'll be sensitive, he'll understand me, he'll be unselfish and won't leave the seat up, and hes got a cute dog, aaaahhhhhhhhhh". I will clean up. My god what a break through!

Sorry i totally got off the training plan there. Oh yes, after this Eureka moment,  i went to the gym, smashed a load of weights up, massaged my ass with 'the grid' and did some Bikram yoga.

I Wrote 1 good joke and 6 crap ones, read the paper, wrote this blog. Simples

Today has been relaxed and it's important to do that in any training plan to take your mind and body away from what you are focusing on. If you keep up the focus all the time i think you become too serious. It's good to relax. I struggle but today i think i managed to do that. It helps to have good company and a bit of 'me' time too.

So That's week 4 done with. The end of the 4th weekend. It's still January as it's the longest month ever with 5 Monday's. Five of them! i feel great I've kept the blog up and it's definately helping me, in terms of discipline and self esteem. So thanks for following and although there will be no running this week I'm definately after a 6 pack in the gym and to stretch those muscles to prepare me for my return of the runs.

Have a great week you lovely thing you


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