Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 5 - Friday 6th Jnauary 2012

Miles 0. Snickers  4.

A surprising away win for Snickers bars today in South West London. The home form of miles was formidable going into day 5, with 31 already clocked up this week, however a combination of extreme diseased Candida, low energy, high winds (from me not the weather) and a long day at work contributed to an Olympic Binge of Snickers in the evening, instead of the planned 7 mile trot.

The only positive coming out of the day, was the close proximity Snicker Bars enjoys to the Marathon on the account of it being their former name.

After an early rise of 6am, i felt truly diseased with this Candida, robbing me of any spark, energy or motivation. I decided to go straight to work and leave earlish and do the run later in the day. However as the day progressed i got progressively worse, and felt genuinely crap from 4pm onwards. with a huge bloated gut, dog tired like the worst hangover in the world and a raging thirst.

On arriving home, i dropped and flopped, watched The Sweeney on ITV 4 and gave myself an hour to see if i felt any better. 1 hour, 4 snickers bars, 1 pot of Dulce Hagen Dazs and 3 silk cuts later i was 100% committed to not moving. The run was cancelled. Oh shit, "Shall i Just Stop and eat Hagen Dazs" had won the battle today.

Bit of a shame as my plan for this week and next, was not so much marathon training more of an internal experiment to run every day and clock up 49 miles a week, just to get the habit and head knocked into shape and see if it helped with my thinking and attitude. Basically copying the author of the book i keep harping on about.

No matter, 1 day off is hopefully not going to be a disaster. I shall get back on the horse tomorrow, the weekend, with a hill and Richmond Park killer session in the morning, followed by a long lazy wank in the afternoon. God I'm so cultured, though i will listen to Vivaldi whilst doing it.

Spoke to a few people today running their 1st marathon. They are so excited, printing out their little training plans and getting into it. Such a joy to see.

I have been asked for advice on the marathon, and i have lots to offer, though today, the only really advice i can pass onto to anyone? Don't laze about eating snickers and ice cream watching Celebrity Big Brother................turn over to The Sweeney instead, it's much better. Oh yes, and of course, Don't stop and Eat Hagen Dazs.

Sorry about being boring today. I promise it will be so funny and enlightening tomorrow


1 comment:

  1. talk here is mute Evans, as by your own words, I shall get back on the horse, you will win the battle, and as for 4 snickers and a pot of hagen dazs, yummy in your tummy. Even when your training you've got to have some reward and all you did was reward yourself.keep on running ;)
