Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 107 - Tuesday 17th April

Mileage 0 - Weekly Mileage 0

Nuts. Awake at 7am and immediately knew this sodding Candida, or whatever it is, was back again. Eyes felt tired, ultra dry mouth, ache, fatigued, zero enthusiasm. Bugger it. After feeling so good yesterday too. Nuts.

I won't moan, other than to say i would rather prefer it if i didn't feel this way at all, especially not in marathon week. As I've stated before feeling this way does make life rather like treacle. You just have to plough through things rather than enjoy and get fired up. Oh well, it could be worse. I could be in charge of stationary at a financial services firm. #Grateful!

Today was better at work, the whole stationary crisis was averted. I had a severe word with both myself and God and asked for a change in attitude. It worked to a point and i found that when my attitude lightens, so does other people's towards me. Strange that isn't it? It's all about solutions really - it just takes me longer than others to find them i guess. No biggy.

Left early for a Osteo treatment with the fabulous Maggie, bit of a massage and some lymphatic drainage. I have no idea what that is but it sounded good for me. Usually things like that make me want to sleep  and heavily shit. Hopefully not in that order. Anything to do with drainage makes me think it can only help get rid of this poison in me, so I'm well up for it.

I had great intentions afterwards to go to the gym, stretch, do some core work and light running. However the only thing core i was up for was hard. It didn't happen.

I was pretty knackered, so i dragged myself to a meeting, which i managed to set the world yawning record in. Felt like i was sitting through a reading of Simon Cowbell's biography. Is it really that interesting he has botox twice a year, wipes his arse with black loo paper and spends 3k a month on flowers. Jesus, he should wear a tight lycra triathlon suit and be done with it. Can the man get any camper?

So, all in all not a bad day i guess. Less than 5 days to go now. I wonder how the other 35,000 other runners are feeling?  No doubt some will be excited, nervous, reticent, apprehensive. How are you feeling?

Weather forecast for the day is not great, showers and rain, which I'm a bit gutted about if I'm honest. Some say those conditions are ideal for runners, but i prefer sunny great weather. For me it's all about the crowd. That's what makes the day special, so how much fun can it be hanging around all day in pissing rain. Good weather equals good atmosphere and huge crowds, and that for me sets the London marathon apart from any other in the world. Where else can be applauded and cheered for 4 hours. It's what i crave every day.

So God, if you're reading this blog, not that you need to read it of course because if you're God, i suppose you just know, but please can you sort the weather out for Sunday? I promise I'll stop pinching chewing gum from Tesco Express, reading mucky books and being rude to taxi drivers. I know I'm not supposed to pray for selfish things. I should be looking to follow your will and way, but if you can do that I'll well love it, oh and whilst you're at it can you land me a top job, a bit of luck and a stunning bird. If that's too much, I'll settle for 2 out 3. Don't want to be greedy.

That's of course if you do exist God, because if you don't I've just wasted 5 minutes not only of my life, but also my readers too. Effectively we will be reading about a slightly camp looking faded 80's pop star chap, asking someone that doesn't exist for something that won't happen. Kind of pointless i guess.

So God, if you do actually exist then please sort it. Unless you're busy of course, Paintballing, Playing 5-a-side or on a Mark Warner Singles break for Omnipetent forces. If you are, i'm sorry to bother you, just leave an 'out of office' sign on your spiritual email/communication system. Either that or tweet everyone you're out of action for a while. I mean @God brings up a number of slightly weird searches. One of which from my old RE teacher. Mr Icke. He claims he is you, but i'm not so sure. I'm pretty open minded but if you do indeed exist and are the one devine higher power who lives everywhere, mostly in people's hearts and heads and soul. I pretty much doubt you would need to wear a turquiose tracksuit from Primark. I mean If God wore a tracksuit it would be old school Adidas with zip at the bottom. Everyone knows God is dope,

Just to let you know God. You get a bad press down here. Lots of people claiming to know you. Some even claiming they are you. Some have found you, some are looking and some reject the notion of you all together. They usually write books on the subject and call themsleves these things called Aethiests. I find that odd, as why do they need to be heard to try and proove something doesnt exist. i mean if they didn''t believe you exist, why would they need to bother trying to argue you don't. They would just leave it. Pointless argument really. Bit like arguing who's drunker?

Anyway, i'll leave you to your windsurfing or Thai massage God. You don't need me bothering you in your leisure time. Just one word of advice, watch out for the Thai Masseurs. Most of them will go straight into 'extras' after the massage. I know you are the holy spirit and everything but don't pay more than a tenner for a hand job. Anything more than that and they are literally 'pulling you off'.


Early to bed for me, 12.30am (is that early?) for a good long kip and hoping the vim and vigour will be returned tomorrow. I'll need it, I've got letterheads to do tomorrow.

Nicholas Edward Evans


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