Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 123 - Spiritual Healing Round 2 - Head to the Heart

Today I had my 2nd spiritual healing session. My first was a month ago.

Some who read this may be doubters or not believe in 'all that mumbo jumbo'. That's cool. I'm not here to try and convert anyone. We all have our own beliefs. Whatever gets you by. I'm only sharing my experience.

However it makes me think of one of my favourite quotes that always blows a hole in my scepticism;

"There is one thing that will keep man in ever lasting ignorance and that is contempt prior to investigation."

Herbert Spencer

Or to put it in more modern terms. 'Don't knock it until you really try it'.

I've heard so many people over the years say "AA doesn't work", "Religion is dangerous" "There is no God." "Spiritual healing is all bollocks" ad infinitum.

It probably says more about them than the process they're criticising. It's usually fear based. Why else would people attack things they don't know about? I've done it plenty and still do on bad days.

Today I heard about someone who's as sick as you can get, read my blog on the day I lost it and stormed out of a meeting (falling over in the process - not humiliating at all was it) and comment that 'I had issues'. No shit Sherlock. We've all got issues. I find it a beautiful irony that the very person not addressing his issues and denying them whilst causing all kinds of misery and chaos on other people, chooses to comment on 'my issues'.

I'm pretty sure they miss the whole nature of an open sharing platform in a blog, holding up the mirror to ones own issues as a means of trying to work through them. Instead of bulldozing through life acting 'in the issues', whilst denying they 'have any issues' and pointing out 'other people's issues'. A case of reflection projection perhaps.

See it's a cluster fuck of insanity isn't it? Complex web this ignorant judgment thing isn't it?

Anyway, today I had my 2nd healing session to help with said 'issues' and I have to say it was rather good. In fact it was fucking amazing.

I wont go into it too much, however it's safe to say in the past I have taken pretty much every drug there is to take and they never came close to the feelings I experienced whilst laying down with my eyes closed allowing spiritual healing to take place today.

I counted 24 energy rushes cascading through my body until I wanted to shout. It was a bit like coming up on a really strong E, having an orgasm, getting into a nirvana meditation, getting the shivers and goosebumps all rolled into one. Incredible.

The Healer allowed my spirit guides to work through him to detoxify my body and all the negative energy accumulated. The rushes were pure tingly energy, it makes me shiver just thinking about it.

He said he felt almost like black tar having to be removed from my forehead and a struggle to get all the badness out.

In essence the healer believes we are just human bodies living through a spiritual experience. He said that when I live in my head (ego) that is where all the pain, energy and chaos builds. When I am living in my heart (in a higher being) that is where the healing and positive energy can form and life becomes lighter, richer and better.

Makes sense to me on many levels. His healing was to try and clear the channels. My role is to try and take that on and reach those higher levels. Those places of Grace through other means. It's the journey from the head to the heart. Something I have always struggled with if I'm honest. It is the journey of 'The Inside Job'.

I can read spiritual writing, pray, meditate and still be in my head. It even happened during the healing. I was experiencing several strong rushes and my head was saying, "that was a strong rush, will you smoke after?"

I'm good at thinking, it's just the feeling part I struggle with. I will now try and nurture it.

After all, I really like feeling good. I love feeling lighter. I really love feeling OK about myself. It's a unique experience and I want more of it. I'm better. The world is better and nobody has to put up with me storming out of a meeting and tripping up as I leave. It's all together less embarrassing and far funnier not to be in my head. (ego)

I knew this blog was going somewhere. See why I chose to write about the difficulty of breaking down the ego? I'm sure some of you will identify.

And for the record. I waited 15 minutes after the healing until I smoked. See, I am improving. It was 2 last time.

Oh PS - to the bloke who said I had issues. I've heard Ikea have got 20% off large mirrors at the moment. It may be wise purchase to get one.

Together We Are Stronger

Nicholas E Evans

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