Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 211 - Tuesday 31st July - Day 4 Olympic Diary

The fourth day and the country are starting to get twitchy. Already people are grumbling about lack of gold medals and a poor return on the all round medal situation. So far GB, sorry Team GB (sounds so contrived don't you think or is that just cynical old me?) has got the following;

1 silver - Lizzie Armistead - Heroic

1 silver - Team Eventing - Team horsey stuff

1 bronze - Men's Team Gymnastics - 1st medal in 100 years - i have incredible respect for their strength and fitness but lets face it Gymnastics is the sort of thing you do along with Woodwork at school as two least favourite things. Pants and vest Evans. Pants and Vest - i can hear my old PE teacher's voice ringing out in my ears. Cringe.

1 bronze - Rebecca Addlington - swimming

Poor return? Suddenly the media, the phone ins (if you want to feel depressed at human nature listen to one of those for 2 hours) are starting to lose their optimism and criticise the Athletes. 'All that funding to come in 5th' etc etc. Suddenly the public are turning into experts on 10 metre synchronised diving, handball, water polo, archery and any other sport for that matter.

Don't get me wrong, i love a medal. I get a buzz from most of the dramatic sports that deliver those moments in time, that victory, that medal, particularly gold and especially in the humble sports. The stats say there is usually a 15-20% upturn in performance because of home support. Other Olympics have showed that, but not so far in London.

Why? Is it the funding? The psyche of the Athletes? The system? The structure?

I think i know why. It's because of pasties.

Performing in front of a fervent home crowd must be such a buzz a huge adrenaline rush. But that only lasts so long. I mean, if after 50 metres you're initial surge has petered out, what are you left with then? It then becomes the job of the home crowd to keep up that support and drag the athlete home to some kind of victory. This hasn't been happening so far and i blame the crowd.

Every time i switch on the swimming the TV cuts to the crowd (don't get me started on the empty seats debacle) and all i notice is a sea of people in Team GB replica shirts who are vastly overweight. Now I'm not going to start on my fattest rant again, as people who read this blog are convinced I'm unfair on overweight people. I'm not, obesity is now the worlds biggest danger to health. The biggest killer and biggest drain on resources. It's a fact.

The Olympics is The bastion of sporting greatness and participation. Designed to inspire people to play sport to become the best they can. Yet this Olympic ideal is sponsored by McDonalds, a fast food giant who have little interest in health, just profit  It fucking smacks of hypocrisy and chip fat. What chance do we have? I don't blame the overweight people i blame the massive pressure, convenience and deviousness of the fast food companies and food providers. They are like dealers, spiking food with sugar and preservatives to make you hooked and come back for more and more.

So why is it the crowds fault GB  are doing shit so far? Well they are lardy in London. No getting away from it, so it's no surprise they run out of puff at 50 metres in support of GB athletes. They're knackered. It's hard to shout support when you're munching on a Ginsters pastie. If you look close enough at the crowd, that's not dandruff on their official Team GB replica shirts, it's pastie crumbs. It;s not the Athletes that are running out of steam it's the crowd. Shame the Olympics aren't sponsored by Red Bull, that would keep them going.

Big news of the day, GB win silver in the Team Eventing. I'm not sure how i feel about that. I mean I'm, pleased they won a medal but i have about as much interest in that sport as i do about dusting. Just can't get Poz about it.

The other news, London is deserted. Looks like all the fear based warnings of carnage in town has resulted in everyone living here buggering off for 2 weeks, consequently it;s dead and business is going to suffer. Tough times. But really great for me though. Can we have the Olympics every year. Its how i imagine London to be in the 70's before we became over populated, just with less beige and sideburns, though Bradley Wiggins will make up for that when he cycles the Time Trial tomorrow.

Thank god for twitter. People posting pictures of empty trains at rush hour. We definately win the Dull Olympics. It will be the return of the bad weather next.

You get the feeling the Games needs a gold medal for everyone to get behind. To lift everything. Preferably in a random sport that usually wouldn't get any coverage, before the big boys of cycling, rowing and track start off.

Then i will hear my mother talking about it excitedly as that is my barometer if the Games will have become a success, as she as very little interest in sport, yet when there is something happening that's big she's all over it and i would consider her to be a great barometer for rest of nation. I'm a sports nut. I love it. I was obsessed as a kid, I'm obsessed now, i play it, do it and watch it, so for me it's natural - bit for rest of nation. Well they just need that moment, that Gold, that performance that will be played over and over again and really lift the Games off to another level.

Will that be Bradley Wiggins tomorrow? The rowers?

Who knows people but it will be fun finding out. I'm not working and I'm meeting my Mate Peach from Rio, where will be going to Hampton Court to watch the Road time trial. Olympic event on my doorstep. Don't mind if i do

I can't help but feel though as he's from Rio we really should be going to Beach volleyball, never mind. Anyway, i must dash need to pack the pasties for tomorrow. And if it all goes badly at least i can take him to 'Rio's' in Kentish Town. London's leading naturist health sspa. Not quite De Janero or even Ferdinand, and not very healthy. There's certainly not many replica Team GB shirts but certainly a London experience for any London tourist, i mean £30 plus extras where can you go wrong?


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