Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 210 - Mon 30th July - Olympic Diary Day 3 - That diver

Day 3 of the Olympics. I'm not going to lie. It was a slow day. You know it's slow when the country goes mad over a 3rd place in Gymnastics like everyone had won the Euro lottery and got sucked off by a Doberman Pincher. Classic GB. Celebrate partial failure/surprise victory with complete abandon yet treat clinical cold success with deafening ambivalence.

Here's today's line up;

7am - Awake - Not alive

7.30am - Do i have to get up? Tired. Of course not I'm 'working from home today'. After seemingly 7 years of panic scare warnings that central London will be like a war zone with queues stretching back to Glasgow. To avoid everything, i stayed to 'work from home' for the 1st 'working' day of the Olympics. I need to discipline myself, to maintain a routine, a structure, to get on with work without distraction of office or commuting. I can do this. Focus

9.00am - Get up.

Olympic Breakfast. (Cup of tea and power wank - at home, not  local cafe)

9.15am - Equestrian (Greenwich looks awesome if not Zara Phillips)

9.30am - 1 hour run around Richmond Park

11.00am - breakfast - (cup of tea and power wank)

Weightlifting (no more snatch gags)

12.00pm - send email

12.01pm - Rest & watch rowing, handball, tennis, table tennis

14.00pm - lunch (cup of tea and power wank)

14.30pm - rest

14.59pm - Send email number 2

15.00pm - Tom Daley and the other bloke no-one takes notice of come 4th in high diving sparking a mass twitter slating of the 17 year old attention seeker. Not sure if I'm qualified to criticise the divers seeing as everytime I've got on the high board I've looked down, shit myself and jumped into a rather painful bomb or 'splits' rendering my nut sack as sore as Lizzie Armistead's ass.

16,00pm - Leave to train PT client

18.00pm - Home. Rest. Gymnastics

dinner (chicken salad plus cup of tea and power wank)

Repeat x 6 hours

01.00am - Asian Haven 6

02.00am - Bed

Granted it's an unorthodox Monday. But it's my Monday and no-one can take it away from me. I did loads of work depending on your definition of 'loads', and both emails were 2 paragraphs.

It's hard work though watching all the Olympic sports. i think i need a lay down after it, after all it's the team equestrian tomorrow morning and i can hardly wait. I'm literally pissing myself in excitement.


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