Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 197 - Tuesday 17th July - Workaholism - WTF?

My head is out of my arse. I've recommitted to meetings and I'm feeling 'normal'. Well, as normal and functioning as this raving lunatic can be.

I'm writing this at 1.45am. I have to be up at 6am, so yet again I've done myself few favours. I love to make it hard for myself, though those of you familiar with my online viewing will know these things.

I want to introduce you to a new concept in happiness. It's called the Grooveometer and it measures how good you feel throughout the day. It probably looks like a 1970's stereo. It has huge knobs of course and a dial that goes from 1 -10. It is basically made out of corduroy and velor. it is beige of course and measures 'grooviness' of the day.

Today my grooveometer was reading a respectable '6'. It peaked in the middle of the day when i chose the 2013 range of stationary. It was a very exciting moment, new designs on the Letterhead model 0013 XJS Ghia Plus. Historic.

It bottomed out at 3pm when i reached my customary mid afternoon dip, although to be honest this usually starts around 9.30am, when i reach the office and ends at 5pm, when i leave the office.

I'm such a knob that i  genuinely believe i should get a round of applause if i get in on time, or a standing ovation of i do 4 hours work straight. If i do a decent days work i believe i should get 2 days off to recover.

i just don't identify with workaholics. What the hell is that all about? Spending all your time consumed by it, thinking about it, defining your esteem. Talking about it, taking it all really seriously. I mean, yes of course i understand the desire for money, prestige, power, control. i understand people who want to be a success and do their best. I commend it.

But unless you're Richard Branson, or just building up your own little niche, why the fuck would people flog themselves for a company who lets be honest doesn't give two tosses about you? If it the end of 40 years service and the best years of your life, you're given a carriage clock and bottle of Lanson, surely it's time to reevaluate your values.

I just don't get workaholics. Particularly the ones who are basically nomads and have as much chance of adding significantly to the economy as i have of becoming a workaholic. Working for bosses who care little for your welfare, companies that see you as a walking P&L (Profit and loss not ferry)

Father died? Sorry to hear that but you can't have a half day. Terminal Illness? happens to us all in the end - get those figures done yet? They don't care. How many people do i know who have been shafted by their company? Withheld bonus, sacked, let go? Overlooked? Answer? Fucking tons, literally thousands of people who have been anally raped by their company.

It sucks man. and i will refer to my Nan once again, 'It's only a job Nick'. Quite right too. And the trouble is, i get sucked in too, Like it;s big news that Alan from accounts sent me a dodgy email. Who gives a fuck?

Lets be honest, who can honestly say, hand on heart, on their death bed, they would look back on their life and say 'i really wish i would have bound those presentations for the board'. If anyone does they deserve to die.

Off for my long 4 hour sleep, i literally can't wait, the 20013 Ford XRI business card collection are arriving tomorrow. I may come under my desk. sorry


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