Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 232 - Weds 22nd Aug - Rape, Rape light and a little 'Rapey'

I'm still not feeling it bloggers. Life and this blog at the moment is about as popular to me as George Galloway to women's liberation.

What the fuck is George up to? I mean OK fair enough i think it's needed to have a fair and balanced view that Julian Assage may be pursued by Govt because of Wikileaks and to shut him up, but 2 rape allegations in Sweden and Big George is coming out to defend him? Come on George think man,

He even used the term 'insertion' in his Youtube rant. Claiming that Some Rape is not rape and that 'not everybody needs to be asked prior to insertion'. Fuck me George, what are you - creeping up behind people in your Nike Airs and sticking it in without them knowing?

I think there's a difference between knowing you're going to have sex together so you don't really need to ask permission in a way you ask if someone wants anything from the shops. 'I'm just nipping out to Tesco, want anything? Oh and when I'm back is it OK if i insert my penis in your vagina?' - George get real.

Rape is dodgy ground to write about and even do jokes about. Like anything if you are not informed and balanced then it just becomes plain offensive.

That is not to say jokes shouldn't be written about any subject. I personally believe nothing is off limits. It is a joke. It is not real, Jokes are the only real pure artfom. Nothing should be censored.

There are bad jokes that are just offensive and there are good jokes that are offensive but funny. There is a line.

Jimmy Carr's - "What do 9 out of 10 people enjoy? Gang Rape" - is actually a decent gag, unless of course you've been gang raped, then i wouldn't have thought any joke would be funny.

Bad stuff happens in the world. It is a big old horrible place sometimes. There is no sense to it. No order. No justice.

Some people get sick when they shouldn't. Some people die. Some people are bad and do horrible things. Good people get hurt. There is alot of pain and suffering in the world. Should there not be any jokes or fun at anything? What is life without humour? I tell you what it's a fucking nightmare. I should know as I've been about as funny as Ecuador's extradition laws over the past 2 weeks during my illness. Moody.

The cake for total moronic goes to Todd Akin, the Amercian senator, who in his infinite wisdom coined the term 'legitmate rape', rape that happens 'out of wedlock', when interviewed this week. Speaking on an abortion bill that saw women get assistance for abortion if they were subjected to a violent rape, rather than just 'normal rape',

Fucking hell, these people actually exist in our world. So apparently there is Rape. Rape light and a little 'rapey'. Surely rape is rape no matter what. You cannot be a bit pregnant, just like you cannot be a bit raped. These people are just plain fucking idiots.

Yes we can write how up in arms about it we are. I mean lets be honest, the whole PC culture means that we have to be. There is very little you can say now days against a subject that wouldn't upset people. We live in a morally straight jacketed age. You simply cannot question the populists. Rape, War, Murder. How many times does the media run with something and morally bash it to shit until we are burnt out with sympathy? Or how they jump on the back of someone that dares to go the other way,

I have met several women who have rape fantasies. Yes, I've said it. They do. The web is full of couples looking for bull's to fuck their missus in front of them. Women have had fantasies to be used and forcibly made to perform sexual acts for time. But they are generally fantasies and then they are acted out in a controlled environment, so the woman is effectively in control and creating that scenario.

That's a world away from actual legal rape, or as the knob head Amercian senator coined 'legitimate rape'. Balloonhead.

It's clear Galloway is making a political move for the Rapist vote. He was only verbalising what all rapists up and down the country were thinking. It's a strange move he;s made there, but at least he's committed.

I think there really is only one course of action needed for Gorgeous George. He clearly needs to be delivered to several willing guys, like precious meat and then fucked repeatedly, without him asking for 'inserion', tearing him a new arsehole. Lets see what he puts on You Tube then? I suspect his viewpoint may change a little from his current one. Harsh but fair George. He's have to deliver his speech standing up though.

The final thing i have to say on the subject and only thing i can add is on the subject of rape alarms. I used to work with a girl who was awful. Annoying, over interested in anything, clearly socially awkward so made up for it in being ultra loud and interested in your life and had the worst most annoying laugh in the world. A bit like the laugh equivalent of George Galloway. It was grim.

I think if that could be bottled and made into a rape alarm then there would be no more rapes in the world ever. Attackers would run a fucking mile.

Oh and just to minimize rape even more. Young kids have taken to using the word 'rape' to describe something that's bad. In my day things were either 'well skillful (good)' or 'well bad'. Now it seems things are either 'well sick (good)' or 'well rape' (bad)

See nothing is off limits anymore


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