Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 228 - Tues 28th Aug - Day 2 of Hols

Holiday Day 2 – Tuesday 28th Aug


Awake on day 2 at 9am after my longest sleep in years. God I did 9 hours, which for a caffeine/diet coke addict who rarely sleeps more than 5 or 6 hours is remarkable. I clearly need it and if I’m honest another 10 of those should sort me out.


Sleep is so much underrated as a form of healing, certainly by me anyway. It takes me to illness and mental/physical shut down to sleep properly and it looks like this holiday will hopefully provide that.


So lovely to wake up to bright sunshine, tweeting birds (real ones, not birds sending tweets though who knows in the future) and the whole holiday doing bugger all stretched out in front of you. Bliss.


After around 2 hours of waking up properly, it was like trying to stir an 85 year old’s cock from years of slumber. Several cups of tea and stretches to make this aching body work, I attempted my first run in days. I felt some kind of energy returning, so off I went for a 25 min trot, top off, along gorgeous mountainous coastline, turquoise sea below me, along the mountain path. I loved it. The only downside was my chronic aching back (is that diet coke withdrawal, new bed or do I have cancer of the spine?) But I loved it enough to have a good sweat and felt a little better. I am a terrible hyperchondriatic and catastrophiser. The merest hint of something and i'm convinced it's awful. Apologies to anyone who actually has a proper illness i don't mean to cause offence, just my ridiculous inner make up.


Then it was time for an afternoon of professional sunbathing. The 10 year old has found a playmate, so that takes the pressure off. I only had to spend 45 mins in the pool teaching her how to dive & having an Olympic tournament. Only trouble was I went for the European style floral Speedos today and they kept coming off every time I dived, still I got away with it undetected (or so I hope – please god)
I did find the joy in being an adult though, in the sense i could authoratively speak like i actually knew what i was talking about in diving terms. Legs bent, jump high, aim for little splash and legs together, as you can see from the pic i talk an excellent game, but certainly don't play one #manfact1


Then it was time to really get stuck into pro sunbathing for the afternoon. This includes a hat, preferably an oversize baseball cap that makes you look like a sick kid being taken to Disneyland for a last hurrah, suntan cream (factor 30 for start and then bronzing oil for the end – in fact you may as well just spread olive oil on you really), you require a blow up pillow, 2 books (mine are ‘Money’ by Martin Aimless, a cracking novel and a lighter easier read, ‘diary of a marathon addict’ by some bloke who nobody has ever heard of) You also need a bottle of water, cigarettes, gum, mobile phone preferably to take pics of ur legs and kegs on the sun lounger with pool or beach in background so you can post ultra annoying and self obsessed updates on Facebook of you on a sun lounger, (as if anyone really cares)


That’s the bad thing about Facebook, I mean it was so dull in the past when people said ‘oh you must look at my holiday snaps. Yeah, like you were interested unless you were in them. Inside you’re thinking “I’d really rather look at pictures of naked women’ – but Facebook doesn’t give you the choice. There they are. Those annoying c**s taking pictures of themselves on a sun lounger with their feet dangling on the end. So i  took my picture of me on my sun lounger with my feet dangling on the end. Hypocrite? Mois? Absolutely.


Now most people who say when you go away ‘oh you are lucky, wish I was going’, but holidays are anything but stress free. I mean there are so many decisions to make. Beach or pool? Sun lounger on flat or raised – what’s the optimum angle? Trashy novel or weighty book? Run or rest? Shorts or budgie smugglers? I mean the list is endless. I should go to the beach, its holiday after all, but the pool is so close and easy. But that’s not adventurous. What will people think? It’s just so hard being on holiday.


Decided on the pool of course. Which is like a little theatre for free. All the characters are set. We are new additions, so are yet to be recognised in the ‘gang’ and pecking order.


The pool is an odd place, where people form their habits early, Bagging the same spot day in day out, marking their territory. There’s the Lebanese family, the women wrapped up, constantly feeding their chunky children, the sturdy Turkish bloke reading fitness mags and completely ignoring his little boy, the English foursome built as an eight some constantly topping up lagers from the bar, kids of course endlessly playing in the pool, such a treat when you’re young you never get bored of it. The Middle Eastern woman reading 50 shades of grey, Christ knows what’s going through her head, and then yours truly. Striding round the pool like a poor man’s Beckham in Speedos and no shame. I should be ashamed but I’m not. I mean I’m on me holidays.


The afternoon passed off wonderfully. I tanned up nicely, forming a constant sweat all day. Then I managed a late afternoon run around the resort and it is huge and classy and pretty, lots of nooks and crannies and not at all like you would expect of an all exclusive. Mostly populated by Lebanese and Russians. It is not a place to rock the boat.


I did some sprints in the basketball court, hit the gym for a mini session, and then we went to dinner at the Lyki restaurant again. The buffet is truly overwhelming, but I managed to follow my Paleo with loads of fish, meat and the most wonderful salads. That’s what I love about Turkey, the food here is fab.


Then I did what all parents have been used to doing for centuries, but is totaly new to me, I went to the ‘entertainment’ show for an hour, because the children love it, and sat through and hour of what constitutes as a poor man’s Crackerjack, in the amphitheatre. The best thing about it was the MC’s broken English when he said phrases like ‘and now for the children’s’ and ‘those Childs are very sweets’. It’s extremely endearing when English is spoken ever so slightly wrong. Still his English is far better than my Turkish, Russian, Palestinian and Lebanese, so I shouldn’t criticise.


Was in bed by midnight and soon in the land of the nod. Lurgy not quite gone and energy still a problem, but definitely getting better and day 2 without diet coke. 1st time on months/years. Strange really as I haven’t had too many withdrawal symptoms, yet. Not even getting arrested by reception for losing my temper. Let’s hope that one doesn’t happen this week. Not a good look or example to a 10 year old that one.



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