Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 224 - Tues 14th August - Back to Work and Man Illness

It's back to work today and back to reality. I don't like it

The final Olympics review was on last night filling the Gabby shaped hole (that sounds just wrong) at 10.40pm.

Today really is bare. Premier League season. Pah. England cricket, mmm mildly interested. England football match v Italia. I'd rather shave my nuts. I'm not feeling it today people.

May have something to do with my illness persisting.

Flu turned to cold, bad stomach turned to something more sinister, though i shall spare you the grisly details.

It's quite an interesting scientific experiment being a man and being ill. Almost like a recipe;

  • 2 pre ill days. Dodgy feeling knowing that something is coming on. Slightly grumpy
  • 2 days of being full on ill - effectively turn into cross between Hitler and the Hulk. Full on horrible bastard
  • 2 days of self imposed quarantined feeling dreadfully sorry for yourself
  • 2 days of being back to normal and carrying on in life whilst secretly resenting no-one is applauding your brave heroics for not complaining and stoically going about your business - is no-one watching
  • 2 days of Post illness gloom and inability to get fired up about anything. The Swedish beach volleyball team could be having a pool party next door and i would steadfastly refuse to budge from my sofa and 'Great British Bake Off'

Yes that's right the good news today is to replace the Olympic void The Great British Bake Off has started. I'm looking forward to seeing a load of chubby frumpy old girls baking superb cakes. I'm gripped.

The only other thing of note to report today is that i rediscovered my joy of Crunchies. It's a chocolate bar that is not very flashy or indeed too interesting, but when you have one you always think 'fuck me they're lovely why don't i eat more of them?'

They are the dogs. Obviously you have to gnaw the top off first, but the rest is just Honeycomb orgasm isn't it?

Fuck, i know I'm struggling for blog material when i write about Crunchie, i need a holiday people. Pronto


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