Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 117 - Outbreak of Peace and This world is going insane

Finally I have peace! After a week of massive impatience, intolerance and simmering pressure an outbreak of peace took place today. I must admit, I'm pretty relieved. As is the rest of the world, at least the ones who work in call centres anyway.

Yesterday I said sorry to Angela, the Call Centre c**t. She's not really that of course. It was all my doing. She was unfortunately on the receiving end of my vitriol. Having said that I'm convinced she's planted by the c**t police to wind people up on purpose. Taking a sick pleasure out of the misery and frustration she causes. It must be a power thing.

There's another one who's on the reception of my GP surgery in Barnes. She is utterly incredible. Mixing downright stupidity with rudeness and arrogance to form a powerful cocktail of misery.

Still, I must clear my side of the street, concentrate on myself and not judge others. I'm in recovery see. That is what we are taught. What I did was wrong, stupid and uncalled for. It's disrespectful to another human being. Angela may have been having a bad day. Her roots may have been showing. Her boyfriend may well have slept with her best friend. She may have overeaten Minstrels at breakfast. Who knows. To shout 'FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING CUNT' down the phone at 9.15 am is no way to talk to anyone. It's intolerant, impatient, selfish, self centred, prideful, arrogant and egoic.

Having said that it's still pretty funny though. And she really was a call centre c**t.

Judging by the reaction to the blog I am not alone. Everyone has their own call centre experience. Some have even banned themselves from using them, such is the danger to their sanity. You require a lot of patience, tolerance and phone credit to use them.

It never used to be this hard. Did it? Why in this technological age, when we are supposedly light years ahead of previous generations, where we can pay a bill by the swipe of our phones. Where we can speak to anyone around the world face to face, when information is instant, is it so friggin hard?

Why does it take so long to report an accident, get a bill queried or make a complaint about poor service?

Corporations are taking the piss. They make it so difficult for us to see if we give up and just accept the butt fucking they are giving us with extra charges, hidden discrepancies, over billing. WE are being systematically pissed on from a great height and it is infuriating.

Endless faceless call centres, some in India, some in this country, all of which are of little or no use. To make a complaint you have to write, or waste hours being transferred from department to department, as they no doubt all shout in their office, "we've got another here guys. Let's fuck him up. Make him wait longer."

It's a big game and it's just getting harder.

Why are some parts of life so complicated? It's so frustrating. I must be getting old. Oh no, have I really turned into one of those old sods I hated in my youth, who said 'it wasn't like this in my day'?

In my day - You had an 'on' and 'off' button with a few others and gadgets were easy to use.

If you had a compliant you saw someone to get it sorted.

If you had an accident you would speak to your broker and they would at least lie to you with a smile and not keep you waiting 5 hours.

We've always been dicked by these companies. Insurance, finance, banks, telecommunications, energy. All they want is our money. At least in old school days they did it more openly with a smile rather than now, where they hide it beneath layers and layers of bureaucracy and then spend millions on advertising saying "we care about you". Sickening.

Anyway, enough of such ranting. That's just the way it is in the UK today. Still, at least the UKIP party isn't on the rise. Jesus, what the fuck is going on the elections. What is happening to this country? It's insane. All of the parties are worthless buffoons. But who in the hell is voting for UKIP? What are we coming to.

I swear to god I look around and wonder about this country, this world. It's genuinely getting more insane. Martial law in Bangkok, mass drive by shootings in California, Far right fascism on the increase in Europe and Kim Kardashian having an £11 million wedding. What the fuck is going on?!!!!

I found out a great stat the other day that pretty much sums it all up for me. Ready for it? I couldn't believe it.

There are now more smart phone handsets in the world than toothbrushes. Take a moment to digest that. More phones than toothbrushes.

I know you can use fingers to clean your teeth and people survived long before the toothbrush was invented. I know that people in parts of the world don't use them but they are pretty much accepted as a good thing and part of on going health to keep our teeth and gums in place. But they have now been outnumbered by smart phones. How weird is that?

Here's another belter.

Smart phones are used in the following order;

1 - Internet
2 - Messaging
3 - Phone calls

The very thing it was designed for is now only 3rd on the list. How the fuck did that happen? Amazing. It's a different landscape now. A totally different world.

According to many it's bigger and better and faster and richer. But is it really better? Is it really richer? Look around you. Are you reading this on a handset on the train? How many are playing on their phones? How many are not communicating? Messaging has now replaced speaking as an order of communication.

It's not our fault. I am addicted to my iPhone. I'm terrible for messaging instead of calling. It's so much easier!!!! Communication for the lazy.

It's so much easier having a conversation with someone when you don't speak to them. You don't have that whole nightmare of the voices in your head wondering if what you said was OK, if they like you, what they just said, what you have to say next. Conversations are such a ball ache sometimes. It's so much easier to send a text or Whats App.

Or better still, just put a Facebook update on your page, so you don't have to speak to anyone then about what you're up to. Mass communication. That's the key. It saves so much time that way. Speaking and meeting people takes up ages.

Just think, all that time you save not speaking or seeing people. And what can we do with that precious time saved? Spend it surfing social media of course. Perfect! The circle is formed. Those technology crack makers have got us just where they want us. It's not our fault we're insane. We're just following the script. They are turning us all into addicts.

Isn't that right Angela? Now finish your minstrels.

Together We Are Stronger

Nicholas E Evans

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