Monday, January 2, 2017

The Nick Evans Motivational Top Ten Tips How to Have an Amazing 2017...

Happy 2017 everyone.

A New Year. A fresh start. A chance to set new goals and plan the next 12 months. Or lay on the sofa and slowly shit yourself  at the thought of the return to normality tomorrow and put shit off for another year.

I'm not a big one for resolutions. It all seems a bit cosmetic. It's easy to write a 'wish list' of things to desire but the crucial bit is DOING it.

Does writing stuff down actually achieve anything? Here's the thing. Even if we sit on our arse for 365 days, stuff will happen because that's what life is. Perpetual movement of time, action and energy. The sun rises even if we sleep. The world will still turn. But how much does our attitude, our belief system and our actions affect our life?

How many people do you know complain about their job or relationship, that they are unlucky or are alone? It's no coincidence that people who complain the most seem to have the most bad luck. Do they have bad luck because they complain or do they complain because they have bad luck?

If I say 'I will NEVER' be able to give up smoking. Do you think I am just perpetuating that belief to keep me smoking even though I know its not serving me? Once I change my belief then the rest will follow.

How many of us today decided we want to join a gym, get fit, run a marathon, eat healthy, lose weight, change jobs, find a soul mate. Do these things happen by chance or does our attitude and life contribute?

January is a classic time to set out your objectives for the year. But Is it just me or does anyone else get a little daunted and overwhelmed? There is SO much information on New Year wish lists, fads, goals, retreats, exercise tips, lifestyle advice, health and wellness, stopping drinking, shaping up, getting the career you want. It's exhausting.

I actually get stressed wondering if my goals are good enough or beating myself up if I'm not really sure what they are specifically. FUCK!!!!! What do I Do?!!!! I even suffer anxiety that maybe I don't need any goals, that I'm Ok as I am. or am I just kidding myself? God it's SO stressful.

But the real question isn't WHAT do I want to do. It's HOW do I do it???!!

How the fuck do I change my life around? How do I lose this spare tyre that has built up from excessive shit eating? How do I get the job of my dreams? How do I get my soul mate? How do I get that life? How do I run a 3 hour marathon? Or, How do I decide what I actually bloody want?

So, to help you out with this Luckily I have Put together Top Ten Tip list to help you have an Amazing 2017. Here it is.

1 - Chill the fuck out. Do not stress yourself if you don't know what you want. You don't have to have a shopping list. Relax and take it easy

2 - Do stuff. The Ying to number 1's yang. Relax by all means and don't stress but you also have to do shit. Sitting on your lazy arse waiting for stuff to come to you is just a whole hunk of lazy arsed badness. I guarantee you'll be complaining in 12 months time if you take this attitude

3 - Be Bold But Realisitic - I'm all for setting incredible goals but make sure you start off with attainable ones. If you want to run a marathon for example, but haven't run since you nearly missed closing time at the offy last July, it's probably best you start with a 5 or 10k before building up. Aim big but keep those Dunlop green flash on the floor.

4 - Baby Steps DO count - Everyone thinks you need to have showy, incredible amazing goals. be a millionaire, launch a business, have an incredible life, run the world!! Lose 6 stone. Fuck that. Glory in the every day. Small victories count more than showy ones. By making tiny changes larger ones are born. Word up.

5 - Compare and Despair at your peril - There's nothing more guaranteed to bring you misery and demotivate you than comparing your goals and achievements with others on social media. Comparing yourself next to the high achieving lunatics on Facebook is guaranteed trouble. Instead go and hang out at the department of work and pensions every month. You'll feel like Donald Fucking Trump. Stick to your guns people. Own your own space. You're fine as you are.

6 - Keep it simple. No more needs to be said. We complicate shit far too much

7 - Laugh at yourself - How many coach's, fitness trainers, motivational speakers, self help gurus take themselves really seriously? Have you ever seen any laugh at themselves and promote having fun along the way. Since when did goal setting become SO serious? Don't forget to laugh at your own ridiculousness and have fun along the way.

8 - Don't beat yourself up - OK, so you may fall by the wayside? You may have bumps along the way. You may not even get what you set out to do. But fuck it. does it REALLY matter? Don't sweat and beat yourself up. It really doesn't matter. In the grand scheme of things its what you learn on the journey than the result anyway

9 - Observe the scenery - Take in the views of the journey. That's where the gold is.

10 - Get Help! Employ The Nick Evans (TNE) as your motivational coach and pay him for his motivational services and insightful genius allowing his personality and deep knowledge of disfunction and sabotaging success to allow you to achieve yours. (or get a good PT, coach, trainer, counsellor, attend 12 step fellowship or whatever you need but get help along the way) Or just read my blogs, buy my book and watch my videos.

YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT (Whatever it is)

Have a good year

Love you all big

Nicholas Edward Evans

My head always follows my feet. I have to put in action then the rest of me follows. In AA there is a wonderful saying. "Have smart feet" - no-one ever thought themselves well and thus it is about having smart feet and letting them take me to my Family's or to a meeting where the head will eventually settle and change. The committee will quieten and I can get on with my life.

Oh PS, don't worry, I'm not a saint by the way. I still managed to be a grumpy bastard, say something to a dear friend that pissed them off, was rude, abrupt and really horrible to someone else and made someone cry. I mean I'm not a spiritual guru or saint here. And that's when I'm trying to be nice. Jesus can you imagine me on a bad day?!! Happy New Year!

I know what I'm up against here. My head. It's like a turning a tanker round at times. From negative to positive. It doesn't come naturally. The mind and head is a powerful tool. Mental health and mood is so closely related to lifestyle yet sometimes I just don't see it. The self sabotage in me is strong. The self will iron like. But today was a simple example of change being a positive action rather than a word or thought. It can start right now. This minute.

Putting the Quality Street down. Picking up the phone to ask how someone is doing. Walking instead of taking a lift. Going to see your Mum instead of lazing on the sofa. Whatever it is/ they make you feel better. Small daily positive steps all add up and I found that out today. Do the opposite of wat my tired bad head says and I'll be alright.

I'm looking forward to 2016. I have aspirations to turn 'The Inside Job' into something, change my life, become a coach/trainer, develop greater learning, do an Ironman in under 13 hours, stop eating buttered meat, get healthier and turn this blog into a great little brand and help others. I want to work with people in recovery. I want to help people lose weight, get healthier, achieve their goals, manage addictions. I'm not sure how or what yet but I'm up for the challenge.

So Who's in for the ride? It maybe bumpy at times but you know what - it will be well worth it I promise you of that.

Have a good year everyone

Nicholas E Evans.

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