Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday's Day In the Life of a Self Sabotaging Unhealthy Addict

Today was 2017 - part two.

Here's a little snapshot into my Monday and head throughout the day. What I battle with on a daily basis. Namely myself. This healthy plan is unconventional. It is based around being marginally less unhealthy than yesterday.

6am - Alarm goes off. Intentions to wake up and go to a 7.30am spin class this morning made an early alarm necessary. Retune for 7am, go back to sleep. Nuts.

7am - Wake up. Out of bed. Stiff body (Insert cheap joke here) Back sore. Cough loads. Man Flu gone. Small victory. Just the rest of unhealthiness now.

Downstairs. Water x2, tea, vitamins. Sit in chair. Read AA literature (after scrolling through Facebook for 20 mins). Put off doing anything.

7.30 - Contemplate 20 Min HIIT home workout. Have another tea and 1 silk cut. Contemplate more. 1 tea, x1 silk cut.

8am - HIIT workout. Heating up. Swimming trunks on. 1 minute into 1st drill. Pull muscle in weak lower back. Swear loads. Inner misery that I'm falling apart. Curse my luck. Carry on. Get a sweat on. Fuck it. Carry on as normal.

8.30am - water, vitamin C, cup of tea (no silk cut)

8.40am - Run to river, up Richmond Hill and back home. 40 mins. Good pace. Enjoy run, head clears. Good intentions. Think to self. "I can give up the DC and smokes and live healthily. I don't need them."

9.30am - Back home. Water, vitamin C, Tea and silk cut. (No diet coke)

Stretch (just a little mind) - 5 mins
Shower - 5 mins
Quiff + Hairdryer + Hairspray - 15 mins

10am - drive to work. 8 mins. Now this is the time when I like to drink DC and smoke. I associate this with driving (and stopping, resting, relaxing) -

10.01am Tell myself. "You don't need it. Drive to work. Easy." -

10.02am - Stop at Garage. 20 silk cut and 2 diet cokes for £2. Fuck.
Smoke 1 and sip drink on way to work.

10.08am - Arrive at work.

10.30am - Hear news. Immediately slip into terrific catastrophisation and end of the world scenario in 25 secs. Go outside to smoke 2 silk cut and panic. Finish 2nd diet coke. Nuts.

11.00am - Catastrophe averted. Carry on as normal

Day passes with x1 more Diet Coke and x4 silk cuts. 1 on way to a meeting and one on the way back. No lunch.

Work completed with a good heart and in humour.

5.30pm - Raining. 5 minute drive to pick up a newcomer. 1 silk cut.

5.40pm - wait for newcomer - 1 silk cut

6.05pm - wait in car for rain to stop with newcomer - we each have a silk cut.

6.11pm -  walk 500 yards to the meeting. I offer him a smoke, "no thinks I can't have 2 in the row." - Part of me thinks. Goodl ad well done, I should take that attitude' and another part of me thinks 'fucking pussy call yourself a smoker' - bad I know.

6.15pm - Meeting of my little fellowship. Hate most of it, spending time with arms folded, judging and having a conversation in my head I was trying to win.

Meeting was good in the end

8pm - drop off newcomer. Smoke 1 silk cut

8.30pm - Asda - buy fruit and processed meat so I don't have to cook. Although another argument in my head to cook and actually eat fresh produce. 1 silk cut to think over.

8.31pm - Buy broccoli, eggs, spinach and fruit. (the healthy cooker head one)

8.32pm - Buy Liver Sausage - fuck you healthy Nick you wanker.

9.32pm - Eat liver sausage. Consider not doing anything else and sitting on sofa on phone, watching Netflix munching on crap.

9.33pm - write blog (1 San Pellegrino)

10.03pm - Spinach omelette and cheese with broccoli

11.03pm - Shaven Asians Series 1-8 -

04.00am - Bed (once you start you can't stop)

(last one was a joke)

All in all not the healthiest days but in the scheme of things certainly better than previous days. My head and habits don't want to change. They want to put shit off, make excuses or place obstacles in the way. When you have an entity trying to sabotage you it becomes a game of chess. I feel today I am winning.

Stats of the Day
Steps - 15,672
Distance - 7miles
Calories Burned - 3,142
Active Minutes - 62
Silk Cut - 15
Diet Coke (550ML) - 3
Water  - 2 Litres
Swear words - 123 - Mostly 'fucks' with one 'cunt'
Packs Gum - 3

We go again tomorrow. 6 hours in the car which will be tough on body and DC/fag/gum trinity. Still - one day at a time right people?

Love you long Time

Nicholas Edward Evans

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