Sunday, March 24, 2013

Is it Really a Year since last year's marathon?

My new website is currently what is technically known as f**ed. Whilst it's being repaired I'm back on my old blog. You know the one from last year. The one where i wrote every day for 2012. The one I started up for last year's London Marathon.

Guess what. The 2013 marathon is 4 weeks today. 4 f***g weeks!! How on earth did that happen? It's nearly a year since the annual orgy of lycra was let loose on the streets of London. I can't believe it. Insane. Time really does go faster as you get older.

I've been injured and in a permanent state of sloth during this never ending winter and I'm weeks behind on training. I'm not going to be able to get into the proper shape to run it in any spectacular time, but I did my 3rd long run today of 17.5 miles and felt pretty good. That is until I melted on 16 miles and ran the final mile and a half at the speed of Customer Service at Argos.

I looked like a man who had shit himself and was walking briskly home to dispose of his heavily shitted underpants. I wasn't at my aesthetic best but after 15 miles you cease caring about anything, how you look, what people think of you. You can have snot running down your nose, congealed gob all over your face, tongue lolling around like your having a stroke and be bent over like you've been f**ed by a 10 inch strap on and you couldn't care less - Your sole purpose in life at that stage is to get home, stop running and get a brew on.

The run was duly completed which I'm pretty chuffed about but i can definately detect signs of turning 40. My body is falling apart. Of course marathon running hurts but since turning 40 my body and mind has gone into some kind of dirty protest over endurance sports and is on strike. "OK Evans you want to run do you well let's show you who's boss. Ping there goes the hamstring. Boom - Pain to the spine and , Kerpow - lungs on fire. Teach you for smoking" - It's really doing a number on me.

Still I'm on two feet and able to do it so I am counting my blessings and things are pretty groovy really.

I will resist the temptation to run over the past year since the last marathon but since I finished writing the blog on 31st December 2012 I effectively retired from any creativity or action. I retreated to a familiar place of sloth, self pity, self hatred and self which is no good to me, you or anyone. I'm just coming out of that place now and look forward to the remainder of 2013. It can only get better can't it? There's plenty to be getting on with.

That is starting from now. I'm going to have a long bath and play with my balls. Then it's a meeting for me tonight and work tomorrow, Yes you heard that right. I'm off to work on a Monday. It's insane. Obviously I'll reward myself with 3 days off afterwards. It's not easy working for yourself is it? I mean Minder is on ITV every morning at 8.30am usually followed by the Professionals and The Sweeney. How on earth is a man supposed to get out the door to work with all that on?

Such a hard life us men have girls. On top of that I've had one of those militant 'Man Colds' for the past couple of weeks. Not once have i complained or moaned...much, but on the same token nobody has applauded me for showing up and getting on with stuff. When men are ill we want constant attention and validation for the most menial task. Such brave little soldiers aren't we?

Have a groovy week people. It's good to be writing again, it helps with the self critical negative head.

Oh and if your feeling generous you can sponsor me for the marathon which I'm doing for my usual Charity I support, Action on Addiction. I would appreciate any donations

Toodle pip

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