Guess what? It's hot. Yes that's right it's sunny. The hottest day of the year, but what does that mean?
It can only mean 1 thing. The media will report it.
I've been disappointed all summer that the newspapers and TV haven't really been able to pull their standard summer cliched story out of the locker.
Front page - IT'S HOT!!!
Followed by a double page spread of stories of various towns around the country where the temperatures are hotter than Malaga or the Equator.
Cut to pictures of traffic jams, a packed beach, people eating ice creams in a deck chair, a bikini beauty in a fountain, some kids making a sandcastle.
They always do an image of a thermometer. A comparison with the Caribbean and Colchester and then a 3 day forecast saying - Heatwave!!!
there will be news reported of BBQ sales going up 20% and a spokesman from Tesco's or some dreadful supermarket saying sales of burgers and cider has hit the roof.
It was last headline news item on the main 10pm news. Just before the end story of a giant panda giving birth to twins.
That's right folks its silly season. Parliament is in recess for the summer, the Olympics is over so basically fuck all is reported other than the weather.
Can't wait until midwinter when headlines will change to - IT'S COLD!!!
My god, does it get more mundane?
An easy day for me today. Ran for an hour in the morning. Beautiful. Top off, listening to music, easy run by the Thames and into Richmond park. I was just thinking how peaceful and good i felt when i realised i lost my keys. Thank god for ramblers i say. I know I've hurled them a bit of abuse in the past, by 3 lovely women ended up finding my keys, so now, in my book, ramblers are fucking ace.
Spent rest of the day lolling around in rather too tight swimmers, sunning myself, making a stab at the world record for the world's sweatiest man. 1 hour run, kettle bell session, 45 minute cycle then lay in sun for 5 hours meant i was sweatier than George Michael at a 'Cottaging' rally.
Football season started today. It was 31 degrees. England were playing a Test Match at Lords, the smells of BBQ's were everywhere, i just wasn't ready for it. Call me old fashioned but i reckon it should start early September.
Having said that i kept an ear on the radio for the scores. The new season is a time for hope, expectation, can they do it? will it be our season? So many hopes, so exciting, will my team have a great season?
They lost 3-0.
Fucking football season, bring back ladies 65KG weightlifting. I'm missing my daily clean and snatch fix
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