Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 225 - Sat 25th August - X Factor, Paralympics and Leather Jackets

Woke feeling slightly chirpy. Checked my bed and Katerine Jenkins was nowhere to be seen. I was alone.

It's quite odd living alone. I like it on the whole, peaceful, but sometimes i admit i do get lonely. Trouble is as a 39 year old man, you get into habits that would drive a partner mad.

Things like staying up late, walking around in baggy pants & bringing transsexual hookers back. You know simple things. (I only do the former BTW)

A few things were on the menu today, but first i ran for 10k. At the moment i am suffering from some kind of chronic fatigue and it was a dragging style run. I was that slow i was overtaken by 3 OAP's, 2 snails and a crisp packet. Dire. The man cold has mutated into pneumonia so i coughed and spluttered my way around Richmond Park.

The run was generally unpleasant, but i bumped into a lovely pal for a good chat, then i was called 'Wolverine' by a small kid. It appears I've gone from Beckham to Wolverine in less than 24 hours. It would be nice to be recognised for being me rather than people saying 'you look like someone who's famous', which to me translates into 'you're a nobody'.

I then hit a painful meeting, helped a friend move house (or at least an unwelcome lodger out) and took her and her 10 year old daughter shopping.

Now there is a point in everyone's life that certain crucial moments are met. Rights of passage. Driving test, losing you're virginity, first girlfriend, things like that.

And today this little 10 year old girl was bought her 1st ever leather jacket. How cool. A groovy little biker jacket from H&M. Bargain and ultra cool. I was wearing mine (All Saints in case you're wondering, with a strange mix of skinny jeans and flip flops)

But we spotted it and had to get it for her, making one little girl very happy and ultra cool. Obviously it's not real leather but as a 'starter' jacket it does the job. Mazing. Everyone remembers their 1st leather jacket. Mine was when i was 13 and bought by my Mum from Turkey. A monstrous 80's brown leather flying jacket type copy which was truly horrific, but i thought was the nuts. Then again everything you wore in the 80's was awful.

The only problem with shopping in H&M at the moment is the huge posters of Beckham in his pants everywhere. No hint of Katherine and i had the 10 year old playing with my quiff saying 'if you do it like that you look just like him'. We left the shop soon after.

The other things that caught my eye today, in no particular order;

1 - Saw the Paralympic advert on C4 for 1st time. My god what a beauty. Superhumans. Proper inspirational. Yes in the past i have been guilty of not giving it any attention, thinking it was more of a PC thing, but having seen how hard they train in Richmond Park in wheelchairs (beats the shit out of me) - it's proper sport. They are every bit as good and as high performance as able bodied Olympians. They are elite sportspeople and even more heroic. Impressed.

2 - X Factor - I'll save the rant for another time but it depresses me. I've got no beef with the performers. Some of them are talented and I'm all for them. Good on them. But it's the whole fucking programme. The packaging, the banality, the mundane, the rampant commercialism. Emotional music to the lead up with the talented ones. Foster care blah blah blah. It makes me sick and depresses me even more it is the most popular programme on TV. Everything is so fucking bland today.

3 - I had an inappropriate hard on in a petrol station in a queue. Not good, especially in skinny jeans. It must have been the heavily tattooed 17 stone cashier. Can't remember her name on her badge but what with the darts shirt and gravel voice, she was well horny.

Anyway I'm off for a lie down. Clearly I'm sick. Not just physically either judging by my BP hard on experience.


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