The City was pretty quiet, clearly most people have sacked off the week (don't blame them) But for conscientious workaholics like me, i was in at 8.30pm and raring to the cafe. 4 cups of tea, 7 silk cuts and a whole pack of chewing gum later and i was prepared......for a break. More tea and silk cuts and Facebook messages and texts and i was bang up for.....lunch. Ad infinitum. I lack focus clearly.
Today it took precisely 90 seconds from meeting my first colleague in the lift to them saying, "at least it's only 3 days until the weekend". I was wondering how long before that cliche came out. 90 seconds. It's like football commentary. Are we that dull and predictable us 'normal' workers? To be fair Tony, the lad's had a great break but he;s clearly struggling now. It maybe time for Fresh legs otherwise he'll be as sick as a parrot." Kill me now.
The rest of the day passed by in what can only be described mild boredom. Nothing much happened that i can report on. Nothing interesting came up and i basically went about my business on auto pilot.
One thing was pointed out to me though. I can basically gauge my life, where I'm at and how i am by my incredible array of look a likes i have been described as. Of course i don't look like them at all, but i am constantly called stuff all the time. I'm not sure if anyone else gets it - sadly i look like like i should be famous even though I'm a nomad.
Here's my list of look a likes in age order. Young John Lukic, Pauline Quirk (Birds of a Feather) - when i was fat, bowl cut, drunk and stoned when 20, Elvis (just before he died) Jack Dee, Paul from the Salon, Dirty Sanchez, Jesus, Paul Weller, Rod Stewart, David Beckham, Bill Night, Vigor Mortenson.
Now clearly i have improved how i look with age. When i was young i was horrid. Moon face, chubby and just wrong. As i got older, stopped drinking, lost weight, died my hair and ponced myself up a bit the graph has definately gone up.
However recently i have had my barnet cut short, blonded up and now that i am reaching 40, smoking lots, drinking diet coke, baking in tanfastic and getting too stressed out i am getting huge fucking lines on my forehead like the San Andreas fault line.
Now anything is better than the fat one from Birds of a feather A la 1993, but the one i was labelled with today is vastly disappointing and makes me think. The image has to be changed. Drastically. See if you can guess the look a like

Gordon f***g Ramsay
it's definately f****g time to f*****g well change my f*****g image if i have ended up f***** looking like that f****** Scottish f***** celebrity f****** chef f****** c**t.
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