The Jubilee weekend officially starts here. The Queen is at the Derby, the country is gearing up and I'm heading down to Llanelli to see the real Queen of Llanelli. My Nan, Mrs Margaret Lillian Probert (Daniels).
After buggering about in the morning (why does it take so long to do stuff?) and fending off tons of updates and invites on Facebook for random Jubilee BBQ's and events, i left to go to Llanelli mid afternoon.
Journey down was OK, though i noticed how i constantly rotate having to chew gum, drink liquid or smoke. I cannot seem to just 'be' for longer than 2 minutes, except when i'm on the phone. This must stop. It's like i constantly need something in my mouth. Maybe i should have taken to prostitution.
I reached the Severn Bridge, where the cost to enter Wales has gone up to £6. Now i don't mind as of course i love it, but i thought it's a bit steep really. I'm i know it's got great countryside, Beaches, a warm friendly nature, bags of character, a great Rugby team, superb ladyboy penis sausages and Tom Jones. But £6. Rates itself or what.
The fiscal blow was cushioned somewhat by what i would deem a typical and quite classic home coming.
1 - It rained
2 - The woman serving me was about 60, heavily tanned, heavily lined, huge smokers lines around the mouth like it was an arsehole, tight grey perm like Velcro, with loads of gold chains, rings on every finger, couple of random tattoos and brown teeth. 'Alright my love' - she growled in a broad welsh accent. It was good to be home.
I went straight to Ty Bryngwyn Hospice, Prince Phillip Hospital, Dafen, Llanelli to go and pay homage to the Queen of Llanelli. My Nan. What a place! She has her own massive room, overlooking a huge beautiful garden. Big floor to celling patio windows. Open. It is beautiful, peaceful place and most importantly she loves it. She just sits and stares at the plants, the birds, listens to the birds sing and is peaceful. She has TV, ensuite bathroom, nurses station next door. It's awesome. I think i may check in for the weekend of R&R. Perfect
She has lost tons of weight and i noticed a big difference. It is hard, she is coughing up bile, is tough to talk and can barely eat. She said she wouldn't wish this on her worst enemy, but that is the extent of her complaining. Her spirit is strong, she refuses to give in, call the nurses. She is wiggling her legs and razor sharp about everything. She truly is remarkable.
Then after a couple of hours (with the Voice in the background) we headed back to Brymoor Road for Roast Chicken and The Voice winners (bored of it weeks ago. Yawn) We passed an unusual contraption which i have written about before.
On a council estate, there is a mobile barbers parked out the front of a house. It is a converted mini bus, that is a mobile barbers. One would have assumed he takes it around Llanelli and the country cutting hair. Perhaps to the people in mobility scooters. But oh no, instead of having the salon in his house, or as a mobile barbers. Apparently it is not mobile. It remains parked and people come to him for a chop. Mental! A mobile barbers that is not mobile. Classic. Only in Llanelli!
Then the evening was spent picking the bones out of the chicken and the voice. Of course being in Wales we were delighted Tom's team won. Therewarthen. There's lovely.
Finally an early night. Strange to be in Brymoor Road without my Nan. Just like the Queen she has been a constant in our lives. Always there. Always about. And now she wasn't tonight and it seemed odd.
Having said that her room with natural light & garden is beautiful and it shows how important surroundings are for people's happiness. She is happy where she is. She even said 'i'll quite happily end my days here',
The awful question is. Does my Mum tell her she's unwell and won't get better, which will hopefully help her prepare herself for death, or just keep up the pretence and not tell her to shied her from worry and panic. It;s a tough decision and one you can't go 50/50 on or phone a friend. I know what i think, but isn't life so easy when other people have to live it?
Therewarthen my lovelies
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