Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 9 - Tuesday 10th January

Distance - 8 miles; Time 1hour 11 Min's; Conditions - Mild; Weekly distance - 15 Miles.

Today i learnt a valuable lesson in running, training, the marathon process and it's impact on mental strength and attitude.

I decided against an early morning run, I'll go tonight, was my thinking.

After a long day in the office, i was quite looking forward to a run. However with every passing minute my motivation got less and less. I grew more tired and lethargic, until finally after a busy commute and no seat on the district line, i arrived home at 7.30pm, hardly bursting with energy and enthusiasm to train.

After pissing about on Facebook & Twitter i stumbled across The Great British Bake Off on BBC2. Pudgy women with painted nails in aprons Kneading Dough and making fancy cakes. It was Baking Porn and i was glued. The idea of an 8 mile run grew as appealing as one of Lloyd Grossman's Pasta Sauces, I was settling in.

I knew i had to go out though, and i put on the kit and headed out. Energy was in short supply, however i trudged around my normal 7 mile route.

Lesson 1 -  If it hadn't have been for the marathon there is not a hope in hell i would have dragged my arse out tonight. No chance. It was the Marathon, the commitment to training and writing that got me out of the door. It made me think that the best way to exercise/lose weight, do anything really is to set a goal and work towards it. Bit of a blow to my entire attitude and way i have lived my life. As i have tried to be totally plan free, spontaneous and off the cuff. However facts is facts and in setting a target to run a marathon quicker than ever before it compelled me to go out and do the opposite to what my head was telling me to do.

Lesson 2 - I could have cut short the route on 5, 6 or 7 miles. I was tired blah blah blah, i was constantly thinking of cutting short but i told myself relax, you're not tired, keep going and guess what i powered over the last 3 miles and smashed out an 8miler. Superb. It really can be done. I was totally fucked when i got home though and didn't even have enough strength to knock one out over the Two Fat Ladies repeats on UK Gold.

Lesson 3 - Get your nutrition right before you run. I  hardly ate anything all day so consequently i felt rough. I made the terrible mistake of eating some dried fruit before i went out, even though I'm generally allergic to this, causing stomach cramps and bloatedness. Therefore at around Mile 5 i had an attack of some deep rooted farts. Now when you run and fart it doesn't come out in a long relaxed tone like when you are at home or in bed. Instead it;s a little like a machine gun or car backfiring repeatedly, Quack, Quack Quack. It is quite common for runners to do a 'Radcliffe' and shit themselves, luckily i exerted enough experience and anal control that i clenched in the nick of time saving myself a very uncomfortable 3 miles. There is no shame in shitting yourself on a long run, the only shame is in the secret disposal of your pants in your neighbours garden afterwards, but i am only going on hearsay as it is something i am lucky enough not to have done. Yet

Today was indeed my best run, not because it was strong, quick or enjoyable but because i did a decent distance when i felt awful and in the least likely mood to embrace it. Here's to the marathon, it's only you that saved me today. I'm truly buggered now so off to kip (before midnight is unheard) i literally can't wait to get up at 5am to train someone at 6am in Hyde Park before work.

Now, where is that positive can do attitude again?...........

Until tomorrow good people

Nicholas Edward Evans

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