Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 10 - Weds 11th - Work Gets in the way

Distance 3 miles; Time 26 minutes; Conditions - late at night; Weekly distance - 18 miles.

Hello Jogger Bloggers (Thanks Jules for that)

Hope you're enjoying the journey so far. I certainly am, though not quite so much today. I'm writing this blog at 12.50am, in my pants (standard issue M&S, yes I've reached that age now where M &S comfort pants are more appealing than the tight trunk or boxer), having had an exceptionally busy day (15 hours) and very little time to run and write.

I woke at 5am to train someone in Hyde Park, saw an amazing sunrise though. Then it was into the city to masquerade as a Marketing Manager all day and finally into the West End in the evening to start a comedy writing course, which i have to say was exceptionally tough. It apparently takes graft and imagination and no little skill to write jokes.

It felt like the longest day. Finally i reached home at 10.30pm, and the last thing i wanted to do was run. I cursed my commitment to run nearly every day, i swore at myself for being stupid, i cussed the marathon, felt sorry for myself and then went out for a short 3 mile trot in 26 minutes.

The early morning and evening bit was fine, it was the 9 hours in between at work that i found unacceptable. I have to be here to get paid? And why after a full days work do i feel like i deserve 2 days off?

It's so unfair. My grandfather was a miner, steeplejack and was in the Army, proper man's work. Physical, hard and brutal in parts. Fair enough, I'm not disputing that it's hard work, but did he ever have to write a marketing plan, or work a budget on an excel spreadsheet? It's brutal down on the front line, yesterday i got a paper cut and the stress of formatting cells and borders is devastating.

Only joking, and just in case my boss reads this, i so love my job and am totally focused on it, i definitely didn't think of writing, running all day at work. Didn't check Facebook, emails and research new running trainers 16 times throughout the day, or take a 90 minute lunch break. I didn't do those things. Scouts honour, not that i was in the scouts though. I worked like a little Trojan all day.

It got me thinking about pre planning training and squeezing in work and life commitments. How can you manage? Job, home, marriage, kids? My hat goes off to them, i can barely manage my underwear let alone a family. Respect family people.

Marathon training is about time management. When to fit in training, rest, nutrition, long runs, preparation, bikram yoga, gym strength training, family, social life, friends, work, hobbies. It's a big ask.

But one thing i know as from today. You have to be prepared to make tough decisions, to make that call. No messing, no emotion, what is best for yourself. So, i have decided to clear the decks and concentrate on training and bikram for the next wee while. But in order to do that i am going to have sacrifice a part of my life and make time - so i have decided as from the near future, i am going to retire.......Yep retire from work. It gets in the way too much. Why wait until 65?

Granted i don't have any money, savings, pension etc but clearly work has to go, how else will i fit in all this running, training, yoga, coffee meetings, gym, writing? Somethings got to give, surely? MMM, maybe i need to think that one through.

Plenty of talk yesterday on FB and the blog about runners shitting themselves. Strange how i have explored topics such as Addiction ,personal development, negative thinking, alcoholism, family bereavement, fitness, weight loss, eating disorders, work to life ratio and other subjects. However mention shitting ones own pants and suddenly people's ears prick up. I've clearly found you're level. Get in!

Off to sleep, please god let me not shit the bed. Plenty of shame in that.


1 comment:

  1. Great determination Nick even if it was 3 miles, don't beat yourself up, you're doing great, am proud and very inspired.
    Yes work does get in the way of our passions, need to dig deep and find the passion in your mundane roles even at work.
    Run Fat Boy Run
