Rest Day - Slightly Injured - Weekly mileage 22 miles
OK today i relented to the slight injuries. The hip, the shin, the Achilles and ground out a day at work (always tough after comedy night) I got about as close to running as my nan, and she's 96 and in a Stanner Stairlift. In fact she would have coasted past me today. I was walking like Louis Spence at a Vaseline party. It was time for a rest and a dose of reality.
I may have to limit my running days. I have been out nearly every day for a month and my body is suffering a little. My head is great, but the legs not so. Lets see what the weekend brings, i will be disappointed if i have to limit the days as I'm so into the every day discipline. I feel it has really helped me focus this year so much better.
My plan this weekend is to run Richmond park and sprint hills on Saturday (7 miles) and do a 16 miler on Sunday. I will then review after that. Lets see how it goes. That would bring me up to 45 miles for the week.
Not allot to add today other than i saw something truly inspirational. Kings Road, Chelsea. 6pm. As i was stuck in traffic visiting a pal in hospital, feeling a little sorry for myself that i couldn't run. A little tired from ultra busy week. i looked up to see a guy bounding down the pavement not just running but powering away. I looked again and he had one good leg and one 'blade style' false leg. He was an amputee and was totally dominating his run.
Suddenly i felt ever so slightly embarrassed and could only marvel at this dude's athleticism and mental resolve. A true inspiration and message of positivity and 'can do' A true hero. Amazing athlete and runner and human being.............................................Mind you, the w****er cut in front of me at the lights causing me to stop quickly. I weighed up in an instant whether i should make allowances due to the fact that he was technically handicapped. However i decided on equality for all, so i flipped him the bird and beeped my horn in a desperately sad and ever so pathetic way. Not a good look being aggressive towards a bloke with one leg. it;s certainly not good karma and an ugly site for an onlooker who didn't see the circumstances leading into it. I really wouldn't stand a chance justifying it.
In my defence there is a hierarchy in this town though. it is expected for drivers to hate cyclists and pedestrains and vice versa. Obviously it ends when you finish driving. And then when you walk you develop a hatred to drivers. So it's a fluid mutual hatred.
However In case you're wondering I didn't run him over, god I'm not that sick in the head....i just gave him a little nudge on the blade. I'm seeking spiritual perfection. I havent found it!
Have a tidy weekend everyone
(PS if anyone thinks i am being cruel or discrimative towards amputees, i have run Ironman for a charity called Limb Power, rasing funds for amputees. Ok they all beat me as i was as slow as a snail on valium, but it is fact!)
Nicholas Evans
Very funny and enjoyable,
ReplyDeletekeep it going don't forget 15min stretches pre adn post runs might help