Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 6 - Saturday 7th January 2012

7 Miles Richmond Park; 5 Hill sprints; 1 hour 10 Min's;
Weekly Miles 38

The run today was one of those occasions when i felt great, when i realised why i ran. When running transcended the mundane and entered into the realms of the spiritual. (bit deep for a Saturday morning but it genuinely felt good on many levels)

I weirdly felt quite chirpy after rising at 5.30am to train a client in Richmond Park for 6.30am. After walking her around the park, hills and the river it really was a beautiful start to the day. So peaceful and calm, plus of course £75 in the back pocket helps.

Then it was time for my run. I have to admit i hung around for 15 minute delaying it, trying to tell myself to look forward to it, to enjoy not endure it etc. After the customary conversation in my head i told my negative head to "Go f*** yourself" and off I trotted.

The Park was beautiful, as the day just started to peak it's head as early morning gloom turned into daylight. The Sun was rising and the colour of the sky was stunning. There was a peace and a quiet in the park, only disturbed by birds and the chatter of fellow runners, dog walkers ( I didn't see Fenton), old women walking and gossiping and the clack clack clack of Cyclist clubs meeting for their weekly cycle.

Richmond Park is a great place for a sense of community, where people meet on Saturday and Sunday mornings to do their various hobbies, exercise, sport, training, or just to meet and walk and catch up.

The entire park is a 7.2mile loop with lots of hills, flats and beautiful scenery and is certainly one of London's hidden treasures. The view from Richmond Hill overlooking the Thames is one of the finest around.

So set against the backdrop of this, i ran steadily, in a rhythm, feeling strong, making myself say good morning to all i passed and thoroughly enjoyed being out. Then after 42 minutes i relaxed, i had a moment where i thought 'you don't need to prove anything Nick, you don't need to say hello to everyone to make it look like you are friendly. You don't need to try to be anything other than you are. relax. Let go. Stop trying so hard. Being worried about what others think of you. What will happen. What will become of me? Blah blah blah.

It was a great moment and made me run really well, in fact i forgot i was running and it was like being in a trance, in a form of mediation. but moving. It felt great.

Unfortunately it only lasted for around 5 minutes but man what a 5 Min's that was.

I completed the loop in 1 hour, of just over 7 miles and then took on the very steep hill in the park, known affectionately as "The bitch", and did 5 sprints on it until i could barely breathe. Finished.

In the car i jumped, went to Bikram yoga for a good stretch (very important people running their 1st marathon) and then had a pretty groovy day. of family, friends and french fries.

God i enjoyed that and it made me realise why i like running and what it can do for me and my head and soul, particularly in such a stunning surrounding. It was a pleasure today and i felt rather grateful.

Planned Long run tomorrow of 12 miles. That's when the real Pain begins! That will hopefully bring me up to the 50 mile mark for the week, which for the 1st week of training is really rather good and the earliest and most prepared i have ever been for an event.

However i shall deal with that in tomorrow's blog-  Why long runs are the whole key to the marathon, the hardest mentally and physically but ultimately the most rewarding part of the journey. it is the thing i least look forward to, hate the most but makes me feel the best. Ring any bells with my psyche Nicholas?

Until tomorrow


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