Mileage 0 - 1 Tendonitis
Today the injury won again, steeling myself for long lay off as it appears to be getting worse. Pain shooting up the shin today and unable to raise my foot. Iced it on and off all day but it doesn't appear to be doing much. Looking forward to physio appointment tomorrow morning. I can anticipate the pain of stripping it down, I'm almost clenching as i write.
Head was pretty gloomy all day. Felt a bit sorry for myself and frustrated. Obviously by the injury as it's worse than i imagined, but also for my possible stupidity of almost bringing it on myself.
Made me think of the Definition of insanity? Doing the same thing and expecting different results. Maybe if i didn't believe in a higher power, this is a sign that it is doing for me what i couldn't do for myself. Make me injured and think about why and put steps in to get better, repair, heal and then do things differently to ensure it doesn't happen again. That will be the test of this marathon Training programme. And pretty much works on the same basis for every other area of my life!
Learn to listen and listen to learn Nicholas.
Decided against a nonspiritual evening of avoidance and tucking into one of my litany of bad habits, and settled instead for a meeting of AA, writing Comedy homework for what makes me happy (My god where do you start? I settled on eating Hagen Dazs whilst smoking silk cut, watching adult movies in the company of some interestingly dressed girlie's counting piles of £50 notes. I like to keep things simple, humble and non self seeking) and then i hit the gym for 1st time in 3 weeks.
I stretched, did loads of pull ups, push ups, leg raises. shoulder, back and core weight exercises in 45 minutes. It felt good and reminded me how much i liked it.
I like being in shape. I like looking good. It makes me feel better about myself and sometimes i forget to apply what i teach and train people on myself. I have changed my body shape totally over the past few years. After spending so long slightly fat and with man tits, it has made me feel good to have biceps, defined body and an occasional 6 pack. So much so that i only ever really wear skin tight clothes now. I seem to be aging in reverse, as i was a lardy little twat when i was younger and now i look like an extra from Saturday Night Fever.
I also actually enjoy working out. It Helps me forget my head, It's Almost meditative. I think of nothing much and is a good switch off from busy life (and head). In addition i like getting stronger and it will help with the core strength for the marathon and with stretching on the Grid and Bikram yoga that is clearly the way forward for me whilst injured.
So as i write this at 11pm, i feel better. More hopeful. Less sorry for myself. I again saw the dude with one leg running on Kings Road, twice in a week, so really what have i got to feel sorry for myself about.
That is my natural inclination of my head. And over period of the day and putting in a few simple actions it feels better and different from before. Remarkable really that feelings and thoughts pass. They change. It;s just that i never believe they will!!
So it is possible to change. It is possible to write this training blog even if i can't run. I can find other things to train on whilst repairing the injury. Quite possibly the biggest thing is my head and attitude.
So my lovely readers, the end of the working week. Moving house this weekend, catch up with family, get some treatment for head and body, do some Gym and Yoga and try to keep up the writing. Not exactly rock and roll but i like it
Have a great one people, mucho love
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