Jesus Christ what a day for news! Amazing, so much has happened. Capello resigns as England Manager, Redknapp Not guilty of tax evasion and i have just been cleared to run again in 2 days time.
Why the f*** didn't Sky lead with that news story? Devastating. I am clearly only a legend in my own living room
Superb news though. I had an amazingly good Osteopathy and Cranial Healing session. The leg is getting better and toxins being flushed out. I'm stocking up on Andrex for tonight as the treatments always make me shit big and sleep deep. Love the treatments though, manipulating and rotating the joints like a Dutch stag party.
It made me think Osteopath v Physiotherapist? Anyone has been injured always looks at the best treatment possible. Sometimes it gets confusing and time consuming and expensive. In my experience that's twice now that Osteopathy has got the root of whole problem and healed me quicker. I'm sold on that one from now on.
A Quick plug for My superb sister in law Margarita Corbo, a great Osteopath and Healer and anyone in SE London should see her. Go girl, you are a total rock star. She has rebuilt this stiff long streak of piss and made him more flexible than a personal loan, suptle and feeling ready for the weekend. Bring on the sub zero!
I have been told not to do too much too soon. I will learn my lesson from before not to be a stupid twat and do things gradually. A gentle 38 miler for me then.
I spoke to a few people who have been reading the blog and they all said the last 2 weeks have been tough reading it. Grim and slightly dull and depressing. Really? Try being in my head then! No not really - i agree it was gloomy and must have been harder reading than Martin Aimless - but the real deal is being honest and truthful. This training process is a journey full of ups and downs, moods and changes. The last 2 weeks have been my Radiohead stage, so those who have held on can look forward to my George Michael stage. 'What's that i hear you think? Upbeat, dancey and talented but a little difficult?'
Well no, I'm basically adding cottaging into my training routine, especially at night to police officers. I feel this will essentially help my performance. Will see how it goes.
So today, after a Bikram Yoga class that was peaceful and undramatic and fucking warm! i had the treatment and wrote some jokes. Still feeling groggy but getting better, 9 days without diet coke and although it will take time I'm definately moving forward. Once the weekend comes i will be truly back on track. Back running. Back Training and I'm looking forward to it already.
Will spend evening watching the earth shattering news that Capello has been cleared of Tax evasion and England Manager Harry Redknapp has quit to join the HMRC as Director Of Football. Er i think.
Now where's that Andrex......?
Until tomorrow Joggers
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