Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 30 - Tuesday 31st January

Mileage 0 - 5 Injury

Phew! Finally the end of the month, Made it! Written every day and although unable to run at the moment i still consider myself 'in training'. Doing the rehab. Synopsis off the month, started with a bang and slowed to a griding halt physically and mentally.

Today I'm still injured, though it is slowly healing. I hope to be back running next week, although i do need to sort out my health and energy 1st. I have Terrible candida today, so tired and grotty. But you won't hear me complaining, well only every 20 minutes anyway

Today was my 1st day of no tea, sweetener, diet coke and sugar. Fuck! Walked past Tesco on way to tube without getting the customary 2 bottles of diet coke for £1.80 and guzzling on the tube. Sat at work all day with no diet coke, no caffeine. Not nipping out to the cafe for endless tea and diet coke. No, I Just drank herbal tea. Who the f*** likes herbal tea? I view people who do, similarly to how i used to view people who didn't drink alcohol when i did. Weirdos and freaks. Ones to avoid.

It looks like warm piss and mostly tastes like it too. I cannot even imagine ever looking forward to getting home for a nice cup of Ginseng, or Peppermint, or Jasmine or whatever else shitty herbal it is. Point is i sodding love builders tea with tons of sweetener (for health reasons of course, not sugar!) I look forward to it, it satisfies me, and makes me go 'AHHHH' when i drink it. It really hits the spot. Raspberry and Pomegranate does not.

However on the flip side, doing that along with massive diet coke and gum and all other Aspartame products makes me feel like the living dead and eventually will be officially dead, so i suppose needs must. But if i ever turn into one of those smug herbal tea drinkers saying it's lovely then please shoot me. Right in The echiniachia's

So today i found hard to concentrate, low energy, headache and generally felt like someone had opened up my skull and shat in it. I came home, wrote, thought about yoga, got my stuff to go to Yoga, drove to yoga and then just before i was about to get out of the car it became Noga. I really cannot face any type of exercise at the moment. Bolloxed

Still on the Positive side i made another change and stuck to it today. so far so good, only gum, smoking, pornography, swearing, occasional bulimia, commitment and sloth to go now and then I'll be super powered.

So that's it really, so tired i cannot write anymore. Can't even be arsed to stay up to see the Transfer window. Mine has shit for the night. Totally - i promise after sleep tonight i will be funny tomorrow.

scouts honour, though i was never in the scouts


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