Mileage 0 - 15 (cm) Injury and Snow
Today was the day when the entire country shut down to match me. 15cm of snow fell and the whole country went into panic/meltdown (no pun intended)
Lead stories on Sky, Double page features in newspapers, motorways and train lines shut off, Facebook posts everywhere. Snow, snow, snow.
I bet everyone in Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Canada, Siberia and North Pole were thinking, 'pussies'. Those fuckers are used to -33 degrees every winter and more snow than Ricky Hatton at a Coke Convention.
Us? A little sprinkling and bang, it all goes to pop. Still, it's a great buzz though isn't it? Kids messing around, people walking like they've just shit themselves, cars sliding around, trains cancelled, sledging, snowballing, snow manning. It's good stuff.
Oh, and me? I feel like a snowman whose slowly melting. Very grim and ill today. So tired and dragging.
I had an Osteopathy treatment at 12 by my lovely Sister In Law. I love it, getting the hips, legs and joints manipulated. The injury flushed out and massaged. Hurt like hell and the ITB and Glute/Hamstring elbow massage is more painful than The Eastenders Omnibus.
I have to admit my pain threshold is pretty low. My muscles are so tight, that when it comes to having the right kind of treatment on them (elbows being dug in) - i develop massive tourettes syndrome and swear at the top of my voice. No problem if you're in a Thai massage parlour and nobody speaks English, but i was in a treatment room above a children's clothes shop full of kids. Not sure the 'F*****, f*** that F****g, hurts like f***** f***' went down too well today.
It really helped me, but after being 'flushed out' like that it completely washes you out. I hit the mid afternoon dip and crashed. Did bugger all for rest of the day. Couldn't raise myself from the sofa. A mid afternoon sleep, ringside seat of the snow and chaos outside and watched the 6Nations Scotland v England match. I have to say the match was so shite, so poor that it had the same affect on me as visiting my terminally ill pal in The Liver Unit of Kings College Hospital. It was grim.
Tonight I'm Just about to jump in a bath of Epsom salts, apparently it helps bring out the toxins even more. I don't think i can feel grimmer. Day 5 of no sugar, sweetener, caffeine today. I had a bit of a dip early evening and the sugar craving was so strong, i would have eaten my own hand if it would have been sugar frosted, Maybe i should just go and eat snow and pretend! It's a battle.
Hopefully tomorrow i will feel better. I reckon i will be like this for a week and I'm targeting next weekend as the time when I'm feeling physically more energetic and fresher and injury free to resume training. If I'm not, then it's going to be a battle me thinks. Mind you there;s always suicide i guess.
Still, one day at a time as they say. Here's to Epsom salts, bath, the film Limitless on a Saturday night and a big long old kip. More sausage roll than rick and roll baby!
Yoga early doors tomorrow and rest and relax
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