Thursday, January 19, 2017

How to Find your motivation for 2017..

How are you doing? It's been AGES. Over a week in fact. What's going on with you? Are you well? Are you OK? How's the head doing? Calm and collected or radio Maniac FM?

We're into our 3rd week of January now. The business end of the month. When resolutions fall away, (if they haven't done so already) or desired new habits remain elusive.

Of course you may not have any 2017 goals/resolutions. That's cool.  However I suspect, you'll probably have some kind of  plan/want/desire in 2017, even if it's an ongoing life one. If you haven't got any plans at all and just take things day by day. You're either stoned, a poet or student. If you're the latter you're probably the former too. Far out I say. Peace and shit.

However, if, like me you do have goals for 2017, how committed to them are you? What is motivating you to achieve them? Have you even started?

This came from a motivation day I delivered yesterday with a law firm on health, wellness, goal setting and motivation for 2017. (Yes I really do Corporate Motivation and Wellness and stuff. Incredible huh?)

I did it with a health coach and PT who doesn't do goals. Instead she has general life intentions but not yearly resolutions as it stresses her out. Instead she prefers to build in things to her every day life so not to induce too much pressure (Probably because she's a nightmare perfectionist and would want the world conquered by Thursday 17th Feb thank you very much.)

I, on the other hand am surrounded by lists, to-do's and goals for 2017. I rarely do them, but they're up never-the-less. This is odd, because I'm such a non-planner, non focused, serious goal setting type of bloke. I generally look upon the whole motivational speaking, NLP coaching, goal setting, visualisation goal setters as Satan's little helpers. I hate being that focused and goal orientated. It feels forced and mechanical. A little part of my creative beatnik dies when I see a goal setting vision board.

Having said that, I can totally understand how practicing that way of thinking and living can provide good returns and success. After-all if we don't know what we want how can we find a way to get there? I have things I'd like to do. But it's not a straight jacketed shopping list of things to achieve so I feel a success.

We all have different ways of living. Some plan and plot goals, Others, like me, are more loose as a goose and rely more on instinct.

But what is more effective?

That depends on what side of the fence you sit. After spending a day with 40 normal people yesterday, everyone had a goal for the year. They ranged from losing 3 stone, to getting better arms for a wedding (bride not groom), Visiting a new place to learning a language. Most were fitness or health goals and centred around getting healthier.

What interested me is WHY they had those and what would motivate them to do it.

I estimate 1/4 of them would achieve their goals, 1/4 would probably, 1/4 would fall short but not care (the floaters) and 1/4 had already failed by the end of the day and would have no chance.

The 1/4 who already failed weren't prepared to change their routine or mind-set. Instead they wanted us to solve it for them. They wanted someone else to do the work without them having to change or do anything. This is an immediate fail and was a surprisingly popular attitude. (I share this sometimes)

Stated intentions or goals that are specific and achievable are easier to accomplish. Instead most people who had vague notions of losing 2 stone already had an army of negative responses to any suggestions to change lifestyle habits. They had a closed mind-set.

Who wants to lose weight? Tone up? Get fit? Become healthier? Lot's of people. Trouble is - it involves doing shit. That's the horrific thought sometimes. That's where you need a real WHY and open mind.

Our message was simple. Take it easy. Make small changes. Don't do too much but do it anyway. Ask for help, surround yourself with can do people. Don't listen to the inner negative head and be open minded.

The main thing is to find your WHY. Why do it? I need to stop smoking, drinking DC and look after my health. But I'm not at the moment and I have to ask myself why? Because I am not motivated enough to have the WHY. I just hope my WHY doesn't become because otherwise you'll die. When faced with that realisation most will do what's needed (though some don't of course)

I know people who are so self motivated it's scary. Others who find it in their kids, families, health or a higher power. We all need a purpose and reason to exist and do things. The trick is finding the ones that work for you in the pursuit of what you want to do with your life and year.

Personally, my motivation in the past has been to look amazing in a lycra tri-suit. I can try and dress up all my endurance Ironman events all I want as testing my mind, strength and proving to myself I can do things I didn't think I can. But if I'm being really honest, it's because when I was fat in early sobriety, 15 years ago, I saw an image of an Ironman on the cover of a health magazine, looking ripped, strong, muscular and focused. He had a tri-suit on and I thought, "Fuck me, I bet he doesn't have any fear, problems, is totally sorted and nails everything that moves."

So, I decided I wanted to look like that and do Ironman and be amazing, strong, focused, lean and like a James Bond/Jason Bourne style legend (from Hounslow in Lycra). And I did. It took a while, but I looked amazing in a tri-suit, got muscles, ripped, lean and did nail everything that moved. I did Ironman triathlons, but found I was still me under the bonnet. Still full of fear, doubt and insecurity. Fuck!!

I found that my motivation to concentrate on the outside meant the inside was still the same.

But you know what. I did 3 ironman triathlons, 8 marathons, had loads of experiences, got modelling jobs and TV adverts because of the looks and hundreds of incredible sexual experiences, My insane self seeking ego was nourished many times by my shallow pursuit of looking amazing and I enjoyed myself along the way. In fact. I had a ball!

That's the terrible truth. Ego based, lightweight, vanity based narcissitic shallow looks based motivation. ( Sounds like the cast of Celebrity Big Brother.) Got me through all that. I wouldn't recommend it to people as a form of motivation but you know, whatever gets you through sometimes....

Now I have learnt more about real motivation. Deep rooted motivation. It can be whatever you want. Big or small. Shallow or deep. Your WHY is yours. Not for someone else to tell you WHY. It's for you and deeply personal.

The trick is finding that WHY. That's why we need hand holding and a little help sometimes. If you know then well done. If you haven't. Don't stress. Just try this for 2 minutes tonight.

Think of something that made you feel good that was a direct result of your action. Not an outside factor. But because of YOU

Really focus on it for 2 minutes. WHY did it make you feel good? End the 2 mins with thinking of yourself as a MASSIVE FUCKING LEGEND (MFK)

I Guarantee at the end of that 2 mins you'll know more about yourself than the start of the article.

Self awareness is so fucking cool sometimes. I love it

And you

Nicholas Edward Evans

Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday's Day In the Life of a Self Sabotaging Unhealthy Addict

Today was 2017 - part two.

Here's a little snapshot into my Monday and head throughout the day. What I battle with on a daily basis. Namely myself. This healthy plan is unconventional. It is based around being marginally less unhealthy than yesterday.

6am - Alarm goes off. Intentions to wake up and go to a 7.30am spin class this morning made an early alarm necessary. Retune for 7am, go back to sleep. Nuts.

7am - Wake up. Out of bed. Stiff body (Insert cheap joke here) Back sore. Cough loads. Man Flu gone. Small victory. Just the rest of unhealthiness now.

Downstairs. Water x2, tea, vitamins. Sit in chair. Read AA literature (after scrolling through Facebook for 20 mins). Put off doing anything.

7.30 - Contemplate 20 Min HIIT home workout. Have another tea and 1 silk cut. Contemplate more. 1 tea, x1 silk cut.

8am - HIIT workout. Heating up. Swimming trunks on. 1 minute into 1st drill. Pull muscle in weak lower back. Swear loads. Inner misery that I'm falling apart. Curse my luck. Carry on. Get a sweat on. Fuck it. Carry on as normal.

8.30am - water, vitamin C, cup of tea (no silk cut)

8.40am - Run to river, up Richmond Hill and back home. 40 mins. Good pace. Enjoy run, head clears. Good intentions. Think to self. "I can give up the DC and smokes and live healthily. I don't need them."

9.30am - Back home. Water, vitamin C, Tea and silk cut. (No diet coke)

Stretch (just a little mind) - 5 mins
Shower - 5 mins
Quiff + Hairdryer + Hairspray - 15 mins

10am - drive to work. 8 mins. Now this is the time when I like to drink DC and smoke. I associate this with driving (and stopping, resting, relaxing) -

10.01am Tell myself. "You don't need it. Drive to work. Easy." -

10.02am - Stop at Garage. 20 silk cut and 2 diet cokes for £2. Fuck.
Smoke 1 and sip drink on way to work.

10.08am - Arrive at work.

10.30am - Hear news. Immediately slip into terrific catastrophisation and end of the world scenario in 25 secs. Go outside to smoke 2 silk cut and panic. Finish 2nd diet coke. Nuts.

11.00am - Catastrophe averted. Carry on as normal

Day passes with x1 more Diet Coke and x4 silk cuts. 1 on way to a meeting and one on the way back. No lunch.

Work completed with a good heart and in humour.

5.30pm - Raining. 5 minute drive to pick up a newcomer. 1 silk cut.

5.40pm - wait for newcomer - 1 silk cut

6.05pm - wait in car for rain to stop with newcomer - we each have a silk cut.

6.11pm -  walk 500 yards to the meeting. I offer him a smoke, "no thinks I can't have 2 in the row." - Part of me thinks. Goodl ad well done, I should take that attitude' and another part of me thinks 'fucking pussy call yourself a smoker' - bad I know.

6.15pm - Meeting of my little fellowship. Hate most of it, spending time with arms folded, judging and having a conversation in my head I was trying to win.

Meeting was good in the end

8pm - drop off newcomer. Smoke 1 silk cut

8.30pm - Asda - buy fruit and processed meat so I don't have to cook. Although another argument in my head to cook and actually eat fresh produce. 1 silk cut to think over.

8.31pm - Buy broccoli, eggs, spinach and fruit. (the healthy cooker head one)

8.32pm - Buy Liver Sausage - fuck you healthy Nick you wanker.

9.32pm - Eat liver sausage. Consider not doing anything else and sitting on sofa on phone, watching Netflix munching on crap.

9.33pm - write blog (1 San Pellegrino)

10.03pm - Spinach omelette and cheese with broccoli

11.03pm - Shaven Asians Series 1-8 -

04.00am - Bed (once you start you can't stop)

(last one was a joke)

All in all not the healthiest days but in the scheme of things certainly better than previous days. My head and habits don't want to change. They want to put shit off, make excuses or place obstacles in the way. When you have an entity trying to sabotage you it becomes a game of chess. I feel today I am winning.

Stats of the Day
Steps - 15,672
Distance - 7miles
Calories Burned - 3,142
Active Minutes - 62
Silk Cut - 15
Diet Coke (550ML) - 3
Water  - 2 Litres
Swear words - 123 - Mostly 'fucks' with one 'cunt'
Packs Gum - 3

We go again tomorrow. 6 hours in the car which will be tough on body and DC/fag/gum trinity. Still - one day at a time right people?

Love you long Time

Nicholas Edward Evans

Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017 - Shall we Start Again?

7pm Sunday night. Awful isn't it?

Remember as a kid? You had to have a bath, eat dinner, do your homework and shudder at the week ahead at school? The only thing on TV was Songs of Praise or Heartbeat? You prayed for Spitting Image at 10pm then it really was suicide 30 mins later. The end of the weekend. Fuck!

Or in adulthood, it's that back to work tomorrow feeling. Especially if you have a job you don't like. Sunday night is like a slow death march. No amount of dodgy period dramas or reality TV can mask the dreaded onslaught of a new working week.

It's even worse if you take a glimpse at social media feeds of the fitness coaches and lifestyle gurus who are busy 'prepping' their meals for the week ahead ('like a boss' - yuk). Like they've some form of military check list they're going through ready to pounce up and 'ave' the week ahead at 5am tomorrow. Wankers!

Those fuckers are so motivated, prepared, planned and ready to take on the world it makes you feel sick. As you doze off your mammoth lunch and mentally run through your underwhelming week ahead, they have already cooked Thursday's mid afternoon snack and are busy finding a window on Friday AM for a power meeting about a new boot camp or Hashtag craze. Cunts.

Some of us are more content with a simple plan;

Monday - wake up, drink coffee. Wait for Friday to come. Keep breathing.

Don't think I'm bastardising plans by the way. I'm not. I may joke or seem like I hate on the entire self help and fitness industry. After-all it's much easier to do that and criticise and stay safely in  low motivation unhealthy ways than embrace new ones. Pre-planning is good. Having an idea of what you want to do, helpful.

Which brings me to this week. Week 2 of 2017. Traditionally a much harder week than week 1. Week 1 is like virgin snow. All prestine and fresh. But week 2 the fresh snow is piss stained and turning to mush. Much harder to motivate yourself then isn't it?

So how can you wade through this piss stained snow in week 2?

How has your start to 2017 been? Have you given it a fair stab? Carried on as if nothing has happened and as normal? Tried to change things up or work towards a goal?

If like me, you've been poorly (Did I tell you I've had the man flu for over a week now? - I know you're bored of hearing about it) Week 1 would have been a total write off.

Well, there is only one thing for it. Forget about it. It's gone It's passed. We can't get the time back. In fact, fuck it. Leave it go. Let's change our attitude about 2017 and last week shall we?

Week 2 is where it's at. Let's start again. Fuck week 1. Everyone knows it's a piece of shit. Like an unwanted guest. A creepy neighbour you have to invite to the party to keep the peace. The green one in Quality Street. Week 1 is a wanker and everyone knows it. Fuck him. (week 1 is a he, I've decided)

Week 2 on the other hand. What a legend. He's magnificent. Great big bouffant hair, resplendent attire, deep voice, packing double figures in his pants. Week 2 pisses all over week 1. Cuckolding week 1's missus. Week 2 delivers multiple orgasms in his sleep whilst week 1 forlornly tries to raise his flaccid cock. Fuck week 1 he is history. Week 2 is taking over now boys and girls, so let's climb on the coiffered train.

Who's with me? Who's with week 2? As we bound along in his open top sports car, driving gloves clasping the wheel, with his beautifully trimmed moustache and cravat flapping in the breeze. Let us laugh and sing and dance to week 2's soundtrack (obviously Chris Rea and ACDC) and fucking do this 2017 thing. (Again) - Bring on week 2 and I will not take No for answer. Hurrah!

Nicholas Edward Evans

Friday, January 6, 2017

Altering the Perception from dark to light - Lower self v Higher self.

Time is short today. It's 3pm. I have a flight to catch to Glasgow to help MC a friend's 60th birthday tomorrow. So I'll be brief (unnatural to me)

Today is about altering your attitude.

If, like me, you struggle with your head and attitude. I have a great solution. Say thank you.

I know it sounds wanky. But it really works.

As you may know i'm proper self obsessed and think about myself often. I'm also terminally lazy, instantly wanting to cancel plans to sit indoors, especially when it's cold. I'm also pretty unhealthy. Having a self sabotage streak so strong it makes me want to eat badly, or not at all, smoke tons, drink Diet coke, not sleep and essentially put off any kind of life plans and make me feel shit. I just hide it well beneath a rapidly decreasing 6 pack.

In essence a large part of me. My disease, my lower self or my devil, call it what you will, wants me dead, unhappy, alone or fucked up.

That's what i'm against. Not all will identify of course, but it's my truth. This always has an adverse reaction to my attitude, so I come from a position of 'fuck you', rather than 'how can I help you." My lower self is my default setting rather than my sunnier more optimistic higher self.

My mind is always on a collision course to argue and wrestle against anything that is healthy, always looking for a way out. Like a rebellious teenager. In a meeting, for example, I rarely go in with an open mind and positive attitude. Instead the arms are crossed and I hate everyone. Within 10 or 50 mins after hearing about the solution or other people talking about spiritual practices I thaw out and my mind is adjusted to 'this is good I am lucky', from 'this is dreadful I hate you'. The higher self takes over from the lower self when exposed to more healthy spiritual practices.

So, how can I do that in normal life? On my own? Changing your perception is an action that has to be practiced. It rarely just happens organically in my experience. Open mindedness, willingness and honesty are required. You have to be prepared to try.

So, take today. I don't want to go to Glasgow. I want to stay in rest, watch movies and try to help this never ending flu to go. Of course I can also use this as a great excuse to indulge in isolation and sloth and retreat into self.

I can also go, reluctantly though, without spirit, fun or enjoyment, but not showing anyone that but knowing inside how i feel. I can of course, change my attitude.

Here's a guy who has invited lots of people up to Glasgow to spend his birthday with him in a beautiful castle. It's been planned for months and he's asked me to come and also MC and be there.

Instead of buying into my initial polluted lower self thoughts, how about I buy into my second higher self ones? I am honoured to be asked, to make someone's birthday special and just be happy to be there. Which is better?

How about I say 'thank you' for asking and be grateful in my attitude. Suddenly my brow decreases and my grouch departs. That's a much lighter way to live.

Some of you have that automatically. After all we are all different people. Some more optimistic than others for example. I'm most certainly in the 'oh for fucks sake' camp, so I have to work hard to alter my attitude, shift my thinking so I become a normal human being having a human experience.

That shift is sometimes the hardest of all. From negative to positive can be a real challenge.

But we can do it people. If I can anyone can. I just can't guarantee how long it will last. I maybe singing a different tune after a 6pm EasyJet flight to Glasgow from Gatwick.

Lord help me and forgive me if I sin several times in the next few hours. Could be very funny as his blog about altered attitudes and gratitude is read out in court as he fights 4 charges of GBH against an EasyJet employee and the passenger in the seat next to him. Lower self will be flicking the V's then won't he?

It maybe as simple as repeating "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." 25,000 times until higher self wins. Whatever happens let's try and have fun along the way.

Have a great weekend troops - I'm back with the blog on Sunday

Nicholas Edward Evans


Thursday, January 5, 2017

When the True Reality of 2017 Comes into Focus....She's a little like 2016 really isnt she?

With New Year's day being last Sunday. 2017 stretched out like a Goddess. Full of hope and wonder. Full of new beginnings. She felt so wonderful. So utterly uplifting. She promised to be the ultimate date.

She stroked us and whispered beautiful nothings in our ear. She brought us tea in bed and made us scrambled egg and smoked salmon. She dived through the waves by moonlight and ran naked along a deserted beach. New Years danced provocatively to soulful Buddha beats and made us semi hard through our elasticated Xmas jogging bottoms. She made slow beautiful love to us and bought us kebab and chips after.

But then she changed. She turned up on the date after the cock teasing what's app messages of NYE 2017 She was Ok at first. On day 1 and 2, because it wasn't real. There was no work. We were still leaving the dream.

And then we went back to work. We had to face her. She turned 2017 into something horrific. She became the same as 2016. What a bitch!!!

All those aspirations of 2017 are hard to maintain when you are crushed on the 6.43am Jubilee Line, pressed up against a portly middle aged man trying to read his paper smashed into your face. The optimism of 2017 is hard to maintain When the kids wouldn't wake up or your husband leaves another militant skid-mark in the toilet. Not dancing by moonlight now are you 2017 you liar!!!!

Fantasising rather than actually doing it is so much more fun. Sure I'd like a great job, business, home, money, financial security, health, happy zestful life. But do I REALLY have to put the effort in to get it? Can't I just remain in that holiday loop dreaming and writing it down?

Successful people of course reject this way of thinking. The fun is in the action. Doing something with a purpose and energy means it doesn't feel like work. It is just what you do. That's the gold right there. The holy grail.

And what of today? The first day of the rest of your life? Except it was like the others. Did you do the same job? Follow the same path? Think the same way? Did you make any changes to normal? Did it follow the pattern as 2016?

Me? I 'worked from home'. A lethal challenge for an arch procrastinator and recovering 'alkie'. Why? Well because at any given time the 'black cloud' of fear & low self esteem can strike, Rendering any positive actions like wading through treacle. Then when you sprinkle a little 'overwhelmed as to which direction, what to do' into the mix -  essentially crippling you into inertia.

These of course are ideal conditions to engage in full avoidance and procrastination. After all, why do today what you can put off until tomorrow/next week/month/year? Trouble is by avoiding it doesn't actually make the problem go away, it just hides it for a while and actually makes it grow until it reaches colossal proportions. Putting things off may feel comfortable but it's the worst thing you can do. The fear is winning then. "That's right my little fear ridden bitch. I've got you now" The fear will say to you. Owning you like a BDSM master whipping his little gimp.

Today was a bit of a struggle if I'm honest. The motivational messages I've written on my wall to get up and out and not procrastinate are easily ignored. Ok, I've not been well but it's still so easy to sit in bad habits. So, I did a little 20 min Home work out and went for a 1 hour walk. It was something and whilst I haven't exactly setting the world on fire. Some kind of progress.

The point is today, its Ok not to feel amazing. So I haven't launched into the year like a rocket. I haven't got the level of success I see others on social media (the age old awful phenomenon of compare and despair) So I haven't yet become the ultra lean n clean healthy guru (I may never be) - but I did OK, I didn't catastrophise. I didn't fuck everything and run (F.E.A.R) I just did what you guys did today. Just got on with things.

It's not a 9/10 day but it's not a 1/10 write off. Perspective Nicholas, it's a good thing sometimes.

If you survived today you're a legend. If you are maintaining you're goals from Saturday night you are incredible and I salute you. If you've broken them already and feeling despondent then fuck that. Get back on it tomorrow or message me and i'll set you straight.

We are all warriors. We are all legends so I want you all to finish reading this and repeat to yourself, quietly or loudly if you want (especially if you're in a packed train carriage) -


Love you all very much

Nicholas Edward Evans

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How to Deal with the Flu Bug - A Handy Top Ten Tip Guide

It's January 4th. We're back at work and I'm 6 days into a heavy bout of flu. Times are hard, the head is gloomy and it's only 4 days into 2017.

"Will I ever get better? Will this sickness ever leave? Will I ever find energy and motivation to do anything? These are all questions those of us with flu will be asking ourselves.

"Will you ever get better? "Will you ever shut the fuck up? or "When will you stop moaning and die?" Are all questions loved ones or family members of flu victims will be asking themselves.

It's a tough time. Many of us have been struck down. However, don't worry. Help is at hand. I've written a handy top ten tip guide to surviving the dreaded flu bug. I hope you enjoy;

1 - Diagnose yourself - DO NOT seek medical attention. It's much better to diagnose yourself. That way it's bound to be flu. Better still, consult Google and you're bound to diagnose yourself with some form of rare cancer. Why put your mind at rest when you can spend over a week convinced you're dying? Self diagnosis is WAY more fun.

2 - Moan  - Of course in the old days people rarely visited doctors or moaned, even if they genuinely had a rare form of cancer. Granted, life expectancy back then was around 14 years old but at least they didn't moan. However, times change, we live in a far more sanitised and pussy whipped generation now. So don't be frightened to moan like a girl and demand as much sympathy as possible from everyone. You may lose all dignity and respect from people but you will receive the required sympathy such mentally weak modern people such as myself require. PS - visit the doctor every two days until you are barred.

3 - Play the sympathy game smartly - Obviously battle hardened family members and friends will be wise to your pathetic ways. If they are not providing the necessary level of sympathy move to social media. It's perfect. People don't have to be arsed to actually do anything, god forbid visit you which requires effort. No, instead your tactics should concentrate on people's selfishness yet need to look publicly concerned. So focus on the middle aged, the gays, mother's or grandmothers and friends who also have the virus. You'll get fuck loads of sympathy on your feed and will wake up from your slumber to a new notification of yet another person making themselves feel better with a sympathy like and comment on your pathetic post.

4 - Wallow in self pity - Don't listen to all those bull-shitters about positive thinking and how 'there are many worse off than you". It's easy for them to say, they haven't been ill for 6 days and forced to watch 'Flog it' every day.  Fuck that. Really lose perspective and imagine yourself worse off than anyone else in the world. By day 4 you should be nicely pitiful and best to wallow in it for at least a week. DO NOT do anything to disrupt this misery, like Charity work or speaking to do-gooders. Pure isolation are best conditions. 1-2 weeks like this should set you up nicely post illness to feel super grateful for your normal life.

5 - Isolate - As above. It's important to cut yourself off from the outside world. Try not to speak to anyone, or actually go out. The less contact with the outside world the better. That way you can truly go insane and convince yourself you are worse than you actually are. If you have contact with people they might convince you do things healthy for your flu. Don't. If you're going to have it you may as-well cash in. That way it will incentivise you to be more healthy so you don't get it back. Isolate for days so you feel imprisoned and alone. When you are on the verge of suicide, it's time to go out. Yiu are ready to get better.

6 - Feed the Flu - It's important to put the right things in your body to give it the best chance to recover. Obviously lots of water, fresh greens, fruit and healthy grub is important. But, really, who wants that when you're feeling like shit? Cooking is clearly out, so if you can't warm up soup, or whip up some boiled eggs and soldiers, just binge on biscuits, quality streets and mince pies left over from Xmas. This will pile on weight nicely and feed number 4 adding to the self pity and hatred. Don't forget to keep hydrated though. Hot toddies are a nice touch, though in my experience leave out the coffee or tea and just neck the brandy if things get too bad. For the recovering alcoholics out there, Lemsip Max is the new crack cocaine. The one with the caffeine in it. That shit is golden. Trouble is it keeps you up for about 4 days straight and makes you insane and feel worse and like killing yourself. Doesn't say that on the possible side effects. But at least you have energy.

7 - Keep Everyone Updated on Social Media - This is crucial. Obviously closely related to number's 2 and 3. It's very important to make sure EVERYONE knows you are poorly. Not just for sympathy but for heroic status when you actually do a day's work, shag your woman/man, or just stand up straight. Getting a huge amount of kudos or sympathy is massively important to the self centred pussy. Therefore detailing when the flu gets really bad, to when it gets a little better, and then worse again is important. As are the dramatic short statements when you've had enough. Use plenty of exclamation marks and keep messages short, punchy and matyr like. You don't want to appear sad and desperate for attention/love/affirmation (even though you are)

8 - Try to go into work - A classic card to play. Crawling in when half dead is guaranteed hero status. It means you can get at least 2 weeks off guilt free as they have seen the true horror of your condition. Plus they won't want you infecting everyone. I know it takes a herculean effort to go in when so ill, but trust me it will be so worth it in the long run. Those, who like me, work for yourself. Well, we have two choices. 1 - Soldier on, or 2 - Starve.

9 - Slip into a Deep Dark Depression - I know, I know, you'll be thinking. 'Surely that's a given." Well, you'll be surprised, some freaks riddled with flu retain a sunny sense of positivity and optimism. Fuck that. Those wankers obviously haven't had proper flu. Anyone with proper flu will know a deep dark well of  blackness that fucks anything good in their life descends like a black cloud for the duration of the flu. No amount of Prozac, vodka, niceness or good news will penetrate this dark fog. It's important never to go near positive people at this time as you will most probably murder them. Avoid those who offer health advice during this fog. Murdering them will be the only cure to such depression.

10 - Do the opposite of the previous 9 tips and you'll get over it much quicker and man the fuck up. It's not like your dying or summat.

Love you all

Nicholas Edward Evans
Day 6 Flu Sufferer

Monday, January 2, 2017

The Nick Evans Motivational Top Ten Tips How to Have an Amazing 2017...

Happy 2017 everyone.

A New Year. A fresh start. A chance to set new goals and plan the next 12 months. Or lay on the sofa and slowly shit yourself  at the thought of the return to normality tomorrow and put shit off for another year.

I'm not a big one for resolutions. It all seems a bit cosmetic. It's easy to write a 'wish list' of things to desire but the crucial bit is DOING it.

Does writing stuff down actually achieve anything? Here's the thing. Even if we sit on our arse for 365 days, stuff will happen because that's what life is. Perpetual movement of time, action and energy. The sun rises even if we sleep. The world will still turn. But how much does our attitude, our belief system and our actions affect our life?

How many people do you know complain about their job or relationship, that they are unlucky or are alone? It's no coincidence that people who complain the most seem to have the most bad luck. Do they have bad luck because they complain or do they complain because they have bad luck?

If I say 'I will NEVER' be able to give up smoking. Do you think I am just perpetuating that belief to keep me smoking even though I know its not serving me? Once I change my belief then the rest will follow.

How many of us today decided we want to join a gym, get fit, run a marathon, eat healthy, lose weight, change jobs, find a soul mate. Do these things happen by chance or does our attitude and life contribute?

January is a classic time to set out your objectives for the year. But Is it just me or does anyone else get a little daunted and overwhelmed? There is SO much information on New Year wish lists, fads, goals, retreats, exercise tips, lifestyle advice, health and wellness, stopping drinking, shaping up, getting the career you want. It's exhausting.

I actually get stressed wondering if my goals are good enough or beating myself up if I'm not really sure what they are specifically. FUCK!!!!! What do I Do?!!!! I even suffer anxiety that maybe I don't need any goals, that I'm Ok as I am. or am I just kidding myself? God it's SO stressful.

But the real question isn't WHAT do I want to do. It's HOW do I do it???!!

How the fuck do I change my life around? How do I lose this spare tyre that has built up from excessive shit eating? How do I get the job of my dreams? How do I get my soul mate? How do I get that life? How do I run a 3 hour marathon? Or, How do I decide what I actually bloody want?

So, to help you out with this Luckily I have Put together Top Ten Tip list to help you have an Amazing 2017. Here it is.

1 - Chill the fuck out. Do not stress yourself if you don't know what you want. You don't have to have a shopping list. Relax and take it easy

2 - Do stuff. The Ying to number 1's yang. Relax by all means and don't stress but you also have to do shit. Sitting on your lazy arse waiting for stuff to come to you is just a whole hunk of lazy arsed badness. I guarantee you'll be complaining in 12 months time if you take this attitude

3 - Be Bold But Realisitic - I'm all for setting incredible goals but make sure you start off with attainable ones. If you want to run a marathon for example, but haven't run since you nearly missed closing time at the offy last July, it's probably best you start with a 5 or 10k before building up. Aim big but keep those Dunlop green flash on the floor.

4 - Baby Steps DO count - Everyone thinks you need to have showy, incredible amazing goals. be a millionaire, launch a business, have an incredible life, run the world!! Lose 6 stone. Fuck that. Glory in the every day. Small victories count more than showy ones. By making tiny changes larger ones are born. Word up.

5 - Compare and Despair at your peril - There's nothing more guaranteed to bring you misery and demotivate you than comparing your goals and achievements with others on social media. Comparing yourself next to the high achieving lunatics on Facebook is guaranteed trouble. Instead go and hang out at the department of work and pensions every month. You'll feel like Donald Fucking Trump. Stick to your guns people. Own your own space. You're fine as you are.

6 - Keep it simple. No more needs to be said. We complicate shit far too much

7 - Laugh at yourself - How many coach's, fitness trainers, motivational speakers, self help gurus take themselves really seriously? Have you ever seen any laugh at themselves and promote having fun along the way. Since when did goal setting become SO serious? Don't forget to laugh at your own ridiculousness and have fun along the way.

8 - Don't beat yourself up - OK, so you may fall by the wayside? You may have bumps along the way. You may not even get what you set out to do. But fuck it. does it REALLY matter? Don't sweat and beat yourself up. It really doesn't matter. In the grand scheme of things its what you learn on the journey than the result anyway

9 - Observe the scenery - Take in the views of the journey. That's where the gold is.

10 - Get Help! Employ The Nick Evans (TNE) as your motivational coach and pay him for his motivational services and insightful genius allowing his personality and deep knowledge of disfunction and sabotaging success to allow you to achieve yours. (or get a good PT, coach, trainer, counsellor, attend 12 step fellowship or whatever you need but get help along the way) Or just read my blogs, buy my book and watch my videos.

YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT (Whatever it is)

Have a good year

Love you all big

Nicholas Edward Evans

My head always follows my feet. I have to put in action then the rest of me follows. In AA there is a wonderful saying. "Have smart feet" - no-one ever thought themselves well and thus it is about having smart feet and letting them take me to my Family's or to a meeting where the head will eventually settle and change. The committee will quieten and I can get on with my life.

Oh PS, don't worry, I'm not a saint by the way. I still managed to be a grumpy bastard, say something to a dear friend that pissed them off, was rude, abrupt and really horrible to someone else and made someone cry. I mean I'm not a spiritual guru or saint here. And that's when I'm trying to be nice. Jesus can you imagine me on a bad day?!! Happy New Year!

I know what I'm up against here. My head. It's like a turning a tanker round at times. From negative to positive. It doesn't come naturally. The mind and head is a powerful tool. Mental health and mood is so closely related to lifestyle yet sometimes I just don't see it. The self sabotage in me is strong. The self will iron like. But today was a simple example of change being a positive action rather than a word or thought. It can start right now. This minute.

Putting the Quality Street down. Picking up the phone to ask how someone is doing. Walking instead of taking a lift. Going to see your Mum instead of lazing on the sofa. Whatever it is/ they make you feel better. Small daily positive steps all add up and I found that out today. Do the opposite of wat my tired bad head says and I'll be alright.

I'm looking forward to 2016. I have aspirations to turn 'The Inside Job' into something, change my life, become a coach/trainer, develop greater learning, do an Ironman in under 13 hours, stop eating buttered meat, get healthier and turn this blog into a great little brand and help others. I want to work with people in recovery. I want to help people lose weight, get healthier, achieve their goals, manage addictions. I'm not sure how or what yet but I'm up for the challenge.

So Who's in for the ride? It maybe bumpy at times but you know what - it will be well worth it I promise you of that.

Have a good year everyone

Nicholas E Evans.