So here we have a double Olympic Gold medallist. A 24 year old female athlete MBE, who for all intents and purposes should be a fantastic role model for all young women. So why is she in the news today?
The tabloids are speculating if she's had a nose job. This worthless vacuous media and image obsessed society we seem to have created are more interested in how she looks than what took her to 2 gold medals.
Forget the years of training and sacrifice. Forget the 10 years of hard work and dedication. Forget the elite performance programme she undertook throughout her teenage years when most of us were experimenting more with Smirnoff than swimming,
None of that is headline news is it? It doesn't sell papers. What does is X factor. Celebrity. Image. Looks. Fashion. Glitz. People are famous for appearing on reality shows for Christ sake. It has made people more accessible to fame. It has lowered the bar of celebrity to such an extent that you don't need to excel at something to be famous. It fucking sickens me. Vacuous scrubbers like Cheryl Cole are more admired than Olympic medal winners who have actually contributed something rather than hair, filler and a professional victim image. Makes me boil.
Who cares if she's had a nose job. Poor girl has clearly got severe self esteem and body dysmorphia issues. The stick she got after the 'Lympics was a disgrace.
But I tell you who else can have it - the over the top hysterical political correct brigade. Open letters from feminists in the Guardian sticking up for her. Yet another example of people being as moronic but from another side. The middle class liberal moralisers brigade. Coming out in support of her publicly and in masses because it's seen as the right thing to do. Fuck them and their Farmers markets and politically correct social conscience.
How many times have those people watched TV and criticised what the presenter is wearing. How many of the plankton on Facebook or Twitter sticking up for her have criticised someone in their life? They've even created a TV show out of it for Christs Sake - Goggle Box. It's insane.
I grew up with both my Nan and and my Mum in stereo saying 'Oh I don't like her hair', when the 6 O'clock news came on or Blind Date. It's human nature to be visually judgmental for fucks sake. It's called social conditioning. Get over it.
How many people who in the safety of their own home slaughter people for how they look only to leap to out in Becky's defence publicly because it's the morally right thing to do. Fucking moronic hypocrites. Facebook and Twitter is full of them.
And whilst I'm at it what about her? Is she so innocent? She plays the victim so well in this? What the fuck is 'I'm a Celebrity Get me out of here'. - it's a fucking reality show on ITV to millions of people. It's part of the celebrity game. Get on it, get a fee, increase your profile and publicity, get interviews, your brand value goes up, personal appearances go up and you increase your earning potential. It's part of the game. But to cry and moan that you are in the spotlight after? Come on luv getting a fucking grip.
Then she complains about being judged in public. Come on are we that fucking ignorant to what she is doing. I hate people who play the system then play the innocent victim after just as much. Professional victims annoy me just as much. Yet another example of empty vacuous moralising and values. Then again who am I to judge her? I'm a hypocrite too and I haven't got an MBE and 2 gold medals in the tank. I can fuck off myself.
Everyone can have it today. Fuck you and fuck me.
Today you were either Pro Becky or a leper for not condoning the tabloids. Makes me sick. We are actually more narrow minded and fascist than ever before. Social media was supposed to encourage freedom of speech & open mindedness. All it really does it perpetuate the narrow close minded moralistic society we have become.
I'm going for a lie down and Scotch egg. Today has given me the right hump. And despite it being cruel I still think what Frankie Boyle said was genuinely funny. Sorry Becky (MBE)
PS - I only had 4 hours kip last night. Me + 4 hours kip = Miserable bastard.
Together We Are Stronger
Nicholas Evans (Non MBE, Maidenhead Boys Under 12 Cup winners 1984)
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