After a 3 day holiday from being human, today I returned back to the world of the living. Thank goodness.
It was touch and go for a while. I felt ill, lacklustre, irritable and anti-social. Just like someone from Benefits Street.
Why? Because like a massive moronathon, I completely caned myself at the weekend. Binging on pretty much everything other than drink and drugs making myself feel shit this week.
Back in the day I would drink & binge for 3 days giving myself a 3 day hangover. This was similar. Except replace booze with caffeine, food and sex.
How can that make you feel shit? Well if you do so much of it until you can do no more, survive on 8 hours kip all weekend, eat all the stuff your body cannot handle anymore there's going to be consequences.
I just don't know where to stop. Pass me some chocolate and I'll keep munching until I've eaten the 24 hour garage out of Crunchies. There is no off button.
If you have a nut allergy it's best to stay away from them. If you have a wheat allergy, as I do, it doesn't have quite the same dramatic affects if you eat it, but it still fucks me. So when I found myself on Sunday necking Battered sausages, chips, sandwiches, biscuits, cake, flapjacks and chocolates. I probably should have fore casted what would happen.
Result? Massive wheat and sugar hangover. Making me tired, bloated, gassy, foggy head, craving junk, disinterested, fearful, timid and far too serious. All that from eating shit. Having gas that smells worse than shit is no fun on a packed train commuting or a small office I can tell you. It's been a tricky week.
So that's why I was a miserable sod last night. That's why I wasn't feeling it. That's why I was taking myself far too seriously. I'm back now, thank God. Plus I'm sure those poor bastards on the 8.02am to Waterloo will be relieved.
Not much Inside Job change there was it? All that self knowledge availed me fuck all. Still we live and learn. My problem is I rarely learn. Hopefully one day it will dawn on me and I'll change. Until that day I'll keep writing this blog and the 3 days of feeling inhumane is a good enough reason to eat clean and lean baby. Trouble is it just doesn't taste quite as good as Jammie dodgers. Those little fuckers are worse than crack.
Together We Are Stronger
Nicholas Evans
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