Today I went back into a classroom for the first time in 20 years. It was the first day of a 6 day intensive Recovery Coaching Course. (split into two parts of 3 days each)
The last time I was in a learning environment was at University when I was 21. To be fair I spent most of the time hungover, drunk or in blackout. I have a Degree Certificate so I guess I must have passed.
This time it was a totally different experience. I was sober, awake, interested, engaged and late. ( I'm not that recovered yet.)
Why did I do this course?
I really want to help people but not sure in what form. This Introductory Course is the first step into what I hope will be a long term career or area I'd like to go in my life.
I don't have the answers and would never claim to know everything. I have some experience in alcoholism and recovery but no formal training and a lot to learn.
I'm so passionate about raising awareness of harmful behaviours. I believe a lot of people are unable to access the real truth deep down. Because of society, what we are supposed to do, illness, ignorance, fear, circumstance or because we simply haven't been given the tools to be able to share our real truth no matter how scary.
I believe the truth sets us free and I'd like to help facilitate that in people and empower them. I'd like to help break down Blockages to people's wellness and make it socially acceptable and part of the conversation to be open, Not in a wanky caring sharing way - in a real, human, way. A bit like how I write and speak. I'd like to help break down stigmas, negative associations and help people get the truth and on the path to recovery.
Whether it be in alcoholism, addiction, obesity, negative behaviours, mental health or just socially vulnerable. I am fascinated by human behaviour and performance. I retain a strong interest in blockages to our success in personal, professional or social life. It is what really excites me. I think I can be of value in this area. Mainly because it has happened to me. I can speak from personal experience.
Readers of this blog will know of my personal struggles with addictions. However I'm talking about the more subtle forms of thinking, personality traits and belief systems that have inhibited me and my life. I hear that all the time from people. People who read this email me. I am getting more of a feel for these things. We need not suffer alone.
So I got to the class late, there were around 20 of us and it was a really interesting day. The 3 tutors were great. Really scientifically informed, exceptionally well qualified in coaching and led a fantastic day. The group had great energy and dynamics. Most people worked or gave their time in the field of recovery. Whether it be working with offenders, people with substance or alcohol misuse, the vulnerable, mental health issues. They were good people, fired up to help. It was a good energy. I was engaged and open all day.
I don't want to talk about the guys or the course as we as a group agreed on a series of arrangements for the 3 days, one of which was confidentiality, however I just wanted to share my personal experience of the day.
The morning fired me up. Recovery Coaching was described as "An alternative way of empowering people to engage in a positive process of change and wellness". Holy fuck I was in the right place. It's what I've set out to do for myself this year.
The day had tons of information, scientific study, behavioural training and practical interactive role play that made me think about my belief systems, how I listen, engage with people, how I view recovery, how I label, judge and live in ego. It really challenged me.
From my minuscule understanding today of coaching, it's about listening and engaging with the person, setting their agenda not making suggestions of your own. It's about looking for solutions and moving forward in equal partnership. Not hierarchy relationship like therapist/client. It is a more holistic and organic approach yet rooted in getting results. It is not airy fairy. It is real. Based on serious and weighty neurological and scientific study. It is Serious and in my opinion, really fucking cool.
It's also new so probably will come up against a lot of resistance from established medical systems and individuals, but that's OK. I like mixing it up a bit.
What I like about it is it is totally the opposite of what I naturally do. I'm a talker. A preacher. I lack patience and empathy and have no time for people bullshitting. I'm eager to drill down and look what's under the bonnet. This is an asset and a hindrance as I have fucked off a lot of people off with that approach (and helped a load too) - but i'm hoping this process will help give me the skills to engage that passion in a positive way.
I struggled in parts to keep my ego in check. Wanting to put my hand up to give my opinion or engage in debate like it was a Jeremy Kyle show.
I asked lots of questions, suspended my ego in parts of was open and curious to learn. I was genuinely interested in these set of new ideals and principles It seemed to be an exciting way to help people. God knows we all need some kind of recovery in one way or other.
Everyone on the course is really inspirational in their own way. Good people doing some great work and I feel humbled and privileged to be given the opportunity to experience it.
I didn't get picked on once today and I even got my dinner money off my Mum. Playtime was excellent, we played British Bulldog in the playground and I even got to snog from Angel Eagling behind the sports hall. Can't wait for day 2, I may get tongues.!!!
Together We Are Stronger
Nicholas Evans
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