Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 23 - Cheers God, Nice one

Someday you have to just step back and say, 'cheers God, nice one'. Today was one of those days.

I know some of you reading may not believe in God. That's cool. This is not a 'God blog' after all. You maybe atheists, agnostics or just cannot be arsed. Some maybe spiritual without being religious. Some may have faith, or believe in nature, or the universe. Whatever gets you by is cool. It's your life and you're choice.

Trying to describe our own conception of God or a higher power is like trying to describe a rainbow. You have to see, feel and believe in it yourself. It is a very personal belief system. The main problem that I spot in this world is the arrogance of some religions. "My god is better than your God". I'm not a fan of that.

Me? I believe in a higher power. A higher being or force. Not organised religion or a God in a traditional sense but certainly a higher force. As Terry from Bury said to me, "the only thing you need to know about God, Nick, is that you're not fucking it!"

I'm actually not as arrogant as I come across. I know, I know, you will be shocked. Apparently not everything in this life revolves around me. I also know that I am not in control of all things in my life. Yes I control the direction of my life by the choices and actions. I put in the leg work, but ultimately I believe there is a higher force at work. That old phrase I keep rolling out, 'God will give you the shovel but you do the digging.'

It's easy to have faith when things are going well. It's when the chips are down that faith is truly tested. I feel I have been developing it much more this year by a new found commitment to meditation and change. It may not be revolutionary but I certainly feel a more spiritual connection with a power greater than me. Feeling a greater sense of perspective and calm in my life.

Having said that, today was a turbulent meditation. This morning's 10 minutes was delayed until mid morning after I downed loads of tea and Silk Cut. Result? Carnage of course.

Later in the day I tried again and must admit, after a good while of trying I opened one eye to spy how long of my 10 minutes I had left. It read 5 mins 47 seconds. Fuck!!! Only half way!

As readers of the blog will know I have been in financial fear and professional frustration. I have been in the wilderness for a while. Trying to start a company that people weren't interested in backing. It is a lonely road. Ebbing away at your self confidence, belief and enthusiasm. Last year was a tough year.

But this year has seen a change. A commitment to a new attitude. Challenging my beliefs. It has seen me devise an idea for a neat new product, a new company idea and apply for several jobs back in the sports market I have been out for nearly 3 years.

And so to today. In a nutshell I was offered a job and small investment on the same day. Famine to feast!! Ridiculous and amazing all rolled into one.

I don't need to go on about the details as it's not done yet or confirmed, however sometimes one just has to step back and say , 'cheers God, nice one'.

I don't feel like doing cartwheels or going over the top. I feel pleased and happy and it's right to celebrate good news. However it's also important not to go over the top. If I congratulate myself too much that's just another form of self centred ego. I can't claim all the credit here.

All I feel is grateful. It's all down to God this one. I can see some people recoiling from that saying, 'don't downgrade your role, you re the one who did it', Well Yes I turned up and did my part but ultimately I genuinely feel it's all part of the bigger plan. There are higher forces at work.

It's just God definitely has a sense of humour. Two offers on the same day! They say things come in 3's. It's Euro Lottery roll-over tomorrow. That would just be ridiculous God. I guarantee though readers (53 of you yesterday) - If the Jackpot is duly delivered all you regulars are in for a pay out.

After all, we are all in this together

Humbled today

Not a funny blog or that good (It's late and I've been busy) but truthful nonetheless.

Together We Are Stronger

Nicholas Evans

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