It's raining. Again. The wettest Christmas I can remember. The country's on flood alert and the grey, damp weather seeps into your soul. The Turkey is eaten. The presents are gone. The hype is over. Xmas has passed. The belt is a notch wider. It's that weird time between Xmas and New Year when you're not quite sure what to do.
Some go back to work (yuk), some visit family for their umpteenth Xmas feed, some can't wait to get away on a break, others just spend time at home or with family. The obscene Boxing day shopping frenzy continues so I'm staying way out of that one. I just want to jet off to a beach somewhere. Best have a word with the Job Centre, see if they can sort me out with a New Year Break?
I woke up with a heavy cold, awful candida (my fault all the Xmas sweets and overeating), a pulled left hamstring, a sore lower back and a fresh pulled muscle in my middle back. In short if I was a pet I'd say put me down. I'm falling apart. Gutted.
Obviously coupled with the the weather and the perma bloatendess that comes from a British Xmas I was a proper miserable bastard. My mood was lower than a whores draws. GGGrrrrrrr. This year started off with so much enthusiasm and fired up and it appears to be ending with a whimper. I best man up and have a word with myself.
I missed out on Boxing day yesterday, being so good and saintly and all. So I am declaring today Boxing day. Meaning I'm going to do what I want to do and eat cold cuts. I visited the osteopath for treatment, went to the gym (sauna), cycled whilst watching a sentimental afternoon Xmas film (secretariat), read my books I received for Xmas (love em) and went to the cinema to watch a crappy Hollywood blockbuster (Jack Reacher)
As the day progressed and my pain and self pity diminished I felt better and in the end was pretty chirpy. Obviously this didn't stop me gorging on Toblerone and Popcorn late at night (fuck it, it's Christmas right?) But all in all it was a decent day.
I started out homicidal/suicidal and ended it docile. Not a bad day in the scheme of things.
It really is No Mans land this time. I really want to bugger off for a week in the sun. I tell myself 'it's for writing purposes', which is a load of bollocks. It's for me purposes. Do i really need a week of sun to get my head straight for 2013. To give myself time and space to list what I need to do? Of course not.
Can i do that here? Is it putting things off again? Truth is shit needs to be done and it isn't going to be done on a beach in Dubai. Having said that I think holidays are a good thing and can make you refreshed and healthy ready to do what you need. it certainly helped at the start of they year - this daily blog is a direct result of it so good things can come out of having time and space away to think.
Basically I'm undecided. I've realised I am so indecisive it's ridiculous. Cowboy boots or timberland's? Leather jacket or long coat? Yoga or gym? Run or cycle? Anal or normal? The list goes on. It's paralysing and frustrating.
One of the joys of no mans land though is doing nothing in particular without any guilt or stress you should be doing something. One of those joys is reading the books you were given for Xmas. I'm quite old school in that I like the physical feel of books. It gives me pleasure having something in my hand other than my balls. Kindles are one of the biggest sellers this Xmas but i prefer an actual book.
I was bought the New Rankin book, The David Walsh investigation into Lance Armstrong, a self help book called 'Stop thinking Start doing' (very apt) and the Richard Burton Diaries. A superb and eclectic choice. I am 200 pages into the Lance Armstrong investigation (I'm hooked, pun intended) and flicking through the Richard Burton diaries. The man is my hero. I so wish I was him;
Here is my favourite quote so far;
"At about 12 Noon this same day I did something beyond outrage. I bought Elizabeth the jet plane we flew in yesterday. It costs, brand new $960,000. She was not displeased."
30th September 1967
Legendary. One can only dream of being so magnificently flawed, spectacularly clever, talented and Welsh. Heroic in my eyes. I shall read on with interest.
Enjoy Nomania
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