Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 343 - Sun 23rd Dec - Ho-Ho-Homeland

When you don't get to sleep until 6am it kind of ruins the next day. This is what happened today;

Woke up 10am - knackered, bloated, full, lethargic. 3 Christmas Dinners in 4 days has taken it's toll.

Ran 40 Min's - Knackered, back hurts, hamstring pulled. A wreck.

Filled with good intentions for the day. Go into Town, pick up some last minutes presents. The 23rd is when you really start to think you need more. More. More.More.

When i got to the shops I could feel the rising stress levels. Waitrose was just middle class bedlam. Cargo was carnage. It was horrible. There was nowhere to turn. So I did the only thing available to me. I turned round and went back home. Fuck today. It's officially cancelled. A Pre Christmas day off. I'm too tired to cope with the world. It's hibernation time.

I'm so full an afernoon/evening of Homeland Box Set and elasticated leisure slacks stretched out before me. Pun fully intended.

I couldn't wait to get home and slap on Homeland. I got in at 5pm (which is pretty much the end of a day on Sunday anyway when it gets dark it's time to hibernate) and immediately settled down on the sofa to mong (apologies for such an un PC term) and indulge in my new addiction.

If you are an addict with a new box set, clearly you need to find time to commit yourself to multiple episodes. You must cancel life for a little while. There is no point in grabbing the occassional episode. You have to jump in feet first and indulge yourself. If you find yourself enjoying something you want that feeling to continue, more and more to the detriment of everything else. I started on episode 3 and by the end of the night I had completed a further 2 discs (6 Episodes) to take me up to 9. Only three to go.

It takes commitment, determination and lots of tea to watch 6 back to back episodes. I took a break halfway through to write my blog, but returned for the second session. Obviously you constantly top up with tea to get you through the marathon, but after feeling as bloated as a balloon with helium, the Celebrations/Quality Street/Heroes/Maltesers accompaniment is out. Any more grazing on fatty/sugary stuff and it will be goodbye skinny jeans and hello elasticated Onsie.

I stayed wedged to the sofa for 6 hours. A proper shift. Hardly moving. It was a pain to get up. At times like this it would be amazing to have a butler, or a wife to tend to your needs. Instead I finished my marathon stint at 1am. All that laying around doing nothing makes you tired so i promptly fell asleep. Yes that's right I was so tired/lazy i couldn't even make it to bed.

Sorry about today. Very boring entry (so to speak) but that is what you get for pulling an all nighter out the bag. It fucks you the next day, or it does me. Now that I'm an old man my body can't seem to handle it any more. Thank god I don't drink. It wouldn't just be afternoons or evenings I'd spend monging. I'd lose whole weeks. At least that's something to celebrate. If only i could muster enough energy to do so. Flop n drop baby. That's what today is.

Can't believe it's Christmas Even tomorrow. (or today if you're reading this today)This is now the time I start to get really unChristmasy feeling/. The closer to the day it gets the less I feel it. Weird. But then again after 6 hours on the sofa I can't feel anything. Even blinking is an effort. Anyway musn't stop. I can't be wasting time writing down inane thoughts. Those last 3 episodes aren't going to watch themsleves are they? Back to the sofa. Sodding hard work this doing nothing lark. And there's only the sodding toffee Quality Streets left. Such a hard life


Merry Christmas Eve Eve


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