A day of rest, roast beef, crumpets and Sunday papers. It's very Autumn now. I love the colours. You can almost sniff winter. Going running this week has been a joy seeing all the colours of the trees, the heavy covering of leaves on the pavement. It's a classic British time of the year and it's great to be able to notice it. The only downside is the hidden dog shit beneath the leaves. I've nearly been caught out twice this week, though in Richmond it's so posh the dogs tend to go in the bushes. Christ I've started off a blog entry on a positive note. Whats wrong with me?
I was stumbling around for a topic today and then I opened the Sunday Times. Always something to pick on in there. Usually in the 'Style' pull out section.
Now for my American readers or people who haven't had the pleasure of reading the 'Style' section the best way to describe it is that it's pretty much the magazine equivalent of business class travel. It's aimed at the higher end of the social demographic. Packed with fashion, models, recipes, clothes & lifestyle products. The feature pieces are usually about middle/upper class fads, fashionable topics like how to go organic or how corduroy yoga is the season's must do exercise. It's a celebration of the 'Haves', rather than the 'have nots'.
Prime example today was a fashion spread called 'cabin class'. A fashion spread about stylish things to wear whilst flying. They had cashmere jumpers and woolen suits, coats and cardigans all weighing in at around £2,000 each. This made me smile, as my experience of cabin class travelling from the UK on airlines like Monarch and Easyjet is more velour leisure suit than cashmere suit. It's usually Like a rally for Sports Direct. All Lonsdale Tracksuits and elasticated waisted trousers. Most certainly the Great British traveller is more used to sporting Primark than Prada in my experience.
I could write a whole piece about 'travel fashion' as it fascinates me but i shall save that for another time.
The real thing that caught my eye was an interview with Cheryl Cole publicising her autobiography. Yes you did read that correctly, her Autobiography? I know it's exactly what I'm thinking too. Why? Anyone buying that needs locking up in the Grand Designs water cooler. Tragic.
The one word that comes to my mind when I see, hear, read or view anything to do with Cheryl Cole is Why?. Why is she in the public eye? Why is she on TV? Why is she a public figure? Why is anyone interested in her? What exactly is the point of her? What is she good at?
I mean I wish her well and good luck to her for making bags of loot and a success of herself, I wish her no harm. But she's made a career out of being a victim who looks like a Tranny in Lauboutins.
Here's her autobiography. Plain, dull, mundane Geordie girl makes it in a a girl band, marries Premier league footballer, gets hair extensions and high heels, gets cheated on, gets massive public support and becomes judge on X factor and then a large contract with L'Oreal to promote beauty products. Is that really worth £16.99 and 300 pages? Jesus Christ pass me the gun. Even Kindels will burn out uploading that shit onto it. It will be death by Kindle trolling through that book.
Since when did mundanity and vacuous ferocious need for attention and public sympathy be a good role model for young girls?
She does what she's told to do, wears what is told, sings what is written and apparently is a good example for women? Are you kidding me. She's typical of 1000's of wannabes who think that sleeping with a Premier league footballer constitutes a success. Depressing. They all look the same. She's captured that Cheryl Cole look. Vampy big hair extensions, massive eye make up to cover a plain face and huge high heels to give her tiny plain shapeless body some femininity.
Why can't role models be more original, creative and actually contribute something positive to the world. What about Jess Ennis? Pendleton? Balding? JK Rowling? Any singer song writer? Someone with creativity, dedication, real ethics, originality who actually says something. That's the kind of role model I would look up to if I was a girl.
Instead we get a banal walking clothes horse with hair extensions giving beauty advice to young girls that involves making yourself look like a tranny on products that cost around £500 a pop. Nice one Cheryl.
To sum her up, she's effectively a human version of Big Brother isn't she?
I wish her no harm and as I say good luck to her. My beef is not with her but what she represents and the system that allows it. She's a pin up for the X factor generation. All style over substance. As long as you consider transvestism stylish.
I saw her interview on Piers Morgan a while ago and I know she cried a lot and played a tremendous victim but it was like a PR junket. I know she's got bulimia problems but after watching her moan and mumble her way through an hour of prime time TV it actually made me throw up. Nauseating
It's another example of how totally dull modern celebrity is. In the good old days when i was growing up. Famous people were famous because they had unique talents and were good at what they did. Actors, musicians, TV presenters who used to be journalists. Comedians. Performers. They all had character, talent and personality. Sure most of them were either drunks, drug addicts, wife beaters or paedophiles but they made good tellie.
Yes I know there's always been a popular culture bubblegum style of personality. Teen idols and such, but even those in the 70's/80's had character and spirit. I mean Keith Chegwin was massive on TV when i was growing up and he loved to be whipped and dominated by a transsexual dominatrix (apparently) I have two words which describe how old school celebs piss on modern day ones. Frank and Bough. He would have probably loved literally pissing on Cheryl Cole.
It's a cheap shot to have a pop at her about her accent, class, look etc as it's unfair. Just another guy slagging off a female celebrity. That's bullying. I just hate everything she represents and the galling thing is that the media, even the supposed intelligent media are happy to pander to it and play the game.
Now if she disclosed that she used to ride Louis Walsh with a massive strap on during the commercial break of the X factor well I may actually change my mind. Give us something interesting Cheryl. Anything please.
ReplyDeleteThis might explain our obsession with Cheryl Cole and dumbed down TV. Some late night viewing for you...
whoever you are - Thank you, very interesting stuff and yes i agree. Can't see this dude presenting Saturday night TV.