4 hours kip for me and then out to work. Felt pretty chirpy for such little sleep. Clearly all those parents moaning about no sleep for years because of little children are hysterical. It's easy. Well, maybe for one night...if it was for, say, 4 to 5 years i reckon it would be homicide or suicide for me. Respect for all you parents out there (said in East London voice)
Report about today? Up, drive, work, drive, home, drive, meeting, drive, home, yawn. kip. zzz. Dull wasn't it?
Blog Comments
Got some great comments over the past few days on this blog and I've only just realised i can reply so apologies if you think I've been aloof and distant. I'm not It was simply a case of me being a massive gay and stupid. (although that is actually classed as offensive and homophobic so apologies to gay and stupid people i don't mean it in that context.)
That got me thinking about what we say can then lead to us being labelled certain things. For instance there's a lot of comments on my blog about wanking. Seems that wanking has been latched onto and that i am known as a 'wanker'. People reading this blog and then seeing me in a meeting or in town and thinking, 'i wonder if he's tugged off today?'. It could be tricky, what if people in job interviews or business read this? I'll never been taken seriously again.
I don't actually wank that much. I mean don't get me wrong i like a wank as much as the next man, preferably not next to him though. But i wouldn't consider myself an excessive wanker. Maybe in the past yes. I was enthusiastic. But now I'm getting older it's not quite so important. I prefer other things like looking up cardigans on EBay and dehairing my nostrils. I'm not a once or more a day man. I would consider that 'excessive'.
Prayer v Masturbation
I do often wonder what if i had put as much effort into my spiritual condition as i had to wanking. I mean years ago when i started praying i always felt guilty at the end of the day. I would get stuck into a 'power wank' for around 10-20mins depending on my state of mind and tiredness, then after i would get on my knees and pray for around 30-45 seconds. 'Thanks for sober day god please can i have a nice life', and then go to kip. Of course i cleaned up first I'm not that disrespectful. How bad would that be praying to a higher power covered in jism. It just wouldn't work. Though i bet he/it/she has had worse prayers.
I often wonder how i would have turned out if i had reversed those timings. 20 minutes praying and 1 min wanking would mean i'd be on Billy Graham proprtions, though according to reports he loved a good tug too. Lord have mercy.
Myth v Reality
I've got to be honest it's a myth based purely upon my tongue in cheek blog. If i hype myself up to be a particular character then i guess people will latch onto to what i put out and then the die is cast right? I've got no complaints.
But i do think it's a problem that is in society. Too many labels are put on people. Everyone fits a neat box. We live a world of headlines social media updates and very little depth. The funny thing is we are the most morally bankrupt era ever with the highest set of fucked up principles. We have been in the biggest financial crisis for centuries based upon years of greed is good. Captialism. Make some money. To hell with the consequences. Fuck society as long as i'm OK.
Another Example. The Government. Trumpeting the Olympics and youth sport during the Olympics yet cutting spending before hand. John Terry. Now he is a prick. No doubt about that and i have no time for him, He is a big timer and yes of course easy to hate and vilify. But if he did call Anton Ferdinand a 'black c**t' in sarcasm and as a repeating phrase 'no i didn't call you a black c***t' - does that make it any less offensive than calling someone that outright? And what of 'fat c**t, welsh c**t, Ugly C**t? All those phrases.
Now Terry has been hung out to dry by the media and the general public. Of course he brings it on himslef but is it OK to morally judge him as a racist? Is he any worse than any standard working class white male in this country? Is he that different to me or you? Can you honestly say hand on heart you've never said or done something in jest or heat of the battle you've regretted? What if that is picked up on? Is that a true representation of who you are, your values, your moral compass? Do we really want to look at the context of it because we have an opinion of him based in the media? No we live in a 2 dimensional world. Headlines without substance. People are judged without looking at the full picture. X Factor living.
Stories in the papers, endless shit magazines and radio phone ins are used as truth. Opinions are formed. These are then put out on social media and then a story or pattern emerges that has very little semblance of truth or reality.
"What do you think about so and so", is a popular question. Well who the fuck knows if you don't know them? How can we form rational real opinions on events and people if we are just armed with infactual snipbits of information?
The problem is not with Terry the problem is in the mass hypocritical hysteria reaction in people condemning him because that's the PC thing to do. It's what we should say and do. That's Bollocks in my opinion. There are far too many moral commentators and the whole PC thing is ludicrous. If he did say a racist comment then just hold your hands up, say i was an idiot and move on, instead of the whole dull charade.
What really winds me up are the Endless experts on news channels perpetuating the PC moral high ground. All the media reporting PC moral agendas. people saying oh its a disgrace on facebook, twitter etc. Is it right that gets more column inches and social commentary than the Hillsborough cover up?
Why don't all these moral outragers who sit in dinner parties or at home on the PC spouting all this moral high ground PC bollocks go to Lambeth or Tower Hamlets or anywhere else and volunteer their services to race and youth equality? Instead of judging start doing. We'd get so much more done then.
The thousands of people on the ground who have a balanced view, don't scream and shout and morally judge. Who listen to the facts and who do something about it. Those are the ones i listen to & admire.
Yes of course there is racism and yes of course it's easy for me to say as a white middle class male sat in my kitchen in my pants. This is not so much about racism but about how PC and easy to moral judge we are as a nation of people. It depresses me. Frankie Boyle is vilified for joking about the paralympics or people with handicaps, yet he's the only one not scared to challenge these areas. Are we that so PC straitjacketed? TV won't touch him because he's challenging.
Surely we have to have something other than X Factor or Strictly Come Dancing? There is of course a time and place for light entertainment. I grew up on Les Dawson and others like him. It's great. But where is the originality? Where is the creativity? Where is the balanced view? Say what you like about the 70's but TV wasn't fussy in employing alcoholics, sex offenders, wife beaters, manic depressives and a whole concophony of weirdos and mentalists. Thats what made it so entertaining. Now everyone looks the same, acts the same, speaks the same and is just bland. Russel Brand should rename himslef Russell Bland. Peter Cook was doing it much better in the 1960's for christ sake. Yawn.
Our divorce rate is at its highest, we are the biggest users of anti depressants in the world, teenage pregnancy and obesity is one of highest in Europe, we are the top 5 users of alcohol in the world, church levels and faith has dropped below 2%, obesity and heart disease is growing, social media has replaced the way we communicate and yet we are more PC, morally judgmental and opinionated than ever before. Doesn't stack up does it? How dare we morally judge others if the above is happening. It's insane hypocrisy.
We supposedly live in one of the most democratic countries in the world. In an era of instant communication yet we are more conservative than ever before. All it takes is a small glimmer of someone saying something and BOOM the die is cast. You're either racist, sexist, homophobic, liar, sexual predator or Jimmy Saville (though he was just plain wrong)
The comment i got about being self obsessed and should go and volunteer for OAP work is valid. But What is the writer doing? Do they help out with OAP's? What about everyone that has slammed John Terry or Frankie Boyle? What are they doing for their communities, for the world?
Jesus this has turned into a bit of a rant hasn't it? I only started off by talking about praying to God with jizz on my hands, not sure how that one came about.
End of rant
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