Morning bloggers. God knows what got into me today but i worked hard, on went the 3 piece suit. Granted the waistcoat is rather tight it could burst at any time on the train, back went the hair, on went the pink tie (acceptable with a suit not with a v neck) I looked the part and then proceeded to work with an energy and pace that would have put me under suspicion of a drugs test had i been an athlete. Don't know what got into me. I may have to take the next 5 days off to watch back to back episodes of 'coach trip' to send me back to my lazy slumber.
By 7.00pm when i got back to my car, i was spent. Gym, AA, comedy writing, blog, run, work tonight? I decided against all these and headed home. To write the blog, eat and try to generate a crowd for comedy. Tomorrow is my club and the crowd is very low with all the regulars not coming. I am worried, especially as i have such a great line up. I am always nervous and worried. It's like having a party every month and worrying if anyone will show up.
Still, as the saying goes. Do your best and leave it up to the main man for the result. So I'm hoping he pulls through for me. Maybe it's time to change marketing and mix it up a bit. I guess i took the 50-75 crowds for granted, but then I'm never grateful or satisfied am i? God, if i was maybe I'd be happy and we don't want that do we Nicholas? Wouldn't have anything to moan about then.
I Avoided porn all night and was too tired to attempt to write so i hounded everyone i know to come to comedy tomorrow and slept at midnight. Blimey. That was a 'normal' day. Commute, work, home, eat, write, TV, speak to family. Bed. Yawn
The news from Brymoor Road today was that Nan had her haircut in the kitchen by the mobile hairdresser, 'Nothing Really'. Name of her business.
She loves getting her hair done. I remember she used to go every Thursday to Station Road to get it 'set'. Rows of old women in Macs and Pinnies with rollers in their hair under the big bubble heaters, gossiping, with the shopping trolleys parked out front (replaced today with mobility scooters)
On my last visit i witnessed something that was genius and pure Llanelli, something i havent' seen anywhere else in the UK. It was on an estate. On the drive was parked an old ice cream van. But it wasn't an ice cream anymore. Oh no, it had been updated, converted into a 'Barry's Mobile Barbers'
An ice cream van, with surround windows that was now a barbers with one chair set higher in the back than the front seats, like the pope mobile, so that everyone can see the person in the chair. It was insane/genius. Barry has shown some inspiration there, though if i was getting my hair done I'd feel a little nervous that everyone in the entire world could be watching me.
There was also lots of cars and motorbikes in parts scattered around the drive like a scene from Kabul, so I'm not sure Barry would have the gentlest touch with the hair, but i certainly admired his creative spirit.
The hairdresser and Nan apparently talked incessantly for 50 minutes. It was like an Olympic style nonversation. A meeting of 2 Welsh girls who love talking about anything and everything. It was good for her. In the same way i need AA, or a Buddhist needs meditation or Jordan needs attention, Welsh women need nonversation. it is their air. And a weekly haircut and 'set' provides the perfect opportunity for this. sweet.
More updates from TOWIL tomorrow
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