Mileage 26.2 miles; Time - 3 hours 49 minutes - Done It!!!
Marathon Day!
So this is it. This is what we've all been building. London Marathon Day 2012. A totally classic on the London Calendar. A great London day. A day of life, love and loss. It's got the whole shebang, including chaffed nipples.
Alarm went off at 6am. 5 hours kip which is pretty decent the night before Marathon, though to be fair it helps to have done 4 of them so i know what to expect.
Woke totally stuffed with a whirling stomach. It was a windy night. In fact it was going to be a windy day. though I will spare you the graphic details.
Breakfasted on Porridge and Carrot Cake. A genuine breakfast of champions. All that was missing was a Special Brew to really complete the set. Drank some tea, smoked a couple of Pre Marathon snouts, just to settle the nerves of course, strapped on the kit (In the end i covered both bases and went for Gayboy tr-suit with Action on Addiction vest with name over the top). A little waist pocket to hold my nutrition. Kendall Mint cake and gum. #old school, 2 pairs of socks. trainers, timing chip and of course heartily Vaselined up everything that could potentially rub.
If I'm honest i took a little too long doing this and concentrated on a particular part of my body. No time for that Nick. You've a marathon to run. Get on with it.
Then it was out, to Barnes station for the train to Waterloo. I felt slightly guilty sitting on the steps in my Marathon Kit with my Big Red Marathon bag (identifies runners), smoking a cigarette. I was suitably looked upon disdainfully by all passers by. Like I'd just assaulted a kitten. I thought that was a bit harsh but polished off a couple in the wait.
Train was packed full of expectant runners and supporters. People slapping down bagels with bananas, lucozade, water, nuts to get last minute energy. i had done all mine, anymore and i swear I'll burst. My guts felt like i had eaten a 3 week old fox anyway. Gurgling.
Met with Kelly, my colleague, she was doing her 1st London, and my Pal Russell, a really quick runner, who was doing his 3rd, but dressed as Angry Bird. The lunatic will still beat me hands down as his quickest marathon is 3 hours, I've got no chance. I reckon he could do it on his hands and still be quicker.
We made our way to Greenwich Park for the start. It was like a pilgrimage of Lycra full of people brandishing their big red bags and all manner of costumes, vests, lycra. The place stunk of deep heat and vaseline. I liked it. People were everywhere. A hum of expectation and excitement was in the air.Everyone 'vasing up', like a mass low budget strip club. Grim.
The feelings you experience at this point are numerous, nervous, apprehensive, you clearly think you havent done enough training, you are excited and it is a feeling like no other. 26.2 miles in front of you. What will it be like? Will i do a good time?. Feels like you're going on a date with a dominatrix. You can't wait for it. It's all you ever wanted but you're scared shit less too.. At least that's what people tell me anyway.
I was on the blue start, the others were on red, so i left them to it and off i went, slung my bag into the trucks, put on an old warm top and took my place in the queue. Trap 4. Blue start. Blackheath green. Packed.
I didn't talk. I didn't chat. I was alone, with my thoughts. Focused. Today's marathon was not going to be a pantomime dame one for me. I wasn't interested in seeing people all round the course. I wasn't interested in engaging the crowd, of being Mr fun. I wanted to just run and enjoy it. I felt heavy, full, windy. Not a feeling i enjoy but i was hoping it would provide me with enough energy in the 2nd half of the race. i wanted so much to power home in the last 6 miles, not like last year when my last 6 miles were slower than a slug on Tramadol.
I visualized the embankment and wall of sound and faces willing you home. I thought of the reference points around the course. My charity waiting en Mass at Tower Bridge, Canary Wharf, My pals on embankment, ,my loved ones at Westminster. The finish line. I wanted to be strong at the end and enjoy it. I knew i hadn't trained hard enough for a 3 hour 30 marathon, so i figured i would take it easy and see if i could do 3 hour 50 mins, and if i got under, well that would be a bonus. But i wasn't going to get hung up on time today.
I looked enviously and a little 'less than' at the seeming pro's. With their GPS watches and race paced timed in their heads. I was a bit more 'off the cuff' with my Argos Timex stopwatch and natural instincts. I'm either old school or a stubborn fool. I can't quite work out which yet.
And then it was 9.45am and we were off. Took 3 minutes to get over the start line, but the Virgin London Marathon 2012 had begun! 111 days of training, of writing, of rehab, of running, of miles and smiles and just a few porkie pies. It was here. It was now.
It was totally jam packed. Typical London roads i suppose. Held up and slowed to a crawl. However refreshingly you didn't get booked for using a bus lane. There was no chance in going off to fast. Which in hindsight was probably a good thing.
The 1st 3 miles chugged along, the best part of it was when we passed the Greenwich Royal Artillery Olympic Test Event and new building. Gunshots popped off, which was great as they sounded just like my farts. The building is awesome with abstract coloured bullet holes protruding from them. It was impressive.
Greenwich was a buzz as it was totally packed. The crowd were awesome. Bands played at different parts. The diversity of music a real joy. The weather was sunny so lots of people turned out. Once again it was a London carnival.
I felt heavy and slow in the first 12 miles. The gut was gurgling, yet at around the 10 mile point and sorry for this readers, i started to release the pressure. My god i would have hated to be behind me. But needs must and it had to be done. There were a few dicey moments when i thought i really had 'done a Radcliffe', but luckily i escaped that hell. But Once this happened i started to run easier and get into a rythymn, Head down, listen to the crowd, take the 'Go on Nick's' and settle in.
And then i hit Tower Bridge. Fuck me. Incredible! It always amazes me. It was Immense. The crowd packed either side, the wall of noise. Urging, willing, shouting. The mood intense. The energy incredible. I ran close to the crowd on the left and gazed at all the faces, feeding off their noise and support. I lost my head, my thinking, i had an almost outer body experience. i started crying. I thought of my Father, of his alcoholic loss and all the alcoholics who lost out on this. Life affirming. Love. I thought of my Mum and Nan at home in Brymoor Road, watching. i thought of nothing but love. It was tingling, and real, and emotional and euphoric. I floated across that bridge.
Turned into Limehouse, the crowd noisy all the way and i reached halfway in 1 hour 54 Min's. Slow, but feeling OK. I was aware that the real marathon starts at 18 miles, so i didn't want to burn out again. I kept steady.
I felt a bit crap up until 18 miles and Canary Wharf. I was running at the same speed as others around me and was struck by how slow they were going. Was i really going as slow as them? At some points i ran in a great rhythm and felt good at others i felt all over the place. I stopped twice for a pee (Not easy in a dopey gay all in one tri suit)
I took water on and lucozade sport, noshed down on Kendall mint cake which to be fair is not easy when you are running, heavy dark chocolate making your mouth gloopy like you've just swallowed some mud. Time to rethink fuelling strategy next time (Will;I;Ever;Learn?)
I went through the incredible Canary Wharf, which was bedlam and always one of my favourites. I hit 19 miles and felt strong and good. I pushed on, and then it was 20 miles and i thought 6 to go. You're feeling good, so i picked up the pace and ran strong. Round the hard Poplar (Miles 20 and 21)and back onto Limehouse. It was time to push for home.
I got to Mile 23 when you go past Tower Bridge again and the real noise starts. This was what i was visualizing and locked into the zone. Head down, feeding off the crowd and overtook loads of people. I saw a couple of people i knew and was really enjoying it. I got a kick out of feeling strong and overtaking people. Maybe i could have run harder earlier, but was 'in the moment' and determined not to 'leave anything on the course'.
The crowd almost demand you home. Pulling you to the line. I really hit the last few miles hard and kicked on. The gas had gone. The bloated gut no more. i was feeling great. Then you see The Eye, Big Ben, House of Parliament. 1 mile from the end. You are nearly there. You can reach out and touch it.
I saw all my loved ones on Parliament square, stopped for hugs and kisses. I could have carried on and saved myself 2 minutes but for me the crowd are as important if not more so than the runners. After all they put up with your moods, boring the shit out of them, your obsession, you're selfishness at the marathon and they turn up to support you. If it wasn;t for them you would be running 26 miles yourself through London. Where's the fun in that? No i respect the crowd. I love the crowd. And i love the ones i love.
Then it really was kick for home, Buckingham Palace, turn into the Mall, crowds fever pitch, the noise deafening and you sprint for the line and you are there, raising your arms posing for the pic even though you look as rough as two badgers arses, you don't care. You have finished. You have completed the London Marathon. In 3 hours 49 minutes.
You have a massive sense of relief. You immediately feel dead from the waist down, you hobble up to have your race chip removed, luckily they cut it off for you to save you bending down, as you may get back up on Tuesday if you're lucky. You're medal is draped over you and you hobble off to pick up your bag. Bodies lie everywhere. All organisers applaud you. You have done it. Finisher!
I met up with My lovely family and hug, kissed, posed for pics, went for cup of tea, stretched and was buzzing. People walked about like they had shit themselves. Hobbling but with a massive grin of satisfaction. Everyone embracing at the end. Again another life affirming part of the day. it is beautiful.
Then it is time to get on the train, go home, bathe, have food, watch the highlights, see if you're on TV, get disappointed you are not. See James Cracknell do less than 3 hours, feel that you could have done better, start planning next year, text and receive lots of texts of congratulations from people. Will this day of ultimate outside affirmation never end. I love it!!!!!
The legs are stiff but feel good. I am happy. My time is my second quickest ever. i did OK. I enjoyed it. I'm not about to pull it apart. I raised over £1500 for the charity. I enjoyed the day. Many say, my god you're amazing - but i got talking to a guy who had completed his 100th marathon in 100 days in less than 3 hours. Fuck me, he's amazing, but talk about shitting on you're parade!
I will deal with what i've learned and my feelings in tomorrows blog but tonight i feel a sense of satisfaction. This one was for alcoholism. For all the lost souls and lives, of all the families affected by it. For all the people i love and love me. For my Nan who is poorly and my Mum who has so much love in her it's incredible.
Today was the best London Day of the year. It is a triumph for spirit and love and life. It's London coming together as one. Even a cynical angry sod like me is melted. It is inspirational. It is classic. It is London Marathon people. And if you think you can't do it. Think again. It hurts. It's painful but where else can you get that feeling i experienced over Tower Bridge?
You can add Brandy, Coke, Crystal Meths and Amazing sex into a mix and it wouldn't come close.
I urge anyone to try it. at least once. I loved it. Thank you all for supporting me and others. For sponsoring, for organising, for running, for supporting, for being there.
Today, wherever you read this. UK or abroad. Cynical or Not. Know me well or not at all. We are all one today. We share this common cause. That cause called life. Big love
Nick Evans
Number 11560
PS - I have decided i will continue this blog every day throughout 2012, i hope you keep reading and don't worry they won't be as long as this
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