Mileage 5 (Time 40 Min's) - Weekly Mileage 5 miles
Today is all about Comedy. My monthly Club, Comedy Chops is tonight and I've got a touch of the Radcliffe's. (she pulled out of 2004 Athens Olympics after 'soiling' herself). I'm nervous.
I'm always bloody nervous about my Comedy night. Why? Because i haven't written much material (again) It's the same every month. Will i get enough in? Will the acts be good? Will i break even or make money? Will i be funny? Will i loosen up?
I've been running the night in the Hurlingham since January 2011, every month. We usually get between 40-70 people show up and if I'm being honest it's grown into a nice little night. Plenty of regulars come. People seem to enjoy it. Occasionally it's a tough night when everyone is a little quiet and I'm petrified. But on the whole it;s been a big success. So why the nerves every month?
The formulae seems to work, live music from 8.15pm, 3/4 acts from 9pm, people can eat and watch comedy, i compere and we have a meat raffle. It's a bit like a living room, and it is very middle class 'Gastro' pub, which is a little ironic when deep down i hated pubs like that. In my book Pubs should be about drinking. No distractions. No Jus, reductions, TV, music, entertainment, fun. Just drinking.
So i seem to have developed a middle class, genteel, living room comedy night. But you know what. it works.
It seems to be symptomatic of my mind and attitude. On a bad day i can downplay it and turn it into shit. 'Only a crappy night in a pub, i never write material, people only come because they know me or
the singer. You know the usual positive commentary my mind comes up with.. Thanks Mind'.
I rarely write material and perform it because I'm too scared of falling flat. I have done it a few times and died and other times it's been OK. But generally i just 'wing it' and when it's over i go 'phew' and get a sense of relief until the next month comes about. I think i have wanted to do another one immediately on around 3 occasions when i have got on really well.
So today i questioned this attitude. Why do it if you don't enjoy it? Why think like that? What is going on if you feel like this. Where is the enjoyment? A little like the marathon really - and if I'm honest quite alot i do. Life is apparently to be enjoyed not endured. So whats to do?
I spoke with a couple of people about a change in attitude:
1 - I am the MC, people are there to see the acts, so let the acts shine. It's not about me. (that's a tough one for a self obsessed self centred ego maniac)
2 - Don't take myself so seriously. I am terrified of being laughed at, not with. Of looking an idiot. Of being slow and stupid. Quite ironic position to be in underneath when i am stood in front of 70 people with a microphone trying to be funny.. Fuck me that's insane.
3 - Have fun - Is it possible to enjoy myself and try to have fun? Isn't that the whole premise of comedy?
4 - Relax - as above
5 - Let go of the result - if you do preparation and you're best leave the result go.
6 - Write some fucking material every day and learn it to say it on the night!
So, i decided to try and do this. I remembered i wanted to start a comedy night where it was packed, buzzy, raucous, where as a compere i could ad lib and free flow topical things, things that were immediate. So it was fresh, off the cuff and of course brilliant! I wanted to relax and enjoy it and let it be what it was. Result?
it pissed down. Apocalyptic rain. Trains were fucked, so at 8.59pm there were 20 people. Super fuck. empty seats and my head basically saying, Kill yourself now. Negative was trying to win. Also after speaking to one of the acts who was doing MTV, Chanel 5, Edinburgh show and gigging every night i had a massive attack of the less thans (small pub night etc etc) - So i was going into it in good shape.
Luckily a few more came in, the seats in front filled up and we had 35 people. Rocking! In profit and decent atmosphere. The night proceeded to be fantastic. All the Acts were great. The crowd were lovely. I relaxed. OK, i wasn't amazing but i got through OK and did manage to say a few homemade jokes. Some were good some dreadful. But fuck it, who cares?
I manged to be more alert and 'present'. Not lost in my own mind of terror (Kind of makes it hard to come back to a heckle when you are lost in fear and worry) - We made £50 and my Niece won the Meat Raffle. Sorted.
My mate came and had some time with him. Chatted to a couple of the acts, who basically said they gig every night and are addicted to performing. which means if i want to improve i have to do that. i can't expect to rock up once a month and be amazing. (well i do but that's the trouble)
So basically I've been shown the way. It's up to me now if i want to take it. The lesson of today, relax, have fun, leave the result go, prepare, work hard and enjoy shit!
Lets see if i can take that into Marathon day
Oh yes Marathon, ate clean, drank tons of diet coke, smoked loads of fags (as always when comedy), ran 5 miles, stayed up til 4am, ate packet of Hob Knobs, ate 1/2 packet rich Tea biscuits. 4 hours kip. Pretty sure that's not in the Marathon preparation text book. EEk
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