Miles - 8; Time 1 hour 3 minutes; Weekly Mileage 20 miles
So The country is in panic. Petrol Forecourts are running dry. Motorists are furiously driving around in search of Diesel and Ginsters Slices. Not only have the Petrol Tanker Drivers threatened to strike, so have the Ginsters Drivers. It's a disaster. How the fuck is Britain supposed to drive and what on earth are we to eat? I'm going to end up having to some tinned fucking mints and Rodeo Burger to keep me going. It;s a fucking disgrace. You can't have a petrol station without Ginsters for Christs sakes. OK you need petrol of course, but no Ginsters is like a Fish and Chip shop without Fish. Like MacDonald's without a Big Mac, like David Cameron without the posh privileged public school old boys network donations for peerages and business favours type of thing.
It's panic on a grand scale. Long queues, Irate motorists, forecourt cashiers stressed. Sounds like any Wild Bean Cafe to me. Business as usual.
It's a joke. Hysteria for no reason. It shows what is shit about UK. Petrol stations ripping us off by raising prices to £2million a litre, the media creating hysteria, Governments jumping on the back to score political points, but worst of all it highlights the utter stupidity of some people in this country.
All this shit that the minister who recommended we should buy petrol and put in cans and store them, should resign because he is responsible for that poor woman giving herself 40% burns is total bollocks. Obviously I'm sorry for her, but pouring petrol into a glass jar whilst cooking dinner? Fuck me she may as well be pulling on a Rothmans and be done with it.
They should have made it compulsory on Celebrity 'Come Dine With Me'. I would have cheerfully watched Paul Daniels set himself on fire serving Flaming Sambucas. Though if i would set myself on fire i word be saying stronger words than 'flamming'.
What happened to personal responsibility? We must face facts that some people are thick as pig shit.
The government may have made that announcement, but since when do you believe anything the government says and go and act on it like brainless lemmings?
I mean People have been turning up with Jam jars and washing up bottles for fucks sake. How dull can you get? What next? Filling up your cigarette lighters with Derv? Fucking balloon heads. Mind you i hope their is fuel strike, at least they won't be able to do 'Coach Trip' then on Channel 4. Dreadful.
It's Just like when it snowed and people panic buy supermarkets out of Stock. I mean what have we come to when we can't survive a day or two, or even a week without our creature comforts. Ray Mears must be spitting mad. I wouldn't see him hysterically racing around Asda throwing Scotch Eggs into his basket, though to be fair he's more of A Waitrose man. I've seen him in the one in Richmond. Fucking fraud.
As you may have gathered, today i am better. I feel human. I really am back. Phew, thank fuck for that. I've been in a dark place all week. Not sure about anyone else but when I'm ill it really affects my head and i get ultra negative, moody and moany. Extremely dark. It;s a nightmare, like living in a Leonard Cohen album. Trapped in misery.
But today i am out. I'm more KC and the Sunshine Band. Head better, body better. World better. I am at peace. Dare i say it, i am relaxed.
I started the day determined to try and make myself healthier, so i looked up loads of fresh juices to get into. I went out got a juicer, did £25 on vegetables and fruit, herbs and parsley. I even had a list to work through, Christ my Nan would have swelled with pride. The only thing i lacked was a house coat and an old school shopping cart.
Then i went to Holland & Barrat and loaded up on Spirulina, (for brain and body)Chromium (for blood levels and detox) and Chlorophyll (not to be mistaken for chloroform, that's for my 'special dates') Multi vitamins, etc. Jesus another £50 done. When i laid it all out on the side it looked impressively healthy. I will marvel at it later when I'm tucking into a kebab.
Then i helped a friends Old Mum to sort her TV out in the switch to digital. It felt good. Not so much to help a 71 year old, but it was one of the few times in my life i have actually known more about something technological than the other person in the room. Good for my esteem. I clearly need to work in a nursing home.
And then, to the gym where i did a swift 8 mile run. First in a while and i did struggle a bit. The head was telling me to stop after 5 miles, then 6 miles, then 7 miles but i kept on going and did a strong 8 miles. It felt good.
I realised today a few things. Today is day 90. 3 months doing this blog and training. Seems a landmark and i figured out my mood is closely correlated to my physical health. When I'm eating badly and not looking after myself i do the work, put the effort in, but it's always despite myself. Always the opposite to my head and body, so consequently it's always a battle, an effort.
That is my natural state. As easy to me as having green eyes and a fetish for leggins. I am used to it. So when i really eat healthy, look after myself, get a good attitude, relax and let things happen, i don't think about it and just do it when i planned to. Jesus life is soooo much easier then.
I can't believe I've just worked that out now. 3 months in. I have always known it and even written about it in this blog, but today i really understood it. So maybe that's my lesson, my challenge in this marathon. I may not get it right in the next 3 months but I'm certainly going to try. Hopefully that will free up the rest of my head to write some comedy or even write a book?
I've been stressing recently about not knowing what i want to do. Of feeling a failure. Thinking i should be doing something amazing by know. To be married, settled down. financially secure. In short, 'sorted'. On a bad day when I'm ill and gloomy like this week Jesus those negative thoughts are strong. When I'm better and lighter they are just nagging in the back of my head. Quiet.
I am scared of many things and fear and sloth holds me back from doing so much. I get overwhelmed with not knowing what i want to do when i grow up. Comedy, acting, talk show, Radio, writing, counsellor, treatment centre, retrain or get a proper job like a Male escort?
I'm not really sure, but I'm sure more will be revealed. As wise Tim told me last week, pick something, focus, learn, get obsessed by it and be the best you can. weirdly that's what Noel Gallagher was saying on TV last night. Maybe i should write, some people have left some great comments on the blog and suggested i should. Why do i not believe them? Sort out the self esteem Evans and get over yourself.
And finally to tomorrow. A planned 20 miler. Will have to see how the energy is but i will prepare best i can and try and not put it off all day, worry about it and then finally get sick of myself and do it. I will try and get up and out and do it properly. Simple huh.
Keep it simple and Keep it healthy Nick is my message to myself. Now, where is that sodding Rodeo Burger. 2 minutes in the microwave versus 12 minutes preparation for fresh juice in the juicer and then clean it afterwards? No contest. Beep Beep
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