Mileage 6; time - 46 mins - weekly mileage 6
The week began with an intervention to a treatment centre for my poor friend. She was in a really bad way and rather than holding out for 2 weeks for a detox, the decision was made whilst i was away in Wales and off she went today for 3 weeks.
It;s the only way as i doubt if she would have made the next 2 weeks. One of the worst cases of addiction I've seen, Transforming a warm, bouncy healthy human into a shell of a person, underweight, shaking, fitting, weeping, shouting, stumbling, falling, a shambolic mess and a danger to themselves and others. The true nature of the illness has been played out in full technicolour non glory over the past 3 weeks and i can only respect it as a disease even more than previously.
I'm not the biggest fan of treatment centres as i fear that free recovery and helping people out of spirit is affected by money. Having said that, they do help people and effectively detox them from dying, so i cannot really knock them. It;s just the old celebrity check in to 'rehab' when things get a little tight seems so fuking lame and fashionable. Bit a treatement centre in Lambeth or Romford is certainly not in that category and how can you critisize people for saving lives? End of debate!
Makes my addiction to diet coke, cigarettes, adult websites, women, DVD boxsets, chewing gum, caffeine and endurance sports look small fry really. Still, she's in a safe place and that's all that matters.
On a personal front i didn't go into office, so intended to use the day to good use. Learn how to send digital newsletters on Mailchimp, learn how to use Linked IN, promote comedy, and do various other odd jobs. When i say intended that being the word - i didn't actually do any of that, but i intended too!
I instead used the time extremely unwisely by using the Internet for purposes of which 4 hours should not be spent. A total waste of time and avoidance. Man am i world class at that. I achieved Olympic qualifying standards today.
The best thing i did other than avoiding diet coke, was to go out for a 6 mile run in the sun by The Thames. My legs were a little stiff, but on the whole it wasn't a bad run. I was pretty pleased. It's always tempting after a long run to do bugger all for.....3, maybe 4...months, but i like to get a run under my belt early doors in the week, so at least I've got 6 on the board for this week. plus it trains my body to keep pushing itself. That was pretty much the only thing positive i did all day.
I pulled it round at night, after a rocking good meeting, full of reality and humanity and insanity, i secured a sponsor for the meat raffle, Gary the Buddhist who's a butcher on Northcote Road, a referral for a good plumber, I didn't drink diet coke and wrote the blogs. I've got to pleased with that, feels like a lat minute equaliser, but i do need to learn lessons and get on with what needs doing. avoiding and putting things off ultimately leads to depression and restlessness. So best if tomorrow i crack on, as opposed to cracking off.
Day 71 over. I honestly cannot believe I've kept it up. We are getting to the 'business end' now. Less than 6 weeks left, so the next 3 weeks is time for hardcore and focused training and no pissing about.
Eyes down for a full house campers - Game on
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