Hello Insiders. That's my term for those of you who read 'The Inside Job'. I hope you don't mind. I quite like it.
Anyway, short post as I'm off to the movies to watch Creed. We've all got to have a bit of Rocky in our life at some point.
It's the second time I've been to the movies this week. I went on Monday night to watch The Revenant. A bear of a movie that is beautifully shot, wonderfully acted but bleak as fuck and makes you cold just watching it. I had to go for a sauna afterwards. Baltic.
I was exhausted. It's long and slow with amazing scenery and dramatic scenes but one for the purists. More test cricket than Twenty 20 or like a really long safety battle in snooker. Grinding but well worth it. It's the Cliff Thorburn of movies but I liked it.
So, the Ying to that Yang is 'Creed'. Two hours of nonsense, Sylvester Stallone trying to pronounce words properly and beautifully sculpted men trying to knock each other out, indoors in the warmth. Perfect opposite to The Revenant. Though Tom hardy deserves an Oscar as does the cinematographer.
I watched Monday's movie in Richmond Film-house. A wonderful little Curzon that's a single screen and only shows interesting 'arty' films. I swear it's so middle class even the staff uniform is courdroy. It sells little bottles of Pinot Grigio and worst of all 'Poshcorn' - little bags of candy sweetened shit for £4.95. Insane.
The exact opposite is The Odeon, where Creed will be watched. Full of screaming kids, disaffected Adidas sponsored youths and couples on a 'date night' but going to the movies so they don't have to talk to each other because they are bored of each other's company. (joke) Plus piled high with all manner of junk to brainlessly guzzle whilst watching the movie.
Usually I'm all over the massive popcorn & junk. The Cinema is the only place where I can actually graze in public like the pig I actually am without having anyone look at my despicable manners. The floor is usually covered in my debris and I get a great guilt free feeling of sloth and greed when the lights go down. A large sweet with a little bit of salt on top is always a great way of relaxing and getting diabetes. Not to be shared. Ever.
But, now I am trying to change things round and be healthy and stuff, so the popcorn will go, but also I am getting mightily pissed off with the prices at the movies. £14 a ticket, £5 for lame popcorn, £4 drink etc- before you know it you're nearly £50 down to watch a bloody movie. Bollocks to them.
Plus, I shit you not Tuesday was promoted by the Odeon as International Popcorn Day. Like it's actually a world event. Did I miss that meeting? Who on earth came up with such ridiculousness? They may as-well as double it up with 'International Obese Day'
Clearly it's those demons in the Odeon Marketing Department. They actually sat round a table and came up with the fucker;
"OK people profits are down 2% to £500 million this quarter. Bosses have told us we need a marketing push to get sales back up."
"We really need a gimmick so we can trick all those suckers into paying more money and coming in to eat all that shit and get obese and diabetes. But in a guilt free way because it's the movies, so it's not real life. How can we make it appealing?"
"I no, let's make it a national day. Let's make it international popcorn day. That way we can market it to fuck and trick everyone into it being a jolly old day and that Popcorn isn't so bad for you anyway."
"Yes let's do that. cool"
"Make a cartoony style popcorn box and then flog it on social media with a special offer on tickets. That will get the plankton coming in."
"Oh and give those bastards at Poshcorn a call too - those posh mother fuckers will be all over this, after all they're peddling the same shit just in better bags. Clever fuckers."
What a load of nonsense. I don't mind 'International Cancer day' or 'Mental Health awareness day' - but do we need a day dedicated to popcorn? Clearly we do.
Anyway, my point today. Is about shutting your mouth and letting things evolve.
I went to an AA Meeting at lunchtime. It didn't particularly grab me, the sharing I thought was 'too Gody' and I felt my anger rise. It didn't feel like the truth was being spoken just preaching.
In the past when I can feel my shackles starting to unbutton I would let it all out in some rather long and angry share. Today I shut my mouth and listened.
What happened? Well the whole nature of the meeting changed. Some powerful shares came in, some people in pain, some people in happiness. Tears, joy and laughter.
It totally changed around without my help, direction or steering from me and I was so pleased I shut my mouth and let life evolve without meddling. It felt good but I did have an awful thought at the end of the meeting though.
I'm not actually that important and the whole world doesn't actually revolve around me. Fuck! What a disgrace.
I'm off to drop kick popcorn all over the noisy bastards in row 3 on their mobile phones giving a running commentary to the film. I have actually done that in a cinema back in my angry days but that's for another blog
Love you Insiders
Back over the weekend
Nicholas Edward
PS - It's a 4/10 blog and not really that good but I'm trying to get in the habit and practice of writing and I guess it can't be gold every time can it?
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