Back to reality;
- Awake with good intentions of early morning exercise. Set alarm for 5.30am. Switch alarm off. Wake at 7am. Good start to the week.
- Set 5 minute alarm for meditation, switch off at 3 mins 30 seconds. Head busy.
- Reach work a little late. Miss a meeting. Wracked in fear.
- Work steadily throughout the day determined not to let the fear creep into everything else.
- Mask fear with incessant tea drinking and productivity
- Attend networking event when the head said, 'go home'. Well done.
- Send text to young lad in pain saying 'thinking of you' - good deed for day. Feel good about that.
- Attend networking event with head in overdrive. Make notes. Unusually interested. Professional
- Leave at 8pm, with a woman complementing me on my shoes. Didn't have the heart to tell them they're cheap from one of 'those shops' on Tottenham Court Lane. She was Nigerian.
- Awkward conversations with two people I love. Strained. Is it me or them?
- Good conversation with sponsee. I like speaking to fellow lunatics. Makes me feel better. Hate small talk.
- Get home. Do more work. Head busy. How to switch off? No answer.
Together We Are Stronger
Nicholas Evans
Red, black, out of position, safety.