1 - Today's theme was excellent.
2 - I'm not feeling writing today.
The theme for Brianpicking's site today was the key to learning. It borrowed an exert from a letter Albert Einstein wrote to his estranged son. In it he effectively pinpointed the best way to learn. It's brilliant.
When you do something with such enjoyment that you don't notice the time that passes. I love it.
Seems so logical and easy doesn't it? If you are engaged and into something it fires your brain. When it is duty and dull you do it on auto-pilot. When we take decisions and are masters of our own learning it is a joy. That is a great space to be.
Sometimes I hit that spot with this blog. My fingers can't tap out the words quick enough, It is not planned, structured or worked on for ages. It is pure and honest. That's when I don't notice time. That's when I love writing it.
When I over think things, When I try and be too clever. When I try and structure or think of the end product. Time goes slowly and I don't feel I'm learning anything. Makes sense to me Albert. Nice one.
On to more mundane news. Today I did mans work and mowed the lawn. Not just any old lawn but the front of my house that had remained untouched since last September. I looked like the only pikey house in the street. I swear to God people thought my house was abandoned. Nobody likes an unkempt bush, least of all me. Far too 70's. So today I finally stepped in and cut it. Now I am the proud owner of the tidiest bush in the street.
Oscar continues to weep and give out self serving lies in the witness box.
Some superb feedback from yesterday's rehash of my account of shitting myself during the marathon. I'm not going to lie it boosts my ego when people wrote, 'best bit of writing anywhere in 2013', 'brilliant', 'fucking funny', 'pissed myself laughing'. I know I only write for me but to get such feedback makes me very happy. I love to make people laugh. I love to get a reaction. But most of all I love praise!
Thing is it never lasts for long. I have a much better attitude to it these days. Before it defined me, now it just pleases me. I'm still OK without it. Though it's much better to have then abuse. It means you are affecting people and making them feel better. Not a bad human emotion that.
Lastly, I have to hold my tongue today and not offer advice/point out where someone went wrong as they are suffering. My natural inclination is to give advice and 'fix'. I'm just going to have to stand back and be supportive. I find shutting my mouth very difficult, especially when I can see the problems and reasons that person is where they are.
Christ this restraint of tongue and pen business is hard. Let's see if I can hold out...well, for tonight at least. As step 11 says, it is better to understand then be understood. Must remember to do that sometimes.
We are in this together.
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